Prince Andrew's BBC Interview, a Train Wreck” or a Pawn in a $1B Extortion Scheme by Guiffre, Her Lawyers and ‘Deep State’? – Part 9
Quenby Wilcox
DC 'Cave-dwelling' Dowager; Will Swamp Self-Destructs or Saves Itself from Woke Illiberals under Trump?
In my last blog, “Prince’s Andrew BBC Interview, a Train Wreck” or a Pawn in a $1B Extortion Scheme by Guiffre, Her Lawyers and ‘Deep State’? – Part 8,” I further explored how all of the psychopaths in power in Washington, are NOT ONLY wreaking HAVOC on the social order there, but are also being maintained by all the narcissistic brown-nosers (using the example of the Latinos in the development community, Latino immigrants in the US, and former Colombian Presidential candidate Ingrid Betancourt, and her sister, Astrid Betancourt, whose ex-husband, Daniel Parfait was Ambassador to Colombia and later Mexico) who are all too happy to cash-in on the BIGGEST CON-JOB IN THE HISTORY OF THE WORLD! Twenge and Campbell concisely explains the situation in The Narcissism Epidemic, from which I quote,
The narcissism epidemic has already had serious consequences. First, there has been a giant transfer of time, attention, and resources from reality to fantasy. [*And, why the ‘trickle down’ theory failed and produced skyrocketing income inequality and the .01%ers and 1%ers; and why the SDGs will produce the same phenomenon globally, culminating in the destruction of the planet through wars and global warming, eventually transforming the planet uninhabitable for life forms. I will return to this issue often in my blogs, as the urgency for ACTION, cannot be stress enough.]
Rather than pursuing the American Dream, people are simply dreaming. Our wealth is phony, driven by credit and loose lending: this part of the narcissism dream has already been dashed. Second, narcissism has corroded interpersonal relationships. [*Again a subject I will return to in my blogs, as I argue that the current ‘American Dream’ is actually the an empire building one, and exactly the same paradigm that was advanced and globally proliferated by the British Empire begun under the reign of Queen Elizabeth I—and challenged by the English Puritan movement. This gave rise to a mass exodus of ‘dissenters’ from Britain to the original 13 Colonies in the Americas. Unfortunately, a battle between the Industrial North and Agricultural South with the American Civil War and influences and narcissistic corruption from the ‘Wild West’ culminated in the ‘Gilded Age’ then ‘Roaring Twenties’ and ‘Prohibition’, and which gave rise to the ‘Crash of ‘29’ and onset of the Great Depression. This phenomenon has just been re-repeated by the descendants of the ‘Robber Barons’ during the ‘Golden Age’ of the 1980s in collusion with narcissistic, social-climbing starlet Nancy Reagan.]
There has been a switch from deep to shallow relationships, a destruction of social trust, and an increase in entitlement and selfishness.
More people are pursuing fleeting, insubstantial fame rather than making a solid contribution. Even people with real skills [like throughout the ‘Swamp’] are now going in for the sizzle instead of substance….
These two processes—a corrosion of close relationships and a substitution of fantasy for reality—paint a bleak image of the world. It looks like an upside-down birds’ nest: a hollow vessel with an empty interior and a rotting structure… The culture of the last few decades has not prepared this generation for the challenges they will face. Many will rise to the occasion, buckling down to work harder. The rest will be angry and depressed at their lot in life, so different from the comfort and ease they were led to expect would be theirs.
Similarly, we have not yet seen any real backlash against the narcissism epidemic. Most people don’t even realize it exists. [I certainly have, and have been trying to fleeing it my entire life]. They see bits and pieces—a celebrity here, a mass murderer there—but not the entire structure. However, it is possible that the epidemic will go so far that it will be solidly rejected by the masses…
There is another possibility, however—one that is even more frightening: The narcissism epidemic could be reversed during a major economic and social upheaval. The narcissism epidemic itself might cause this social collapse. The financial crisis of 2008 might be only the first step of narcissistic overconfidence bringing down long-established institutions. So far, it has only spawned a new era of entitlement with government bailouts, but if these don’t work and the whole economy is infected, things could get very ugly. [Like during the bloodbath of the French or Russian Revolutions, with the arms of modern warfare?]
But maybe such a collapse will actually turn things around. The Great Depression forged a generation of hardworking, collectively focused citizens, who were further shaped by the fight against tyranny during World War II. Some of America’s greatest moments were also its most challenging. These bad times brought America a long way from the culture of the roaring 1920s—also a narcissistic era, but nothing that approached today’s culture. Another economic collapse could have a similar effect. Or there could be a disease epidemic (like the flue in 1918) or an environmental catastrophe. There have been hints of all three possibilities lately. We have no idea if such a collapse will happen, and we are certainly not pulling for it, but these types of upheavals might temper the narcissism epidemic.
So if the narcissism epidemic is accelerating in the United States and spreading around the world, are things completely hopeless? Do we have to go through societal collapse for things to change?...
