Prince Andrew's BBC Interview, a “Train Wreck” or Pawn in a $1B Extortion Scheme by Guiffre, Her Lawyers & 'Deep State'?? - Part 3

Prince Andrew's BBC Interview, a “Train Wreck” or Pawn in a $1B Extortion Scheme by Guiffre, Her Lawyers & 'Deep State'? - Part 3

Prince Andrew's BBC Interview, a “Train Wreck” or Pawn in a $1B Extortion Scheme by Guiffre, Her Lawyers & 'Deep State' ? - Part 1

Prince Andrew's BBC Interview, a “Train Wreck” or Pawn in a $1B Extortion Scheme by Guiffre, Her Lawyers & 'Deep State'? - Part 2

?It is the new 1%er multi-millionaires and billionaires who enjoy their newly found power not from merit, but instead from decades of affirmative action policies in labor markets dominated by cronyism, nepotism, 'couch-casting', favoritism, mediocrity and histrionic 'game-playing'. As I recently told a Greek immigrant and restaurant owner where I work—and whose management of the restaurant can explain the Greek economic crisis and need for an IMF bail-out—"This is MY COUNTRY and I will be DAMNED if I will LET YOU TRASH IT LIKE THIS!! The US used to be KING in customer service and efficiency. But, [due to business owners and employers like you] this is NO LONGER the case!" The immigrants which need to be rounded up and deported from the US are not all the poor 'fruit-picking' detainees at the Mexican border, but rather all of the parasitic foreign business owners and 'big-wig' 'experts' which are implementing the SAME STUPID and CORRUPT business practices and labor rights violations in the US which turned their own countries into 'Third World' trash-heaps, which constantly need 'bailing-out'. The exact same dysfunctional mismanagement that I documented in the IMF during my 7-year tenure there is going on in businesses across the board in Washington, and once the law-suits begin will see so many of the 'new-guard, nouveau-riche, ruling elite DEPOSED and DEPORTED it will make their heads spin.

Instead, of using their new found power to advance principles of democracy, equality, fraternity, liberty, rule of law, etc., the Washington nouveau-riche have used that power to 'bounce around' playing 'king and queens-for-a-day', as well as amuse themselves in persecuting and attacking White, Anglo-Saxon Protestants (WASPs), particularly ‘old-guard’ ruling-elite with a VENGEANCE and ZEST that is quite frankly GROTESQUE. However, the only thing that their histrionic games are accomplishing is to expose them for the 'uncivilized' animals that they are, as explained in my blog, "Abuse and Torture Go Far Beyond Broken Bones, It Breaks the Heart and Spirit and is So Designed." Everyone is always denouncing discrimination and hate crimes against the 'blacks' and 'browns' of the world, and their RIGHT for JUSTICE when they have been wrong and their rights violated. However, when it comes to the targeting of 'whites' by the newly empowered 'minorities', everyone is DEADLY SILENT—and why all of the Prince's charities, and everyone else have 'hung him out to dry'. My heart truly goes out to the poor man, who has been blindsided by forces that I think he is totally unaware of—and therefore, cannot comprehend the viciousness of his attackers and their attacks.

In the cesspool of Washington there is perhaps NO ONE who is more WASP than I. My ancestry and family-tree includes 2 major Founding Fathers (John Dickinson and John Paul Jones), goes back to the early Puritan movement in England (Thomas Wilcoxes, 16th and 17th c.), includes a myriad of Colonists in the original 13 Colonies as well as combatants in the Civil War for both the North and South, as well as Winston Churchill on his mother's side (David Wilcox, her paternal grandfather 6 times removed). And, the IMMENSE PLEASURE vicious, viperous women, particularly brown and black ones, have taken in bullying, denigrating, insulting and threatening me since my return to DC in 2009 has been DISGUSTING, but hardly surprising! The extent to which the Prince is being targeted for being not only a 'WASA' ('White Anglo-Saxon Anglican', same difference as WASP), but also a Prince of the British Royals cannot be underestimated. Not only have accusations against him by Giuffre assured that press outlets around the world will give her ALL the coverage she wants, and can be milked for all they are worth, but the Prince is just too big a 'prize' for all these 'cats' who just LOVE to eat poor, unsuspecting, defenseless 'canaries'—and take GREAT PLEASURE in doing so!!

