Prince Andrew's BBC Interview, a “Train Wreck” or Pawn in a $1B Extortion Scheme by Guiffre, Her Lawyers & 'Deep State'? – Part 4
Quenby Wilcox
DC 'Cave-dwelling' Dowager; Will Swamp Self-Destructs or Saves Itself from Woke Illiberals under Trump?
?In Filthy Rich, Harvard graduate, psychologist Dr. Anna Salter exposes the level of bias and ‘muddling’ of facts and situations by ‘experts’ with her ‘confusion’ between the criminality of soliciting sex from young prostitutes (15 years and over), and the MUCH, MUCH greater crime of molesting and raping young toddlers and prepubescent children. She also confused the entire ‘discussion’, by ‘comparing’ nouveau-riche, scum, like Epstein, whose rags-to-riches’ stories are in stark contrast to ‘old-guard’ ruling-elite (like the Royal Family) who have dedicated their entire lives to the SERVICE of their PEOPLE, and GOD and COUNTRY—instead of constantly being involved in shady deals and get rich quick schemes like Epstein and his networks, which include names of all the Who’s Who amongst the American nouveau-riche, ruling-elite and bourgeoise. The fact that everyone is pointing fingers at Prince Andrew for having known and been a guest of Epstein, yet failing to investigate those who Epstein ‘had the dirt on’ with all his cameras and surveillance equipment is just another example of the extent to which the Prince is being used to deviate attention from the REAL underlying issues—sexual promiscuity and deviancy within the American bourgeoisie and ruling-elite.
Apart from criminally negligent lawyers and judges, psychologists and psychiatrists are amongst the most problematic actors in the revictimization of women and children in court systems. This is why ‘authorities’ in judicial, legislative and executive branches of government, along with journalists, have an elevated LEGAL OBLIGATION to investigate and prosecute supposed academic ‘experts’ (particularly from ‘big-wig’, ivy-league universities as they are considered the ‘experts’ amongst the ‘experts’), who are complicit to the cover-up of violence against women and children with their gobbledygook and convoluted analysis of situations. The healthcare community and medical profession is just as amoral, unethical, greedy and corrupt as the legal community with whom they are ‘in bed’. And, it is irresponsible, and even criminal, of media outlets to diffuse these lies, ‘fake news’ and propaganda over ANY form of mass media communications. And I quote from Salter’s testimony in Filthy Rich, with my responses in the parentheses below,
Why do powerful men do the things that Jeffrey Epstein and Prince Andrew have been accused of doing?
(It should be noted that accusations against Prince Andrew are NOTHING like those of Epstein, and to insinuate as such is grounds for a defamation lawsuit by the Prince against the author of the book James Patterson on top of Dr. Salter for her allegations of pedophilia against him particularly given the gravity under penal law of the accusations. The convolution of issues by ‘experts’, particularly in high-profile cases, is DISGUSTING, but NOT surprising, given the level of greed, amorality and criminal negligence within the profession—a profession which is plagued with as much conflict of interest issues as the domestic violence, women’s rights, human rights and international development community I am calling out to account at present. Not only do ‘big-wig, experts’ have a vested interest that violence, extremism, civil unrest, xenophobia, misogyny, racism, discrimination, and hate crimes continue to escalate in countries and communities across the globe, but they also have a vested interests to destroy the old guard ruling-elite and any and all of their institutions which might challenge their usurpation of power and efforts to become the new ‘Masters of the Universe’! This is why the supposed liberals are exposing all the socio-economic and geo-political problems in the world in their speeches and publications (and making tons of money in the process), yet are totally failing, and even refusing, to implement their own recommendations.
