The Principles of Asphalt Laying Works From A ~ Z
Ayman Elsekilli
Project QAQC Manager @ Al Jaber Engineering W.L.L | Certified TQM | Lead Auditor ISO 9001-2015 | QMS | Certified LSSGB | Certified LSSBB | Certified OSHAS
1- Introduction
There are two types of asphalt paving mixtures most famous in terms of components, specifically, the binder, which is bitumen of petroleum origin 60/70 and the other is polymers.
2- The scope of this article.
In this article, we will talk about individual asphalt paving mixes from materials that make up the mixture and how to properly lay them out. But we will not discuss how to design the asphalt mixture.
3 Materials for Asphalt paving Works
???3.1 Fine Aggregate for Asphalt Works?
?????3.2??Coarse Aggregate for Asphalt Work
??????3.3?????Mineral Filler
3.5?Prime Coat Material
3.6 Tack Coat Material
???Tack coat application.
2. The tack coat shall be applied at a rate between 0.15 to 0.38 kg / m2?in accordance with project specifications and as directed by the Engineer. Tack coat rate of application shall be determined by setting the speed of the distributor will be prefixed in such a manner to apply the required quantity always.
3. The application temperature for the Tack coat shall be between 10?0C and 60?0C in accordance with project specifications and as directed by the Engineer.
4. The tack coat shall not be applied when the ambient temperature is less than 130C nor during rain, fog, dust storm or other unsuitable weather.
4. Construction Methodology
4.1 Sequence of Work
Note: Guide Pins shall NOT be used when laying utilizing the Multiplex systems manufactured and supplied by Vogele as these ‘conflict’ with the averaging function of this system.
4. Sufficient plant capacity, haul vehicles and storage shall be provided so that adequate supplies of the mixture are delivered to site to ensure that continuous paving can be achieved.
5. The dispatching of the hauling vehicles to the job site shall be so scheduled that all material delivered may be placed in daylight, or under sufficient artificial light as and when necessary. Delivery of material shall be at a uniform rate and in an amount well within the capacity of the paving and compacting equipment.
6. All asphalt vehicles shall be reversed with the aid of a banks man through the site. The bank's man’s dual functions shall be to both ensure that the reversing operations are conducted safely and wherever possible, to also ensure that the paving machine runs to the Asphalt vehicle, rather than asphalt vehicle reversing to the paver. Asphalt lay can commence once the paver reached the delivery truck. Paver speed shall be adjusted in accordance with the paving width.
7. The hauling vehicle shall not be permitted to carry out tight turns on the Asphalt surface, freshly laid.
8. The mixture at delivery to the paver shall be within 140C of the Job Mix Formula temperature and above a temperature of 135?Material which has fallen below the minimum temperature of 135?0C before discharge and 120 C before rolling shall be rejected and immediately removed from the site. Delivery temperature shall not exceed the maximum temperature specified for mixing at the plant.
9. Should a significant proportion of the mixture delivered to the paver fail to meet this requirement, or should cold lumps be found in the mixture, the Engineer shall order that paving operations be suspended until measures are taken, to the approval of the Engineer, to ensure compliance.
10. Delivery Notes’ of the asphalt materials delivered to the site shall be forwarded to the Main Contractor’s QC at the site or as directed by the Client / Engineer.
11. Inspection and control shall be in accordance with the project’s specifications.
4.2 Spreading and Finishing
5. Longitudinal joints in Wearing course should be set to run under the white lining marks where possible.
6. The levels and regularity of the finished surface of the Wearing Course Asphalt and underlying layers of Asphalt shall, wherever reasonably practicable, be controlled by the Multiplex levelling systems manufactured and supplied by Vogele and which shall be fitted to the Asphalt Paving Machines. Consisting of ultrasonic averaging beams, the system ensures that any minor irregularities in the surface finish are progressive ‘averaged-out’ as each subsequent layer of asphalt is laid, in order to ensure that the surface level of the finished Wearing Course asphalt layer meets the Specification requirement
7. When laying in Echelon, the lead Paving Machine shall be equipped with two Averaging Beams, one on each side of the Paver with the second, following, Paving Machine being equipped with an averaging beam picking-up the levels set by the Lead Paver.
8. The levels shall be checked by the asphalt supervisor using offset steel level pins normally at 10 - 5meter intervals.
4.3 Compaction of Mixes
6. Field density of core sample shall be determined as per project’s specifications, for example, minimum 97% for base course and 98%for Intermediate and Wearing course and maximum 101.8% of the?Daily Marshall Density.
7. The thickness, level and evenness of the asphalt layer and surface shall comply with the project’s specifications.
????4.4?????Paving Edges.
????4.5?????Breakdown Rolling.
????4.6?????Intermediate Rolling.
?????4.7??Transverse Joints.
4.8??Longitudinal Joints.
4.9 Finish Rolling.
5. Protection of Laid Courses
6. Major Plant and Equipment-?Spreading and Finishing Equipment
????6.1???Asphalt Paving Machine
??6.2??Rolling Equipment
?6.3???Liquid Bitumen Distributor
?Rolling pattern
Rolling patterns for asphalt paving shall be conducted as per the following explanation, to confirm that laid and rolled asphalt has reached the required compaction density shall be minimum 97% for BC and 98% for IC and SC and 101.8% maximum of?Daily Marshall density,?as per project’s specifications requirement.
One?Rolling Pass?is defined as being the movement of a Roller from the start-point, or joint, to the asphalt-paver and back to start-point,?noting that Rollers must keep a five-metre‘ safety distance’ from any plant or personnel in the direction of travel.
Care must be taken to avoid changes in the Direction of Rolling (ie halfway through a Rolling Pass) at the same chainage-point along the carriageway for each subsequent Rolling Pass
?All rolling shall be parallel to traffic-flow/travel unless in the case of cross-rolling a cold-formed joint (across the carriageway) which shall be undertaken as directed.