…The disease model [ie. severe acute respiratory syndrome, SARS] provides some useful guidelines for combating the epidemic of narcissism. First, people need to know how to understand that narcissism is ultimately not a good trait for society or the individual. It might feel good, and it might result in the perception of success (and perhaps even some short-term success), but it is not worth the longer-term costs. Confidence is fine, but too many have crossed the line into over-confidence.
As seen in the passage above, “we have not yet seen any real backlash against the narcissism epidemic. Most people don’t even realize it exists. They see bits and pieces—a celebrity here, a mass murderer there—but not the entire structure.” And, it is precisely because the development community, with the IMF, World Bank and UN at the Lead, is as much plagued with the narcissism epidemic as everyone they should be holding to ACCOUNT (in international as well as national and local level courts) that they have ‘climbed in bed’ with the empire building interests of the world. This is why their ‘shenanigans’ that I have been documenting for the past decade in labor rights violations as much as their corrosive international policies and practices will be their downfall. Just as I did with the State Department, White House, and US Congress (after having ‘exhausted domestic remedies’ in Spain in my cases against them); I have gone up the chain of command in the IMF filing complaints about the internal mismanagement in their organization, along with their failure to fulfill the mission of their organization with INTEGRITY, DILIGENCE, HONOR, and TRANSPARENCY, after my examination of their work in my covering of the 2016 IMF/World Bank Meetings. Unfortunately, as is ‘habitual custom’ in the ‘Swamp’ everyone is playing the ‘ignore her ‘til she goes away’ Game with me.
The failure of ‘public authorities’ to “see the entire structure” (aka ‘Big Picture’) is implicating them in SERIOUS LEGAL PROBLEMS. This is going to be particularly onerous for their ‘Expat Wives Clubs’ who set the ‘moral authority’ of what is ‘acceptable’ and ‘non-acceptable’ within their ‘communities’. Unfortunately, the narcissism and greed of these ‘ladies’ and the interests they represent and promote (to the detriment of The People and their ‘tax-dollars’) has implicated them all in RICO and FCPA violations, along with violations under article 7 of the Roma Statutes. The their cover-up of:
· rampant judicial corruption and the failure of executive and legislative branches to assure the proper checks-and-balances as provided for in constitutions
· prosecution of the many, many bankers, lawyers, politicians, economists, etc. responsible for the 2008 financial collapse, and the bank bailouts which ensued, instead of a DRACONIAN investigation by global leaders (ie. IMF, World Bank and UN Directors) into the origins, and SOLUTIONS to the problems
is a perfect example of the legal jeopardy and dangers of employers hiring narcissistic and psychopathic staff who DO NOT understand ANYTHING about local labor laws, on top of international conventions—particularly when taxpayers or shareholders are footing the bill for these narcissists to wreak havoc in their place of work, as well as across the globe in BAD Global Governance!! In the past decade in my activism work so many people have told me that MY problem is that my ‘Vision’ is too vast and complex—and that my interlocutors ‘eyes glaze over’ because they cannot follow the complexity of my argumentations. However, what all the ‘experts’, who contends that by ‘opting-out’ to raise my children I ‘missed the Boat’ (which is in fact a Titanic) and have become a brain-dead ‘Stepford-wife’ in the process, fail to understand is that I am NOT proposing to be an ‘expert’ in any one field—except a mother to my two sons.
As I told my lawyers in Spain, and everyone else implicated, in 2007 when my cases for the international courts against the Spanish, American and French governments began, “You mess with my kids. You mess with Me!!!” And, as I have later added, “I did NOT bring my children into this world to be used as cannon fodder by a bunch of SOBs and their Bitches!!” THAT IS MY ‘INSPIRATION’ in my ‘David and Goliath’ battles against every single narcissistic person in the ‘Swamp’—if necessary. EVERYONE can play the ‘ignore her ‘til she goes away’ Game with me—BUT IT AIN’T HAPPENING!! I am a ‘BEE’ in the Bonnet of the ‘Swamp’ that will drive EVERY parasitic ‘big-wig’ shark, down to their brownnosing mosquitos and leeches OUT OF DODGE CITY—or die trying!!! As Daniel Goleman states in Working with Emotional Intelligence,
Change leaders are not necessarily innovators. While leaders recognize the value of a new idea or way of doing things, they often are not the ones who originated the innovation. For organizations riding the waves of change (and what organization is not these days?), traditional management is not enough. In times of transformation, a charismatic, inspiring leader is called for…
While after returning to DC in 2009 (and first getting a roof over my head and a minimum wage job to pay for it) I spent the first 3 years or so knocking at doors of NGOs, reading, attending demonstrations and meetings, and participating in lobbying efforts on Capitol Hill regarding the problems in family courts and the revictimization of victims with other victims and activists from across the US. In 2010, a lobbyist for the NCADV told me that what was ‘needed’ was a New Civil Rights movement. So for the next 3-years I spent 24/7 reading every report and book I could get my hands on in every social science under the Sun, as well as case-studies, statistics data and expert analysis, examining the issues and developing a blue-print of what ACTION was REQUIRED. Unfortunately, due to:
· all of the infighting and cackling-hen ‘politicking’ going on amongst the activists, feminists, lawyers, and others involved in the process
· inertia of all the ‘experts’ who are too busy promoting their publications, attending meetings, passing out business cards, jet-setting around the world in order to have their extra-marital affairs in ‘peace’ and out of the watchful eye of their wives, or hanging out with other academians in the ‘important’ discussions about the woes of the world
the past 3-years has been spent challenging all the ‘experts’ in the IMF, World Bank, UN (on top of all the federal agencies in the ‘Swamp’) who keep providing recommendation after recommendation in their reports, but are so far up in their ‘la-la Land’ that they have NO FRICKIN’ IDEA that their ‘recommendations’ also apply to THEM and their ‘underlings’ in their workplaces. They also have NO FRICKIN’ IDEA that it is THEIR JOB to implement THEIR OWN FRICKIN’ ‘recommendations’ into government institutions across the globe!! And, why I contend that Washington is nothing, but the biggest CON JOB perpetrated on 90% of the People on the Planet!! I have never been known for my political correctness (wherever on the Planet I might find myself). However, even I have NEVER been so highly critical, disgusted, and angry with the cesspool all the power-hungry, social-climbing, narcissistic 1%ers and 10%ers with whom I have been rubbing shoulders my entire existence are producing in and for their communities and societies.