The efforts of these nouveau-riche ‘game-players’ to categorize ALL males as sexual predators—with ALL females their ‘innocent’ victims—is typical of parasitic feminists in systems which are desperate to propagate the myth that men are EVIL, and women are SAINTS as Good and Virginal as pure white snow. There are many evil men in the world, to be sure. However, they are hardly alone, and only surpassed in their viciousness and predatory nature by the evil and psychopathic women vying for power in the current global world order. One of the main reasons that feminists do not want anyone exposing the vicious, exploitative, narcissistic, and abusive nature of the ‘weaker sex’ in social orders, particularly those amongst the old-guard ruling-elite (aka ‘grande-dames’ and socialites) and nouveau-riche, bourgeoise, is that it is precisely the manipulations and conniving of these women in the past 50 years which has been instrumental in producing the current Lawlessness and Corruption which dominates social orders at present. Phyllis Chesler, author of Woman’s Inhumanity to Woman, and Anne-Marie Slaughter, author of Unfinished Business: Women, Men, Work, Family talk about the bullying and intimidation they were victim to from other feminists when they were writing their books.
However, these groups have NOT been alone, but instead have been accompanied by the industrialists and IT ‘techy-liberals’ who wish to propagate the STUPID idea that ALL the woes of the world can be solved with ‘magic wand’ solutions and more and more empty-rhetoric training programs. And, this TOTAL WASTE of taxpayer money by ‘public authorities’ is clear and simple FRAUD and abuse of Public Trust. For example the IMF’s Institute for Capacity Development (ICD) is WASTING $330M a year of taxpayer’s money on USELESS ‘training program’, while the World Bank ‘capacity development’ efforts are WASTING $700M of taxpayer’s money on THEIR ‘capacity building’ efforts—with untold billions being WASTED by UN ‘capacity development’.
Unfortunately, the list of useless and even counter-productive HR initiatives and jobs being produced in order to ‘fix’ a highly dysfunctional and counter-productive workplace and labor market is CRIMINAL. If HR personnel were more adept and competent in their hiring and promotional practices, then the world would not need to create a whole myriad of industries designed to render that labor force competent and efficient. REAL ‘capacity development’ entails filling posts (from top to bottom) of the 3-branches of government who understand that they EXIST to SERVE the PEOPLE, as well as civil servants who are functionally literate, possess cognitive abilities, know how to LISTEN, and who know how to follow instructions.
Dr. Anna Salter studies child sex offenders professionally. Educated at Harvard, with a graduate degree in clinical psychology, she spoke, with the benefit of hindsight, about Jeffrey Epstein and others like him from her office in Madison, Wisconsin. “Consider a car,” says Dr. Salter. “There’s a motor, and there are brakes. We all have sexual impulses we don’t think it would be a good idea to act on. Most of us have good control over our behavior. We have good brakes.[”]
(Even the most loyal and faithful of men (and women) are sexually attracted to other men and women (heterosexual as well as homosexuals) in their daily interactions—that is a NORMAL phenomenon. As I told a USELESS Spanish marriage counselor when she bizarrely asked me if I had ever been attracted to any man other than my husband, I responded, “I am married. But not DEAD!” Of course, I have! But, that doesn’t mean I am going to jump into bed with him [any more than I would have when I was single]!?!”
Those with ‘good brakes’ DO NOT go around fornicating with every Tom, Dick and Harry (or Sally, Jane and Angie) that ‘pass by’, even if they might find them highly attractive, and ‘sexy’. The complex and intricate mating rituals of human beings is one of the few things that separate them from other animals on the planet—that, and their penchant for organized violence designed so that one group might annihilate another in efforts to corner markets on limited resources, including sexual commodities for mating and reproductive purposes. So if one wishes to understand the dysfunctional socialization process in social orders which produces its violent and sexually deviant members it is important to examine WHY and HOW the phenomenon is occurring. This basically has been the objective of all the social sciences since their advent and creation as legitimate studies by academians. But, as seen with all the other ‘experts’ the egotism, narcissism, and psychopatholoies of the many players throughout its short lived history has failed to have a positive influence on social orders, but rather convoluted an already CHAOTIC world with gobbledygook and nonsense.
With the increasing convoluted ‘Constitutional crisis’ in the US many are looking to its Founding Fathers for solutions. However, what everyone is failing to recognize is that those they are exalting in their analysis were hardly exemplary as ‘gentlemen’ when it came to frequenting ‘wenches’ and in their marital fidelity. Additionally, some were even beneficiaries and bystanders of the sexual promiscuity, hedonism, narcissism and laissez-faire governance of the Courts of Louis XVI, which gave rise to a Revolution against the French Crown shortly thereafter. What about the amorality and complicity of Benjamin Franklin and Thomas Jefferson to the sexual promiscuity and predatory nature of the French bourgeoise of Paris and Courts of Louis XVI?
