Principles, values, good deeds, beauty, happiness, love, are priceless, timeless!
Since when USA, White House, became a machine of making ,money, making egocentrism, greed, narcissism, stubborness, stupidity, and making some immortals look like Gods? And who is in charge in the White House? Who is the President of the USA? Donald Trump? Or Elon Musk? And since when the White House in Washinton DC, became a playground, a circus? What do you think?
Is this the World, that you really want, for your children, grandchildren, for your loved ones? I don't! What is made of values, principles, values, good deeds? What happened to the USA, to the 50 states and of the American Dream?
Have you paid close attention how ants work? They work together! Together we go anywhere and we can do anything! Alone? We fall apart! And that is the example of this World! So who is in charge, really, in the USA? At the White House? Elon Musk? Or Donald Trump? Let us hear it! Speak up! Don't be shy!