A Principal in Singapore wrote this letter to the Parents.
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Dear Parents,
The exams of your children are to start soon. I know you are all really anxious for your child to do well.
But, please do remember, amongst the students, who will be sitting for the exams, there is an artist, who doesn't need to understand Maths.
There is an entrepreneur, who doesn't care about History or English literature.
There is a musician, whose Chemistry marks won't matter.
There's a sports person, whose physical fitness is more important than Physics.... like Schooling.
If your child does get top marks, that's great!
But, if he or she doesn't, please don't take away their self-confidence and dignity from them.
Tell them it's OK, it's just an exam! They are cut out for much bigger things in life.
Tell them, no matter what they score, you love them and will not judge them.
Please do this, and when you do, watch your children conquer the world.
One exam or a low mark won't take away their dreams and talent.
And please, don't think that doctors and engineers are the only happy people in the world.
With warm regards,
The Principal.