Prince's Diamonds & Pearls #156
Weight Loss in 2024
Whether directly told in life or heard in the media, we’re familiar with the term “sin”. Sin is defined as an immoral act regarded as a transgression. Some variations of sin that we may even heard before are Cardinal Sin and the Seven Deadly Sins. In general, sin is something that the average person wishes to avoid or works to abstain from. Yet I challenge the community that there is something more menacing that lurks in our lives.
Years ago, I had a mentor express to me that not only that I needed to remove sins from my life, but I needed to be conscious of the “weights” that I may also possessed. He elaborated that while initially appearing harmless, my weights were still stifling to my development and growth.
I’m a fan of anime and the first series that I was introduced to as a kid was Dragonball/Dragonball Z. There is a moment in the story where the hero, Goku, is fighting in a martial arts tournament. While giving his best effort, it seems that his opponent, Tien, may best him in the round. Goku then asks Tien for a quick break so that he can take off some clothes. To which Tien replies, “Suit yourself. If you’re going to lose, you might as well be comfortable.” Goku removes his gi, undershirt, and boots. While removing his clothes, everyone is shocked to see that his items are indenting the floor. It’s revealed that his clothing is weighted for training and weighs 309 pounds (140 kg)! Freed of his burdens, Goku is virtually weightless with new strength and speed. He then beats the mess out of Tien and wins the round.
The weighted training concept is featured in other anime, but Dragonball is where I first saw it. I really enjoy the message that it shares. Sometimes we can’t elevate ourselves to overcome obstacles because we’re too heavy, too weighted.
Now in the example shown earlier, this additional weight was intended for growth. Yet I believe that most of us are blindly carrying weights which serve no valuable purpose. Thus, we need to ask ourselves, “What weight(s) do I need to release this year?”
Weights vary in form and size. Some examples are:
Guilt was a weight that I carried throughout my early 20’s. Regardless of the situation, if there was a setback or disappointment, I allowed myself to be swallowed by guilt. It was until my mentor pulled me to the side and said “Guilt is a useless emotion. Yes, let conviction propel you. Yet, never let guilt trap you.” A catalyst in my growth stemmed from embracing that statement.
Forget Atkins, Weight Watchers, and Noom. THIS is the weight loss plan that will cause you to see next level transformation in your life. Do you feel like you’re hitting a ceiling in your life? Does the same issue keep coming up during feedback conversations with your mentor or coach? This item could be your weight. If you’re looking for weight loss in 2024, then identify it and attack it! What is your weight? What will you do about it? Share in the comments below.