Prince Andrew's BBC Interview, a “Train Wreck” or Pawn in a $1B Extortion Scheme by Guiffre, Her Lawyers & 'Deep State'? – Part 7
Quenby Wilcox
Washington 'Cave-dwelling' Dowager, Deposed Socialite Who is Highly Displeased with the Democrats AND Republicans & current State of Affairs in Our Nation's Capitol
?In my last blog, “Prince’s Andrew BBC Interview, a “Train Wreck” or a Pawn in a $1B Extortion Scheme by Guiffre and Her Lawyers? – Part 6,” I explored how all of the psychopaths in power in Washington, are NOT ONLY wreaking HAVOC on the social order there, but are also being maintained by all the narcissistic brown-nosers who are all too happy to cash-in on the BIGGEST CON-JOB IN THE HISTORY OF THE WORLD!! In this blog, I will further explore the world and mind-set of the narcissist, and how they work in collusion with psychopaths to Control and Manipulate the World—to the detriment of social orders and the future of mankind. If NOT STOPPED in efforts to Control the World and be ‘Masters of the Universe’, these narcissists and psychopaths will assure demise of the Planet and Mankind in the process.
The human rights movement, and development community of the past 70 years, in the aftermath of the atrocities of WWII, has just been a secular version of religious human rights movements begun over 2000 years ago by Jesus Christ and Mohammed. And, it has been unsuccessful due to the psychopathic interpretations of the message of these men, rather than the intent of its Founders. The same phenomenon has occurred in efforts over the centuries to reform the Christian and Muslim religions, and why there are different factions within these religions, as well as why these factions, as well as religions are constantly fighting each other. As activists, researchers, and other ‘experts’ can attest the systemic cover-up of sexual assault, molestation, and abuse of women and children by institutions across the board is a global phenomenon, with the courts cover-up of domestic abuse no different than the cover-up of pedophilia in the Catholic Church, or other religious institutions. Washington is no different that Berlin in the rise to power of Hitler and the Third Reich, and in the process demonstrating that the secular human rights movement has been no more successful than the religious human rights movements of the past—and in fact have just added to the CHAOS produced with their own cacophony and psychopathic and narcissistic ideologies. This is why so many people in the international development community are guilty of violating the international human rights conventions they so hypocritically profess to promote and defend.
What all of the brownnosers within job markets across the board in Washington are failing to appreciate in all of their histrionic games is that they are even MORE ARROGANT, PRETENTIOUS, CONCEITED, and NARCISSISTIC than all of the VIPs and ‘big-wigs’ they are criticizing and denouncing—PARTICULARLY in the case of PRINCE ANDREW! The hypocrisy of the situation is ATROCIOUS, and is a CLEAR CASE OF TRANSFERENCE and attempts of the ‘Deep State’ of the feminists and minorities to disempower and destroy the ‘old guard’ imperialists so that they might replace them in the ‘pecking order’. The problem is that everyone in Washington (and the prevailing status quo) views the world and everyone in it as just another pawn in a sick ‘Game’ where the ‘winner’ is the biggest con-artist, and whoever can collect the most possessions and ‘junk’ before they die—and why the SDGs are nothing but a ‘pipe-dream’ and con-job of the development community. Comedian, Bill Maher once said that one of the things he likes about Washington is that it makes the people in Hollywood look sincere.
Unfortunately, EVERYONE in Washington is following the AMORAL and DISHONEST lead of the all the psychopathic and narcissistic con-artists who have been consolidating their power-bases for the past 50 years in the city, starting with staffers on Capitol Hill, then winding my way down Pennsylvania Avenue past Judiciary Square, onto the White House, World Bank, and IMF, then continuing onto Foggy Bottom and GWU, to then loop around to Georgetown University, and ending at American University at the top of Embassy Row on Massachusetts. The entire cesspool is then complimented with correspondences to all sorts of useless and parasitic agencies, NGOs and think tanks spattered in between the ‘big-wigs’, and OVERFLOWING with staffers who have been conning taxpayers and shareholders with their psychopathic gobbledygook and con-jobs for decades—in violation of RICO and FCPA, inter alia.
