The Principle of uncertainty
Before the start of World War II a German scientist named Werner Heisenberg (1901-1976) received a Nobel Prize for his principle of uncertainty. So what does this mean? For physicist it’s a profound principle in helping them in their work. To the average person in the world, it is not important since it does not help them to better their life. However, to theologian it is a very important principle because Dr. Heisenberg has proved that divine miracles are possible.
In our universities the student who take a class in philosophy will come into contact with the teaching of David Hume who says miracles can not happen in our universe or here on earth; because the laws of the universe unchanging and does not alter, you can’t intervene or brake the natural laws of the universe. For a miracle to happen there has to be a brake in natural laws and since the laws do not change miracle cannot happen. What we can see, examine, and observe is the fact that a man cannot walk on water, a body dead for four days can not be resuscitated and brought back to life, so since these things cannot happen because it would cause a brake in natural laws, miracles are impossible.
Heisenberg principle says “At no time when we measure the speed (velocity) of a subatomic particle we cannot know of its position or location.” What does this mean? Since we cannot tell the position of a given electron, we are not going against the laws of the universe because the universe does change and alters itself and since the laws can change and alter then it’s possible to cause a brake in natural laws and miracles can happen.
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