Principles to Understanding Your Vision
Chaplain John McClung Jr
CEO of I AM A TESTIMONY APPAREL Author Spiritual Advisor/Counselor/Mental Health Coach
Taken from the new book coming in April 2016 - The Power of Collaboration
Before leaving home, my father gave me some advice and he would always give me one word whenever I called him. It didn’t have to be a long drawn out conversation, he wasn’t going to do that, he was just going to lay on my heart and mind a word that would take me through the next few weeks. So, I am going to share a few things from the word he gave me and then I am going to share some principles that helped me get through some difficult challenges, tough times and create a mindset, that there was nothing I could not accomplish.
I know you are wondering, what is the word he is going to share that can help me in my life? Well the word is VISION, a word I am sure you have heard before. The next few minutes of reading I want to provide some definition to this word that shaped my life and helped me go through every Test and become a Testimony.
You see, the word Vision means: The manner in which one sees or conceives of something. Have you when reading this definition felt any of these things? I know I did and I begin to dig a little deeper and find out why my dad chose this word that would change my life in so many ways. Here is what I learned, that Vision is what gets you up off the couch, it is what makes you dream, it is what keeps you going.
One of my favorite book, well really my favorite book, says ‘Delight thyself in the Lord and he shall give thee the Desires of thine heart’. Now Delight means to pamper - so you have to learn how to pamper your Dreams, Purpose and Visions.
I had heard this on so many occasion and I am sure you probably have as well, but I want to shed a totally different light on this as you read further. What Vision do you have for yourself? What Vision have you not accomplished? What Vision if accomplished would totally change your life?
I worked for an Airlines and I had the opportunity to work out on the runway and I had the chance to learn some lessons on the runway that were applicable to life and the Visions we have for our life. I watched so many people live their travel dreams when they got on those planes. But, here is something you may have never known, the instrument used to move the plane from the gate on to the runway. This instrument needed to be attached to the plane in order for the plane to be given the all go sign and pushed back from the gate and on to the runway so it can prepare to take off- That tool used was called a TUG.
One of the life lessons learned on that runway was that everyone with a Vision for their life, first has to have a Tug. I understood that there has to be a tug of some sort for you to go after the visions of your heart. So, what is tugging at you to do what it is you want to do? Is that new job tugging at you, what about writing that new book or becoming a teacher, is it that new relationship you want to start or getting on stage to sing that new song? Understand and know, there is a Tug on your life that wants you to have the Visions of your heart.
When you have a Vision for your life, you must understand the first thing:
You must be Vision Specific – What do I mean by that? Glad you asked. When you begin to go after your goals, your dreams, your vision, when you know and understand that there is a tug on you to do something, you must be very specific about it. You need to be very clear before you begin to chase after it. This is a principle I didn’t really get until later, but I want you to get it now, ‘That which you are specific about, will come about.’ You must and again, I say must have clarity about what it is you want for your life. You cannot just make a decision and not have full understanding of why you are doing it. Your specific decision must change a life, help a life and add value to a life.
You must also understand that you are the Vessel for your vision. No one else is responsible for what has been given to you by God but you. Just as Noah was responsible for being the Vessel for the Ark, you are going to be the only one that accomplishes the vision given to you regardless of what others may say or do, or even If someone has a similar idea. They won’t be able to make your vision happen the way you will, because it is only meant for you!
Second, before an individual decides to go to the airport and get on a flight, there is some strategy involved. You don’t just pick any place to go, you have a vision to go somewhere specific, right and then you create a strategy to get there, this is called being Vision Strategic. There is strategy to the Vision you have for yourself. There are steps you need to take to be successful. Before you decided to move forward on your purpose or journey, you need to make sure you have a plan. Now, when I left home I didn’t quite have a plan and some of my failures proved it. But from those non planned lessons, I quickly learned that if I was going to be able to have my tug get me on to the runway, I needed to make sure I had a good flight plan. That plan can evolve over time, but be sure that you have one.
There will also be an investment you must make for your vision and dreams to come true. There are many ways that you will have to invest in what you are trying to accomplish. Your time, effort, willingness to put in long hours, money, travel, headaches – Yes! There are going to be some investments such as seminars, books, tapes, conferences, coaching and training. For you to see your vision come true, you have to be willing to make some investment.
