Principles of I/O Psychology: Outline of a Coaching Plan?
Benjamin Cardenas, M.S. I/O Psychology
Leadership & Organizational Development Consultant, Authenticity Coach | DEIB Advocate | Prosci Change Management Practitioner | Korn Ferry Leadership Potential Feedback Coach | Motivational Speaker
Expatriate Coaching?Introduction
Coaching?is the process in which a coach focuses on discovering and providing guidance to a coachee to develop in specific areas identified in the agreed-upon objectives. Organizations are further expanding their efforts to create formal coaching opportunities for their employees and emphasizing the importance of executive coaching for their senior leadership team. Executive coaching typically focuses on assisting a senior leader in further developing specific strategic competencies—for example, emotional or cultural intelligence. In this report, Cardenas focuses his research and coaching strategy on expatriate coaching with a focus on cultural intelligence, primarily focusing on working with a professional workforce in Japan.?Expatriate coaching?is "a human development process of international assignees that involves structured, focused interaction and the use of appropriate strategies, tools, and techniques in an international context" (Salomaa, 2015, p. 2).?
With the constant evolution of workplace models, organizations are becoming more remote, which expands their ability to recruit and work with more diverse talents, including international employees. In some situations, senior leaders in organizations experience working with different cultures for the first time. Cardenas believes that for a leader to be successful when leading globally diverse teams, mainly when working in international culture, they need to expand their knowledge of cultural norms.?
Leaders need to recognize that not all cultures are the same. Global organizations must prepare leaders to be familiarized with and understand the cultural norms of the countries they support. Leaders should be enabled to work and interact with other team members better to understand the norms and values of other cultures. Not everyone has similar values, beliefs, and norms, and if a leader is going to be in a culture that is different from their views, they need to make it a point to learn their norms so that they can adapt and be respectful. Expatriate coaching can be an effective method to accomplish cultural intelligence.?
Coaching helps individuals succeed in their roles, it offers many benefits to leaders in helping them to meet business objectives. Coaching focuses on assisting individuals to discover areas of strength and opportunity while receiving guidance from a coach to find answers and solutions. Coaching also helps leaders understand how people think about their work, careers, cultural norms, and relationship with the people they interact with, including the organization. Coaching can be a proactive mechanism to help leaders identify concerns and challenges before they become significant problems. An additional benefit is that it can develop a deeper level of trust that ultimately leads to more engaged team members.??
The following outlines a coaching plan to help prepare four executives to work in Japan for the first time in their careers. The plan's objective is to assist the four executives in learning about Japan's cultural norms and identify the critical skills and characteristics needed to integrate successfully into the culture and work effectively with their new teams. The plan includes ten essential questions to understand better the executive's current cultural intelligence related to Japan.?
10 Essential Interview Questions
- You will have to work with leaders in Japan. What steps will you take to acclimate yourself to cultural norms to develop trust, engage your teams, and influence positive behavior change?
- Can you please share with me your emotions about the new assignment of leading a multicultural team in Japan and how you plan to manage your counterproductive emotions??
- What are you most excited about leading a multicultural team in Japan and why?
- What are you least excited about a multicultural team in Japan and why?
- What concerns do you have about your relocation to Japan, and what can the organization do to eliminate those concerns??
- What are the top three critical things you want to learn about Japan’s workforce models and why?
- What steps will you take to ensure that you learn about the top three critical things about Japan’s workforce models??
- What characteristics are you targeting as you form and perform with your team In Japan, and why??
- What do you already know about Japan’s workforce models??
- What are the top five critical skills you need to leverage when working with your team in Japan and why? How do these skills align with the culture in Japan?????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????
Leadership Approach
Different leadership styles and approaches can define effective leadership. Cardenas understands that leadership approaches vary by personality styles, environment, and audience. The coaching plan outline for the executives being prepared to lead a team abroad in Japan will be centered around the?transformational leadership?approach. Transformational leadership is “the behavior of inspirational political leaders who transform their followers by appealing to nobler motives such as justice, morality, and peace”?(Landy & Conte, 2016, p. 485). A transformational leadership approach motivates and inspires followers to embrace individualism and make transformational differences. Transformational leadership involves doing the right thing, ethical behaviors, and developing a strategic vision that includes everyone in an organization. When you practice transformational leadership, the leader takes an approach with universal and accepted behaviors by many different cultures. “The?skills and practices found in transformational leadership were identified as capable of reaching across cultures to enhance organizational performance and drive needed change in a global environment” (Perez, 2017, p. 51).