Does not the sexual exploitation of young women by the current American bourgeoise, and the example they are setting for their countrywomen, merit the same scrutiny as they are trying to make in the case of Prince Andrew!?! Given the evidence presented against him, the ONLY thing he is guilty of is having been in the company of a ‘sorry lot’ of American SCUMBAG financiers, politicians (Clinton and Trump included), UN officials and academians. So, it begs the question of why NO ONE is going after the REAL criminals in the entire MESS, but rather a denigrated ‘outsider’.
From its onset, the American experiment with Democratic, self-rule has been plagued with a conflict of interests by its Founding Fathers (and their White Anglo-Saxon Protestant, WASP, descendants). It has also been plagued by the rise of predatory and exploitative cabals, factions and special interests which have vied for economic, political and social dominance in the country with each passing wave of ‘minority’ immigrant influx. This is the prevailing status quo in the USA, rather than the modern and progressive social order of the ‘Great American Dream and Success Story’ that the propaganda of liberals as much as conservative would have one believe. It is also the prevailing status quo that the international development community (particularly in Washington) is colluding to promote and maintain in violation of article 7 of the Roma Statutes, RICO, and FCPA, inter alia. The American Empire is no different than any of the empires which preceded it, with the same disastrous self-destructive results—and are being aided and abetted by EVERYONE in Washington.
Unfortunately, this status quo and ‘example’ set by the American ruling-elite has only been promoted to its extremes by the greedy, exploitative American Industrialists and Robber Barons of the 19th century. The situation was further convoluted by creation of the ‘New Jim Crow’ in the aftermath of the American Civil War, which culminated in the Civil Rights movements of the 1960s and ‘70s. And, while this movement may have produced some positive results for a few select members of ‘minority’ groups, for these groups, and society, as a whole, it has been highly detrimental. Not only did affirmative action programs enable members of ‘minority’ groups looking for ‘pay-back’ for centuries of oppression, but allowed the most amoral, slothful, arrogant, narcissistic and psychopathic members of society to ascend to power—and why in the US the rich are getting richer and the poor are getting poorer.
Unfortunately, the Civil Rights movement of the 1960s and ‘70s was met with a backlash in ensuing decades, which has come in the form of an increasingly ruthless (as well as USELESS) ‘War on Drugs’ and its detrimental influence on the ‘Rule of Law’; setting the stage for the rising police state in the country. Not only has the entire process been HIGHLY detrimental to the majority of blacks (and browns) in the US, but also women (and children). The only thing the alpha-dominance feminist’s ‘women’s rights’ movement did was to empower a bunch of women who are all too willing to sell their souls as well as service the sexual deviancy of men in order to ‘grapple up the ladder of success’ and become ‘players’ in the ‘Game’.
Not only did the feminist movement of the past 50 years enhance and promote the idea that women and their wombs are NOTHING but commodities to be used and exploited in the power-plays of parents, husbands, corporations and social orders. But, they have also encouraged and promoted ‘whoring’, prostitution and pimping of women by remaining silent to the ‘example’ of amorality, promiscuity, narcissism and corruption that American socialites (starting with ‘Deb of the Decade’ Cornelia Guest, followed by Paris Hilton, Kim Kardashian) and its nouveau-riche, bourgeoise have been setting for American girls and women for the past 40 years. They have also encouraged standards in workplaces which encourage and promote sexual harassment, ‘couch-casting’ and cronyism, and thereby amorality, corruption and ELEVATED INCOMPETENCE in workplaces as well as social orders.
The HYPOCRISY of SO MANY SEXUALLY PROMISCUOUS and UNFAITHFUL people in the world to one of the few men in the cesspool who was NOT UNFAITHFUL to his wife (namely Prince Andrew) is DISGUSTING and just exposes their STUPIDITY, GULLIBILITY and LACK OF CHARACTER!!
Creator of STEAM, a nonprofit working to promote STEM education for students.
5 年Good article, makes want to read more