Principles for becoming successful
Ankit Jain
Co-founder at Mercurius | Member - ICAI, ICAEW | Ex-PwC, American Express | Global exp (clientele from 50+ countries) | Expertise in PCAOB/SEC Audit & US?listing | Empaneled as Independent Director
Success is different for everyone. But no matter what your kind of success is, some time-wasting habits hold you back from the type of success in life. There are many different ways in which people define this loose term. To some, being successful means earning a lot of money. To others, it may relate conquering fear and still simply accomplishing happiness in life.
But no matter how you define success for yourself, the principle of being successful in life remains the same. The one thing that everyone’s definition of success has in common is accomplishing a goal of some sort. However, building wealth takes years of smart decisions, both professionally and financially.
Ten habits for becoming successful
1.?Constantly contrasting yourself to others
It’s natural for us to care about what other people think. But successful people don’t collate devilishly. They understand that life is complex and that circumstances are different for everyone, so it’s impossible to compare yourself accurately and fairly. They also realize that they’ll never understand what someone else’s life is really like behind the curtains.
2. Constantly checking social media
Mindlessly scrolling through Facebook and Instagram can waste more time than you imagine. Most people do it without knowing, but the truth is, it’s not a habit that’s getting you anywhere fast. Successful people want to use their time judiciously to be more productive. They still have time to play, including using social media, but they’ve cut back their social media use to get what needs to be done every day.
3.?Don’t bother gossiping
Gossiping doesn’t feel like time well spent for prosperous people. There’s not much point to it, and most of the time, all you’re doing is talking bad about someone else who can’t protect themselves. Successful people prefer to be compassionate rather than judgmental. Rather than gossiping about people behind their backs, successful people focus on working towards the goals they’ve set for themselves. And that’s really what being successful is all about: completing the goals you set out to complete.
4.?Don’t surround yourself with people who bring you down
Successful people don’t want to hang out with toxic or mean people. They don’t want to spend time with people who belittle them or whisper about other people. Instead, they make sure to spend time with people that are just as optimistic as they are.
5.?Don’t stay in environments that bring you down
Just like escaping people who bring you down, successful people also avoid spending time in environments that thwart their growth. If they’re stuck working a job that doesn’t benefit their long-term plans, then they’ll move on and find something new. ?
6.?Don’t wing it
Successful people always have a plan. If they want to get better at yoga, they’ll have a plan for how they’ll make it happen. They recognize nothing good can be achieved in a day. It takes time to accomplish your big goals, and that involves achieving little goals every single day.?
7.?Don’t try to be like everyone else
Trying to fit in and be like everyone else is a recipe for living a bogus life. Successful people can be authentic to them. They don’t try to be someone they’re not, which means they get the most out of life because they stick to their strengths.
8.?Don’t focus on past mistakes
Successful people realize that focusing on the past too much is thwarted with danger. Being successful is all about moving forward and improving. It’s essential to learn from mistakes, but once they’ve learned what they need to know, they move on and stay focused on their goals.
9.?Don’t try to live up to other people’s expectations
Successful people realize that it’s impossible to live up to everybody’s expectations, and they understand that it’s essential to have your standards to hold yourself. But besides that, they can’t do much more than that to convince other people.
10.?Don’t constantly complain
Nobody likes a complainer. They’re not fun to be around, and they make everything seem more complicated than it has to be. A successful people don’t see themselves as a victim. They take authority for their actions and always try their best.
Focusing your goals
Staying focused on your goals is hard; we’re certainly motivated. But we all know how that motivation wins over time. Instead, we caught up, stuck up, frustrated, overloaded, overworked, distracted, and we just veer off track.
It is easy to get a transfer away with all the new technology, which tells you that you can do more things at once, leading to a more productive day. It has always been more effective to focus on one task at a time and see that task through to realization before moving on. Being focused is the key to success. It is not about the most work; it is about doing your most important work to the highest standard. Only being enthralled allows you to do that.
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Professional hgv driver | Team leader mobile service officer
2 年Life change now the rules is you will succeed only for who's you know .