Cardenas believes that the leaders preparing to lead teams in Japan must be intentional about learning, growing, and achieving greatness.?
Leaders can be the best personally and professionally by committing to continuous learning. In this case, the leaders need to learn Japan's cultural norms to inspire transformation within their teams. Leaders need to carve out time to invest in their learning. As leaders go through the learning journey, self-reflection is essential. A great question to ask as they self-reflect is, "how can I learn so that I may instill and inspire those that I lead directly and indirectly?"
Transformational leaders also grow by integrating the lessons learned, not just from their own experiences but also from their peers, what they read, and those who model outstanding leadership. Lastly, and equally important, is the commitment to continuous improvement, not only for themselves but for the constant improvement of their teams.
Leaders achieve and do much more when collaborating and sharing their knowledge and experiences. Learning, growing, and performing are obtained through ethical and noble behaviors. That is transformational leadership.??
Coaching Approach: Gestalt Coaching
When coaching, the objective is to get the coachee to move forward; coaching is not about giving advice but empowering the coachee to find the solution. The coach assists the coachee in three elements, the goal, the reality, and the options available. The coachee decides where they want to go or what to achieve (the goal) and establishes their current reality. Individuals will then explore various routes (the options) to their destination. In the final step, establishing the will, they ensure they are committed to making the journey and prepared for the obstacles they could face. As stated, coaching is about empowerment; therefore, the gestalt coaching approach is appropriate because this coaching approach recognizes the leader as full of possibilities. "The focus of Gestalt therapy is on increasing awareness in the client. It is through the facilitation of increased awareness of sensations, feelings, beliefs, and behaviors—rather than an active transformation effort—that change in the client or system may spontaneously occur" (Morin, 2016, p. 282). Coaching is a process grounded on the foundation of trust. There must be trust established in the coaching relationship to inspire individuals to maximize their personal and professional potential. Coaches need to recognize their coachee as the expert in their life and work. They need to empower the individual's creativity and recognize them as resourceful and whole. The coach's goal needs to focus on assisting in discovering, defining, and aligning with what the coachee wants to achieve. Self-discovery is vital in a coaching relationship, and accountability empowers the coachee, improves their leadership capabilities, and develops unlimited potential.
Regardless of the organization, industry, or culture, employees have motivators contributing to their desire to perform at their best. Regardless of the generational group the employees represent, they have internal (intrinsic) or external (extrinsic) motivators. "Managers use both intrinsic and extrinsic rewards to motivate employees by encouraging increased work performance" (Cote, 2019, p. 17). External motivators are tangible, such as a salary increase, a promotion, expanding the scope of work, or increasing the span of responsibility. Internal motivators are less tangible and can include but are not limited to public recognition for a job well done, doing meaningful work for the employee, or acquiring new knowledge or skills through experience.?
The leaders preparing to work with their teams in Japan need to be consciously aware that Japan is a high masculinity culture, meaning that in Japan, employees are motivated by competition between groups. "In corporate Japan, you see that employees are most motivated when they are fighting in a winning team against their competitors" (Hofstede Insights, 2022). Competition is an example of an intrinsic motivator. Not being aware of this cultural difference can be detrimental to the leader because they will be unsuccessfully in acclimating their leadership style to the culture.
Japan is known to have a moderate power distance culture at a score of 54 compared to the US, with a score of 40 (Hofstede Insights, 2022). Being a mild power distance culture, Japan can be viewed by expatriates as very hierarchical-centric because Japanese corporate cultures tend to move slowly regarding decision-making. The reason for a slow-moving decision process is that the Japanese culture includes everyone in the hierarchy chart as part of the decision process. This is a collaborative approach, and Cardenas believes this is a form of inclusion and respect for all. Cardenas believes that age and gender would not impact the coaching process because “There is a strong notion in the Japanese education system that everybody is born equal and anyone can get ahead and become anything if he (yes, it is still he) works hard enough” (Hofstede Insights, 2022).