Aggressive braking and sudden changes in direction of all Rollers shall be avoided
All Rollers must be parked off the mat when not in use and under no circumstances shall a Steel Wheel Vibrating Roller (SWR) be stopped on the mat with vibration turned-on
The number of Rollers shall be as described in the method statement. There shall be a minimum of 1 SWR (this will be the ‘Lead Roller’) and 2 Pneumatic Tyred Rollers (PTR) per asphalt Paving Machine.
Break Down Rolling
Unless varied by written instruction, Rolling shall only commence when the asphalt Paving being laid is at the required temperature of?135oC - 140?°C for?Base Course only?and?no rolling shall commence when the laid asphalt is above these temperatures. Rolling will start first from Transverse and then longitudinal joints, if any, prior to starting rolling off the mat. In no case shall the mix temperature be allowed to drop below 120oC before breakdown rolling.
Rolling shall start with the Lead Roller (SWR) without vibrating the asphalt Paving and shall be started from the low side of the asphalt mat –?the length of a Rolling Pass shall be determined by the temperature of the laid asphalt?Paving. This initial Break-Down Rolling shall proceed by moving the SWR half a Roller-Width across the preceding Rolling Pass for each subsequent Rolling Pass (see Fig 1 below); shall be undertaken such that the SWR(s) does not stop at the same chainage for each Rolling Pass and shall continue until the asphalt has been rolled the full width of the asphalt mat being laid by the paver.
Following this Break-Down Rolling, the SWR shall start rolling?with vibration mode?from the low side of the mat and, as above, shall move half a Roller-Width across for each subsequent Rolling Pass (see Fig 1 below) across the full width of the mat laid by the Paving Machine. This shall be repeated up to three times or until such times the asphalt mat start to produce small fine cracks on the surface. In no case shall the mix temperature be allowed to drop below 120oC before breakdown rolling.
PTR Rolling
Following SWR Vibration Rolling, the SWR(s) shall be withdrawn from the mat until final ‘Back Rolling’ or moved further up the Mat (subject to the mat being at the correct temperature of?no more than 135oC for Base Course)?and compaction utilising the PTRs shall commence. There shall be no less than two PTRs per asphalt Paving Machine and PTR rolling shall be undertaken with the same five-metre safety gap in the direction of travel as above. PTR rolling shall start from the low side of the mat laid by the Paving Machine and shall continue by moving across the full width of the mat by half the width of the PTR’s on each subsequent Rolling Pass (see Fig 1 below). This shall continue for up to three Rolling Passes across the full width of the mat, or until such times that the required density is achieved.
PTR Rolling of the asphalt Paving mat shall only be undertaken on areas compacted by the SWR(s) and under no circumstances shall PTR rolling be undertaken where a PTR(s) creates visible ruts in the mat.
?PTRs must never stop at the same chainage on each Rolling Pass; aggressive braking and rapid changes of direction shall be avoided.
Final ‘Back Rolling’
Final ‘Back-Rolling’ shall be undertaken after the PTRs have completed their rolling and shall be undertaken with an SWR(s) without any vibration being used. Again, Back Rolling shall start from the low side of the mat and shall proceed by moving half an SWR-width per Rolling Pass until the required smoothness is achieved across the full width of the mat.
If two asphalt Paving Machines are laying in echelon, then two SWRs shall undertake the final Back Rolling for smoothness. The requisite number of SWRs shall work in echelon pattern across the full width of the carriageway; shall proceed across the full width of the carriageway by moving across by half an SWR width on each subsequent Rolling Pass (see Fig 1 below) and shall maintain a five-metre Safety Gap from all other Plant and Personnel in the travel of direction.
Areas inaccessible for the operation of standard rollers as specified, compaction shall be performed by manual or mechanical tampers.
After the final rolling, the smoothness, levels, cross falls, density and thickness shall be checked and any irregularity of the surface exceeding the specified limits and any areas defective in texture, density or composition shall be corrected as directed by the Engineer.
The thickness, level and evenness of the asphalt layer and surface shall comply with project specifications.
7. Particular Safety Precautions.
The attached Job Safety Analysis/Risk Assessment gives generic information about particular Safety precautions measures for Infrastructure of Pavement Works and shall be subject to a Site Specific Assessment of Hazards prior to work commencing.
All key personnel on this section of works are experienced in asphalt pavement works and shall be included into this method statement. Records of attendance at the toolbox meeting shall be kept and filed on site.
Before commencing any work the safe operation of the related equipment, as well as a safe method of doing asphalt pavement, shall be explained to all personnel that are involved at a toolbox meeting by the Asphalt supervisor responsible for that area. All Plant and Equipment are to be inspected and approved as required by the contract requirements.
8. Particular Environmental Protection Measures.
The environmental protection measures relating to the works, other special environmental protection measures need to be considered other than to keep the dust control to a level as appropriate to the surrounding environment.
Excavator Operator specializing in Safe Operations and Material Handling
3 年Great article.. thanks for sharing
Senior Pavement cum Materials & Quality Control/Quality Assurance Engineer with more than 25 years experience
3 年Good works
3 年No reference mentioned?
QA/QC Engineer & Inspector | 10+ Years in Oil & Gas and Construction, Infrastructure Projects | Expertise in Material Testing | Recognized for Excellence in QA, QC and Document Control | Delivered Compliance with ISO
3 年Inspiring, Interesting
Materials Engineer (QA/QC) ISO/IEC 17025:2017 Internal Auditor ISO 9001:2015 Lead Auditor - (NEBOSH Environmental Management ) Bitumen laboratory supervisor
3 年Nice article ??