One of the biggest problems of social mobility between classes is that the nouveau-riche in 'Power-over' (empire-building) societies are invariably crash, crude, lack any kind of morality, honor, or decency, and are SO JEALOUS of the 'ruling-elite' they are desperately trying to immolate as well as depose—and would sell their ‘grandmother down the river’ if they thought they could make a quick buck off the deal! In contrast ‘old-guard’ ruling-elite, such as Prince Andrew have been DRILLED from birth to understand that with PRIVILEGE comes RESPONSIBILITY. This poor man, and his entire family, NEVER asked to be the first in line to the British Crown, but rather had the dubious honor thrust upon them by the abdication of King Edward VIII. In the past century, they have 'stepped-up to the plate' with honor, dignity and dedication to their 'subjects' and British people, and Andrew and his entire family, with all their human failings, are certainly NOT of the same mold as Jeffrey Epstein, or even the same mold as all of the amoral and dishonorable men and women who have become the new American ruling-elite, which have been SO DESPERATE TO DESTROY AND SILENCE ME in the past decade, and are TRASHING the entire country (and globe) in the process.

And, my message for all the nouveau-riche who are trying to bring down the all honorable and dignified 'old-guard' ruling-elite WASPs with their conniving and manipulations (me, Prince Andrew, or anyone else of their choosing included). There WILL BE a Day of Reckoning—on Earth or in Heaven—BUT IT WILL COME, and implicated parties will end up rotting away in PRISON (or in HELL for the REST OF ETERNITY, if you succeed in destroying the Planet and Mankind first)!! So, go ahead with your lies and manipulations, as I am just using them to collect more and more evidence against members of the press, legal community, feminists, development community, etc. What has astounded me the most in my activism work during the past 15 years is the extent to which EVERYONE is flagrantly and openly violating laws, with TOTAL IMPUNITY.

People like Epstein (and Trump, and everyone else in Washington) FEEL that they are ABOVE THE LAW, BECAUSE THEY ARE!!! And, they are ‘above the law’, because EVERYONE who has a LEGAL OBLIGATION to HOLD THEM TO ACCOUNT are ‘Out to Lunch’!! The ‘excuse’ given by the Palm Beach prosecutor and Attorney General (Alexander Acosta) for Epstein's 2008 'cushy' plea deal was the fear that the town’s prosecutors were ‘no match’ for Epstein’s ‘big-wig’ multi-million dollar defense team. If law schools (and bar associations) were not churning out lawyers with negligence and incompetence rates of 70% (American Bar Association 1970, Clark Report), while sanctioning that incompetence at rates of less than 3%, then these CRIMINALS would not be at liberty to wreak havoc and chaos everywhere they go!!

Prince Andrew's BBC Interview, a “Train Wreck” or Pawn in a $1B Extortion Scheme by Guiffre, Her Lawyers & 'Deep State'? - Part 4

Prince Andrew's BBC Interview, a “Train Wreck” or Pawn in a $1B Extortion Scheme by Guiffre, Her Lawyers & 'Deep State'? - Part 5

Prince Andrew's BBC Interview, a “Train Wreck” or Pawn in a $1B Extortion Scheme by Guiffre, Her Lawyers & 'Deep State'? - Part 6

Prince Andrew's BBC Interview, a “Train Wreck” or Pawn in a $1B Extortion Scheme by Guiffre, Her Lawyers & 'Deep State'? - Part 7

Prince Andrew's BBC Interview, a “Train Wreck” or Pawn in a $1B Extortion Scheme by Guiffre, Her Lawyers & 'Deep State'? - Part 8

Prince Andrew's BBC Interview, a “Train Wreck” or Pawn in a $1B Extortion Scheme by Guiffre, Her Lawyers & 'Deep State'? - Part 9

Prince Andrew's BBC Interview, a “Train Wreck” or Pawn in a $1B Extortion Scheme by Guiffre, Her Lawyers & 'Deep State'? - Part 10

Prince Andrew's BBC Interview, a “Train Wreck” or Pawn in a $1B Extortion Scheme by Guiffre, Her Lawyers & 'Deep State'? - Part 11


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