One vital highlight related to age is that women in Japan have challenges advancing in the corporate setting because of the Masculine standard of complex and long working hours. Cardenas recommends that US leaders focus on diversifying their gender talent pool and identifying internal and external motivators so that they can lead the teams to perform effectively. By diversifying the talent pool, there is an opportunity for US leaders to help women in the organization eliminate barriers and continue to advance.??
Transcript: Executive Man to East Asian Man
Executive:?"Our objective is to increase online food order sales by 10% by the end of the second quarter. To increase sales, your teams must increase the number of sales advertisement calls they make each week. The more customers they reach weekly, the more exposure our food products will gain. I would like you to review the last quester's results and determine how many additional food sales advertisements calls your team must make weekly to impact the 10% goal increase. Once you decide, I would like you to break down the number of calls with each team member and communicate it with them. Please make sure you include them in the decision process.?
After you have met with your team, please schedule a meeting with me to provide me with an update. I trust your judgment in this process. If you need further clarification or assistance, please let me know. I am here to support you."
Test for understanding: What questions do you have? Can you summarize the objective we have discussed for me, and what are your next steps??
Transcript: Executive Woman to East Asian Man
Executive: "Our objective is to increase online food order sales by 10% by the end of the second quarter. To increase sales, your teams must increase the number of sales advertisement calls they make each week. The more customers they reach weekly, the more exposure our food products will gain. What have you done in the past to increase food sales? Have you considered reviewing the last quester's results and determining how many additional food sales advertisements calls your team must make weekly to impact the 10% goal increase??
What ideas do you have to help drive more productivity??
Once you determine your approach, I recommend you break down the number of calls with each team member and communicate it with them. Please make sure you include them in the decision process.?
I will schedule a follow-up meeting for you and me; after you have met with your team. If you need further clarification or assistance, please let me know. I am here to support you."
Test for understanding:?What questions do you have? What can I clarify for you regarding the team's objective? Can you please provide me with a summary of your plan by the end of tomorrow??
Evaluate the Effectiveness of the Coaching Plan
Evaluation is critical to ensure the plan's effectiveness and to determine behavior changes. To evaluate the coaching plan, Cardenas will conduct a behavioral change evaluation. The evaluation will be as follows:
- Observe if leaders are instituting?transformational leadership and gestalt coaching approach?during the interaction with their teams as illustrated in the coaching plan.?
- Observe if leaders empower their teams by allowing inclusion in the decision process.?
- Leaders will submit a reflection journal weekly for the first 30 days, emphasizing what they will continue to do, start doing, change, or stop doing.?
- Conduct a quantitative 30 – 60 – 90 and 120-day employee feedback survey to determine the level of engagement between the leader and their teams. The survey will be administered electronically and anonymously to encourage transparent feedback.?
Data Collection:??
- The consultant conducts site visits and will sit in during team meetings and interventions to observe behavior.??
- Review the reflection journals and identify patterns and behavior shifts.??
- 30 – 60 – 90 and 120-day employee feedback survey.
Data Source:?
- Reflection journals.?
- Observations.?
- Employee engagement surveys.????
Cote, R. (2019). Motivating multigenerational employees: Is there a difference? Journal of Leadership, Accountability and Ethics,?16(2), 15-29. DOI:?
Hofstede Insights, (2022). What about Japan?,the-usa/
Landy, F. J., & Conte, J. M. (2016).?Work in the 21st century: An introduction to industrial and organizational psychology?(5th ed.). Wiley.
Morin, J. (2016). Reflections on coaching: The application of gestalt principles and positive psychology to transition coaching.?Gestalt Review, 20(3), 279-288.?
Perez, J. R. (2017). Global leadership and the impact of globalization.?Journal of Leadership, Accountability and Ethics,?14(3), 48-52.?
Salomaa, R. (2015). Expatriate coaching: Factors impacting coaching success. Journal of Global Mobility,?3(3), 216-243. DOI: 10.1108/JGM-10-2014-0050