Obedience is NOT always a virtue as Willard and Marguerite Beecher explain in their book, The Sin of Obedience,
The most common mistake found in human behavior is obedience. Unfortunately, it is often considered a virtue and many parents, employers, teachers, and supervisors strive to train individuals to be obedient. But, as a goal in itself, it has dangerous consequences and we must strive to uproot it wherever we find it: whether in ourselves or others.
Obedience is, in fact a feeble-minded child of fear, a form of abject dependence on others. An obedient person is no more than a physical extension of the will of another he is a mindless automaton and therefor a most dangerous entity. A man without his own sense of authority, the obedient person is freely exploited by others for evil purposes as well as good. No one in fact, has the right to be obedient, since life demands that each of us be squarely responsible for his or her acts.
The final authority for our actions must come from the confronting situation. Mankind, like other species, is constantly pressed by necessity. But looking to authority figures or leaders to answer our needs has always proven to be folly… We must b guided by something more than basic than human leadership. Only the basic demands of the situation are reliable leaders and guides. We are not safe as individuals as long as the need is not fulfilled. We must stand on our own convictions of where the need exists and no one must be permitted to lead us away from it.
An obedient person, however, behaves like a child who must lean on an authority figure for support. He is willing to accept no responsibility for himself or others. He is merely a tool which other people can use for good or evil. Cooperation for him is impossible: obedience is his only option. He makes the authority figure responsible for his welfare. When things go well, he praises and when things go badly, he blames the one who controls him. Note that he never blames himself. He has surrendered his own internal authority so that he can be free of personal responsibility as he is free to hold others responsible when things go badly. He uses his authority figure as a crutch in the expectation that he will be carried toward success on the efforts of the leaders he obeys.
It is not often recognized that DISOBEDIENCE is in fact a form of obedience. Most people mistakenly believe that disobedient people are really not obeying. In reality, however, the disobedience is obedience in reverse: all “negativism” is reverse obedience. When the stubborn person is told to move forward, he halts or moves backwards. Nonetheless, he is responding to the command of the authority figure rather than acting on his won will. .He does not choose hos course of action since his motivation was supplied by another. He is not , therefore, responding to the needs of the situation so he does not act from his own authority.
This negative obedience wastes incalculable amounts of human energy…On no occasion does he have a mind of his own…
On ‘obedience’ and my life-long struggle to live amongst all too many people who are Obedient to a GREAT, GREAT FAULT. As any TRUE socialite born with a ‘silver spoon’ in her mouth, so to speak can attest, the ‘boot camp’ that these mothers (be they social-climbers of lower classes or old-guard elite) put their daughters through from the day they are born, may have more lace and ‘frills’ than the trappings of a soldier. But, make no mistake about it, many of the ‘drill sergeant’ mothers that these poor girls and later women (throughout their lives) must content with would make the drill sergeants in the military look like ‘nurse-maids’. And, while I have always been more or less willing to acquiesce to the ‘social graces’ of polite society, and even come to understand their importance in the advancement of ‘civilization’ and ‘democracy’. However, all the trappings of wealth and exterior beauty is NOT what being a TRUE ‘LADY’ (aka SENORA) is about. Just as with a TRUE ‘GENTLEMAN’ what is important are not the material trappings of the exterior world, but rather one’s HONOR, DIGNITY and TRUTH TO ONE’S SELF—and the day that one meets their Maker (with their many faults and errors) can stand PROUD to the contributions, small and large, they have made to the world, their countries, communities, and families, and the advancement of Mankind in the process.