Principles of Life from a Valley Walker-Where Im coming from #3
Danny Christian
CEO at Environment Control of New Mexico/Loba Luna Bed and Breakfast,LLC
Where I'm Coming from #3
After I finally "made it" in ministry, or so I thought, I was so happy, excited, and passionate. I was finally a Pastor and thought that I would be doing this for the rest of my life. In 2010 I resigned as a Pastor and started my own ministry 100% in faith, with 0 income. I/We trusted G-D for everything. We had everything taken care of for 2 years, then we moved to New Mexico and everything changed. I lost my ministry, could find a church to serve in, I had and still now have 0 friends. Its been 4 years, my life has done a 180.
I couldnt get a job due to "no education", that I never finished because my wife and I got married, plus I was a Pastor, and I was going to be for the rest of my life, so I just started to take seminary classes. Since I didnt have an education I ended up getting my CDL and tried to drive over the road, this I couldnt take because I was away from my family so much. I was in and out of jobs. I was laid off from 2 jobs, one of those jobs I was laid off after 1 week of starting. I was screwed in another business that I wasted so much time in......I could not get back in to a position that I could call my career. I was "loosing my 3 oldest kids", because their Dad came back into their life, and I was and still am hurting from this. I was DAD for 7 years, and then he comes back and its like I was "never" there. I dont know that Ill ever not be hurt from this, but I keep loving them, and living life with them because BLOOD or NO BLOOD, they are MY KIDS, NO MATTER WHAT. They are my family. Im sure all the other rejection in my life, and my current situation as a MAN with no career, no job, and no direction in life didnt and doesnt help the rest of my family situation, but I KEEP PUSHING FORWARD doing ALL I can do to take care of them. I dont care what I was doing in on sense of the word as long I was providing for them, but it does help if you LOVE what you do.
Finally two months ago G-D has blessed me with this job. I am making, and will be making more money than I ever had, and working 10x less. My Boss and his company are any rate I see the silver lining on the horizon. Even better, my main job is to invest in peoples lives personally, professionally, and spiritually. This is who I am and its great.
As I look back on it all this CRAP that I went through has set me up, prepared me, and given me tools I never would have had any other way. I have learned leadership, endurance, dedication, loyalty, suffering, strength. I have learned more about relationships, and myself.
You see I would have to agree with my wife, that G-D moved us here to N.M to let me find who HE truly is, and who I truly am. Funny thing, that after 38 years of life, Im just now finding out who I am, and how to really LIVE.
I have always believed that if you learn something, you teach it. I dont know who will or who will not read this blog, but its out there. The posts that I will be giving from this point on are lessons I have learned from the "school of hard knox". This is and wont be philosophy. Reading my story does not even do justice to what has really gone on in my life, and my families life.
I hope you continue to read my blog, and learn from a VALLEY WALKER.
From a Valley Walker, Like YOU!
Dan Christian
Business Advisor
7 年I look forward to hearing all that God does!