Principles & Methods for Soul-Level Therapeutics

Hello Everyone,

In the mid-1990s, after nearly 20 years of clinical practice, I came to two crucial conclusions. The first is that all chronic disease, and to a great extent human unhappiness, is characterized by inertia or “stuckness.” The second is that disharmony on both physical and emotional levels emanates from a deep-seated central disturbance that ripples outward to the more superficial planes of being.

The basic premise of Spiritual PhytoEssencing (SPE) is that the soul is the epicenter of this central disturbance. Accordingly, the outer identity one creates as a survival personality, distracted by the stresses of daily life and the influences that channel one into a pattern of socially controlled behavior, loses its connection with its inner source.

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King Solomon wrote: “The light of God is the soul of the human being.” In other words, the soul is the unique expression of divinity within each individual. There are no limitations in the realm of the Infinite. On the other hand, when one becomes estranged from one’s true inner soul nature and becomes preoccupied with the finite, “stuckness” results.

This “stuckness” is inertial. Once consciousness becomes entangled within the tenacious web of the finite, it has difficulty restoring its orientation to its Divine source. The purpose of the Spiritual PhytoEssencing custom blend is to provide a nucleus of pure soul energy, unencumbered by the restrictions of ego, around which the human soul can reorganize.

Upon reorganization, the soul’s first imperative is to restore its orientation toward the Infinite and, in doing so, change one’s perspective from limitations to limitlessness and one’s existential state from “stuckness” and potential for disease to progress and potential for true healing.

The goal of Spiritual PhytoEssencing blending is to reorient consciousness, via the construction of customized essential oil blends that by mirroring one’s true soul nature, helps lead the individual back to what spiritual teacher Richard Moss refers to as the “beginning of oneself.”

Once the hierarchical superiority of the real self is reestablished then a directional process toward wholeness of being is initiated that replaces a chronic static state or stuckness. In other words, the real self is continually moving in the direction of fulfilling its full potential. Carl Rogers refers to this as being a “fully functioning person.”

I began developing the art of?Spiritual PhytoEssencing (SPE)?in the 1990′s. SPE (deep psychospiritual work with customized essential oil blends and gemstone essences) is actually the psychospiritual counterpart of my NHSS. Ideally, the two systems are used in concert. They are completely interactive and I often integrate the techniques of both systems to create powerful therapeutic protocols.

My?Natural Health Science System (NHSS)?consists of a synthesis of all the components of my practice and my lifestyle over the course of 45 years. Although retired now from naturopathic practice, the following components still serve as the paving stones for the pathway of my daily existence: the basic principles of healthful, all-natural diet, strategic nutritional supplementation, herbal medicine, cell salts, homeopathy, Vital-Chi Skin-Brushing, hydrotherapies, healthful sunbathing, stretching exercises, chi kung (qigong) exercise, deep breathing exercises, acupoint therapy and other forms of self-directed therapeutic bodywork.

Additionally, I use invaluable supportive technologies as needed, including?molecular hydrogen inhalation,?pulsed electromagnetic fields (PEMF),?color & light therapeutics, among others. My basic premise in teaching the NHSS has always been that each person should have the knowledge and skills to preserve good health and to be a skillful healer within one’s own home.

I’m pleased to see that today many of my experienced SPE students are able to employ a great deal of nuanced cross-correlation and creative interpretation regarding essential oil selections for customized blends. The more time one invests in the practice of the art of Spiritual PhytoEssencing, the deeper and more profound one’s understanding becomes of the oils and gemstone essences used in soul-level healing work. In turn, the resultant blend and gem essence protocols become more powerful, dynamic and imbued with greater potential to help transform a person’s soul state from stuckness and fragmentation to?self-actualization and wholeness.

If you’re interested in both achieving vibrant physical wellness and learning the basics of SPE blending and soul-level therapeutics, then the NHSS/SPE Membership Program is for you.

The membership program will provide you with guidance on?the basic theory and practice for both of NHSS and SPE, ultimately integrated, systems. In the members-only newsletter and the members-only classes, I will present important aspects of both - NHSS and SPE.

Sign up $99/yr

The member-only classes are constructed to accommodate anyone from beginners through advanced NHSS/SPE students. If you would like to begin your learning process now, here are some preliminary resources to consider:

  1. Start learning about the inner nature of essential oils using Berkowsky’s Synthesis Materia Medica/Spiritualis of Essential Oils
  2. Use the?Spiritual PhytoEssencing (SPE) Repertory Of Essential Oils?to help determine relevant essential oils for individualized custom essential oil blends.
  3. The Six Elements and the Chakras are key archetypes to identify in deep soul-level healing work. Accordingly, my?Six Element Chakra Workbook?is an important resource.
  4. Dr. Berkowsky’s Vital Chi Skin-Brushing book. My Vital-Chi Skin-Brushing System is powerful and invaluable in any vibrant health-building protocol.

I hope you take this opportunity to learn from me and sign up today to receive the invitation for the next class. The member zone will give you access to several resources and video classes to expand your knowledge and prepare some powerful remedies too.

Please feel free to write to me if you have any questions. I hope to see you in class soon!

With gratitude,

Dr. Bruce Berkowsky

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DISCLAIMER: All content is intended as an educational tool, and not as a prescription. Readers are advised to seek the advice of their healthcare providers before discontinuing any medication and/or trying any new remedy or technique.

? Dr. Bruce Berkowsky


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