Letter to US State Dept. – Under Secretary of Mgt. Kennedy
Letter to Americans Abroad Caucus
Letter to IMF Staff Association
Since leaving the IMF in 2015, I have returned to jobs in the restaurant industry, and have been victim of the same type of age, gender, social status and ‘WASP’ discrimination in job applications that I have experienced in other industries and professions. All of the psychopaths in power in this industry have been consolidating their power-bases in the hospitality industry in Washington for the past 40 years in the same way, and with the same SHAMELESS norms and behavior as seen throughout the rest of the city. The extent to which everyone in ‘This Town’ have sold their Souls to the Devil in order to cash-in on the ‘Gold Rush’ produced by the human rights movement and development community it created is a VERY SAD testament to mankind. With each passing year I am becoming more and more DISGUSTED by workers in the development community, as well as the restaurant business and workforces in general who have NO PRIDE or SELF-RESPECT in the quality of products and/or services they are producing for their customers.
Workers in the US used to be known globally for its IMPECCABLE customer service and efficiency in its endeavors. However, that is no longer the case, in part because 2 centuries of immigrants seeking to cash-in on ‘El Dorado’ has produced a country and empire MUCH MORE oppressive and dictatorial than the British Empire ever was due to advances in technology. In the different restaurants where I have worked, I am particularly disgusted by all of the ‘waiters’ (aka ‘servers’ in the efforts of the HR industry to put a more ‘positive’ spin on the profession) who are VERY VOCAL about the EXTRA-ORDINARY MISMANAGEMENT that ‘too many chefs spoil the soup’ managerialism, affirmative action, alpha-dominance feminism, and perhaps worst of all ‘corporatization’ has produced in the industry in the past 30 years. However, all of these ‘animal’ workers, with their whining, moaning and bitching, are showing their stripes and true colors, with their LACK OF BALLS when ‘push comes to shove’ and it is time to stand-up to the ILLEGAL behavior and activity of restaurant owners and their brownnosing managers! Instead, of ‘growing a pair’ and standing-up to the bullying and continual labor rights violations (like any ‘Lady’ or ‘Gentleman’ might do) these spineless ‘workers’ in their turn bully, harass, and berate anyone they consider ‘beneath’ them in the ‘pecking order’—thereby becoming just as bad and criminal as the managers and restaurant owners they are criticizing.
Immigrant Latinos (particularly illegal ones) are particularly prevalent in the restaurant industry, and as such, one would think that they would be particularly empathetic and supportive of any efforts to challenge an increasingly oppressive and dangerous government. This is particularly true given the fact that the Trump Administration is in the process of creating ‘detention’ camps (aka ‘concentration’ camps) for their ‘brethren’ at the Mexican border. However, these Latinos are no less NARCISSISTIC and SHAMELESS as all the Latinos in the IMF, World Bank, UN and development community who have been turning a blind eye to the damage that the American government’s ‘War on Drug’ policies have done to Latin American countries, on top of their citizens residing in North America.
Not only have Latinos throughout the international development community been criminally negligent in their failure to challenge the predatory, exploitative and oppressive norms of the Spanish government during the time of the Conquistadors—and the terrible legacy it has left throughout South and Central America, as well as the Caribbean. But then, to add insult to injury all of the ‘big-wigs’ (in collusion with their ‘small-fries’) in these countries have just whored themselves out in the past 100-200 years, and climbed into bed with the American government in their support of oppressive and militant dictatorships in Latin American ‘banana republics’. Instead of fulfilling the promises of their own bloody revolutions and ensuing ‘democracies’, the governments of these countries have only colluded over the years with the warmongering interests of the American government and its greedy weapons manufacturers.
One of these ‘big-wigs’, who should be particularly ASHAMED of herself, in her lack of support of the new ‘Civil Rights movement’ which I have been told is ‘needed’, as well as TOTAL lack of concern for my personal plight and that of my two sons is former Colombian Presidential candidate and FARC guerilla captive for 7-years, Ingrid Betancourt, and her sister, Astrid Betancourt (along with her ex-husband former French Ambassador Daniel Parfait in his official capacities). Not only do French consulates and embassies have the same ‘Obligation to Protect’ of their citizens residing and travelling abroad as US, and ANY other country’s consulates and embassies, but French citizens, along with civil servants residing abroad have an elevated legal liability under the French penal code, and “non-assistance to a person in danger.”