The third thing I want to share about Vision, is that you must be strong about the choices you make for your life, in other words you must be Vision strong. You need to have such conviction about what you want to do in life, that you eat, sleep, drink and breathe it every day. Being Vision strong means, that everything about you will stand strong for what you believe for yourself, that you cannot be moved, your Vision is so strong that it can stand any test. Do you have a vision for your life that strong? Do you see yourself doing what you want to do no matter what is being said to you? Do you really believe you can make your dreams come true? I hope so.
I didn’t know that when I left my parent’s home, that I was Vision strong. I wanted so badly to make it on my own and succeed. I know that there is something in you that you feel so strongly about that you would be willing to leave things behind and go after it, what is that Vision?
That is part of the Sacrifices that you are going to have to make to see your vision come to life. There is no victory for your vision without sacrifice. There will be many people in your life left behind because of the sacrifices you make for your vision, relationships that may be placed on the back burner, life adjustments that you may not have been ready for. To complete what has been given to you, you will make some sacrifices that just may change your life.
The fourth thing I want to share, is that you must be Vision Driven. Wow, what do I mean by that it almost sounds like being Vision strong but there is a difference? What I learned about this principle, about being driven, that even in moments of weakness, there is nothing that will stop you from going after your dream. Having the drive to move forward despite the haters in your life, to have the drive despite those who want to sabotage your dreams, the drive to continue even when you don’t see a light at the end of the tunnel.
That Drive, you see, that Drive will move you from the gate despite the weather conditions, that drive will keep you moving toward your destiny even when you seem like you are in a holding pattern, that drive will make you believe that all things are possible even when others say it is not, that drive will take you from the curb, to the gate, down the tunnel, onto the plane, out to the runway and into the air – That is the drive you want to have for your life, you must be Vision Driven!
Be willing to Inspire people with your vision. You see, your vision must inspire others to go after what they want for their lives, if your vision does not inspire people, you might want to check and see if it is on track for what you should be doing. As I spoke of Noah, the vision to build the Ark was inspiring, it was the longest vision endured, he saved lives by completing his vision and he is the only man known to build an Ark that we still talk about today. That is Inspiring!
There are also many opportunities for your vision that you cannot pass up and over look. You must be aware of those who bring them into your path. Sometimes you can be so focused on making your vision happen, that you miss the opportunities that are around you that can help you accomplish the task in a simpler way. Yes, opportunities abound, but you must be willing to see them for what they are so that as they come, you can become victorious as your vision change lives.
Lastly, but not least, one of the lesson that was most important and I hope you see why this played a significant role for me and I hope for you as well. You must be Vision connected. Well John, what do you mean by that? Glad you asked. This is where my foundation comes from, this is what got me through so many storms this is what I believe for you will take you to the other side!
To be vision connected, means to be connected to your source no matter what you are going through. Growing up in Church, I knew and understood what my source was and how much I heavily had to lean on it. Now, God is the source of my life and there is no shame in me saying that. You may see something as a different source that sustains you and keeps you going and that is fine, but know and understand you must stay connected to that source as you are being pushed toward your purpose and dreams.
There was also a lesson I learned about vision that really falls in line with these principles. You see, when you know that you are the vessel for your vision, you also must know that your Vision is also necessary and needed. Noah’s Ark, was necessary as his vision and it was needed to complete it, Moses was necessary for leading the people out of bondage and he was needed for the task and assignment – You are necessary for your vision and you are needed so it can change the world.
I know my faith in God kept me going when I had nothing else and in order to have the Visions of your heart, remember you must delight yourself in your source – in other words stay constantly connected to it, be grateful for it be thankful that it is part of your life and journey. Being connected daily, helped me get through some really tough times. It helped me know that I was the vessel for what God had for me and I was needed. I know that I had the prayers of my parents over me as I walked out that door to take on the world and every day since, I know that it is for that reason I am here today sharing this story, principles and journey with you.
I hope that the journey that was shared by me will in some way shed a little light, give some guidance awaken some Vision in your heart to move you through the terminal, to the gate, down the tunnel, onto the runway so that you can take flight! You can be victorious, why because through it all while you are in the clouds enjoying this part of your journey, you can look at all the trials, challenges, obstacles and test and know that You Are A Testimony!
John McClung Jr.
Founder/CEO of I Am A Testimony Clothing
Amazon Best Selling Author of ‘I Am A Testimony’ Inside the Relationship Mind of a P.K. (Preacher’s Kid)
Ruben West Black Belt Speaker