During Ingrid’s presidential campaign in 2001-02 (cut short by her kidnapping in early 2002), I was VERY SUPPORTIVE of her political platform, which was based on PEACE and ANTI-CORRUPTION. Unfortunately, the other board members of Bogota Accueil, a French ‘Expat Wives Club’ (FIAFE chapter) in Bogota, did NOT share my dedication to COMBATING CORRUPTION, PEACE or the advancement of DEMOCRATIC PRINCIPLES and HUMAN RIGHTS STANDARDS in countries around the world at the time anymore than Ingrid does at present—substantiating allegations against her as nothing but a ‘fraud’ and ‘frickin’ princess’, instead of the ‘Jean d’Arc’ of Colombia.
The viperous, back-stabbing social-climbers of Bogota Accueil became TERRIBLY OFFENDED that I would VIOLATE the ‘non-political’ statutes of the organization—as its President to boot—by showing an interest and support for Ingrid’s platform, instead of any concerns over the damage the American foreign policy “Plan Colombia” is doing to her country and the PEOPLE she so vocally pretends to SERVE and PROTECT and DEFEND! If this were true, not only would Ingrid be using her contact with Baltasar Garzon to tell him to start submitting the cases I have compiled to international courts, but she would also be using her VOICE in the press and amongst policy makers to denounce the American long-standing ‘War on Drugs’ and the GREAT damage it has done to countries THROUGHOUT the AMERICAS—as explained in my letter to the Pacific Alliance, which, as is ‘habitual custom’ none of the recipients have even bothered to read. Instead, Ingrid, just like all the other ‘experts’ in their efforts to become the new ‘Masters of the Universe’ is too busy ‘schmoozing’ with all the other ‘intellects’ and policy-makers whose narcissism and ‘ivory-tower’ exists has created one huge protection racket and organized crime ring, held together by the international legal community who is REFUSING to challenge anyone in the courts—sending their tacit consent to the illegal activity within their midst.
While my ‘scandalous’ support of Ingrid’s political platform in Bogota at the turn of the century as President of Bogota Accueil is so benign and silly it hardly merits mention. However, given the position of the other ‘Expat Wives Clubs’ (namely FAWCO, IMFFA, WBFN, FIAFE, etc.) and their insistence on covering up the revictimization of victims of domestic abuse in court systems, as well as rampant and systemic sexual harassment, couch-casting and bullying within their sponsoring organizations, the TOTAL STUPIDITY and IMMORALITY of MANY of the women who join these organizations and their board merits exhaustive examination. In 2006, Pam Perraud of FAWCO told me that I was “re-inventing the wheel” with Global Expats, to which I responded “No. I am fixing the wheel!!” Over my MANY years of dealing with board members of Anglo-phone, Franco-phone, and Hispania-phone ‘Expats Wives Club’, I have always been disgusted by the vicious, back-stabbing and narcissism of many who ‘serve’ on their boards. However, the current ‘ostrich-playing’ of these women to CRIMINALITY in their midst is just implicating them in RICO and FCPA violations—and will be facing serious financial legal liability as well as prison sentences when the Nuremberg II Trials begin.
While the behavior of ‘Expat Wives Club’ board members (of organizations which FALSELY CLAIM to be DEFENDERS OF HUMAN RIGHTS and DEMOCRATIC PRINCIPLES), is DISGUSTING. These social-climbers, along with all the other Washington’s bourgeoise that I am calling-out to ACCOUNT, have just followed the example set by Nancy Reagan, and the American ruling-elite during the ‘Golden Age’ of the 1980s, and I quote from her auto-biography, My Turn: The Memoirs of Nancy Reagan,
During Ronnie’s first term, I was portrayed as caring only about shopping, beautiful clothes, and going to lunch with my fancy Hollywood friends. During his second term I was described as a power-hungry political manipulator, a vindictive dragon lady who controlled the actions and appointments of the executive branch.
As my son, Ron, said “Yeah, Mom, that’s you all right!”
Part of the problem is that while the president’s job is clearly defined, nobody really knows exactly what the first lady is supposed to do. The Constitution doesn’t mention the president’s wife, and she has no official duties. As a result, each incoming first lady has had to define the job for herself....
[Soon] after I moved to Washington, I began to try to find ways to focus some of that attention on the problem of drug abuse among young people. Here, too, I was remembering something Helen Thomas had told me during our talk on the campaign plane. “If you husband is elected,” she said, “you will have a platform that is given to very few people. You should think about what you want to do with it. You’ll never be given this kind of opportunity again.”
That was one part of the job, and now that I’m back in Los Angeles, I’m continuing to work on the drug problem through the Nancy Reagan Foundation.