The Prince Of Peace...Walking On The Green, Grass Right Outside My Kitchen Window
Hello my Dearest Friend,
If you watched the movie, Field of Dreams with Kevin Costner then you will be able to imagine him too.
Except He didn’t look like Kevin Costner. He looked like Kevin Costner’s Dad in the movie. The baseball player that walked out onto the field last.
The one Kevin Costner’s character was hoping to meet. His father.
That’s why he built the baseball field even when everyone else said he was crazy. Except his wise, patient daughter.
“They will come. You will see.”
She said sitting happily on the stands in her blue jean overalls with colorful plaid shirt. Her dark, wild hair tucked up in a ponytail. Stray hairs, gently blowing in the wind, crowning her beautiful face..
She looked so confident and sure.
“They will come. You will see.”
“Who will come?” Kevin Costner’s character asks
“All the people.” She answered.
Well, the character that played Kevin Costner’s Dad...I just saw an image of him walking up the green, grassy hill in my backyard.
He reached the place in front of the giant sunflowers when he stopped to pause and look around.
I think He likes my backyard.
He nodded His head approvingly.
He wasn’t wearing the white pinstripe baseball suit like the man did in the movie. He had a black tee shirt on and dark pants. His dark baseball hat turned backwards on his head. His physic was strong just like the man playing Kevin Costner’s Dad in Field of Dreams. His expression and face looked exactly alike.
Beautiful, Strong, Peaceful and Approving.
“Gabriel, are you awake?” I asked my husband in bed. It was 6:15 AM when I saw this image in my mind.
“Yes” he said sleepily. Sunday is his one day off.
“Do you know in the Field of Dreams movie when Kevin Costner’s Dad comes walking onto the field?” I asked in a quiet, excited whisper.
“Yes,” he said rolling his big, bear like self towards me.
“Well I just saw him walking up our hill in the backyard except he wasn’t wearing white, pinstripes. He was wearing black.”
“There isn’t a bear in the yard, is there?” Gabe asked
“No. I didn’t explain that right. He looked peaceful and approving.”
“Jesus is with us.” Gabe said nonchalantly.
“YES!” I whispered excitedly hugging and kissing my Gabriel.
Roy, our Greater Swiss Mountain dog scratched at the front door. I went outside to see the place I saw in my mind where Jesus paused to look around.
Right there, in that place was a shining, giant sunflower.
All the other sunflowers still looked dark.
The sun hadn’t fully peeked up over the horizon yet. But that giant sunflower was somehow glowing.
“What are you doing?” Gabe asked, walking towards the kitchen door.
“I’m looking to the place on the hill where HE stood.’s where the giant sunflower is.”
“It’s cold out.” Gabe grumbled in his boxers with no shirt on.
“You like the cold...get out here. Look.” I said moving my arm and hand in a pulling towards me motion.
Gabe stepped out onto the deck. I shined the flashlight on the giant sunflower.
“Yes, now come back to bed.” Gabe said, shuffling back to bed.
“But it’s morning!” I said, raising my hands up happily.
“Jesus is with us! Now all we have to do is pray!” I sang up to the sky.
Pray, worship, give thanks. We’re all in this together. Let’s pray together.
We need to pray to keep up our strength. All the brothers and sisters around the whole world. Pray together today!
Miracles DO happen.
We are ALL Beloved Children of God.
All of us.
Let’s all pray for this one wish now.
I opened my ‘Daily Bread’ reading today and it said, Strong and Courageous.
This is what I beg of you now…
Please Pray. Please Pray with all your heart. All your soul and all of your mind.
Pray for COVID to go away, disappear and vanish into thin air!
I plead this waving my red, weather beaten, hard working hands up into the sky. Above my head with a magician's flair. Eyes closed. Face aiming to The Heavens!
...Then we can finally take off the masks. All of the Brothers and Sisters around the whole world.
And enjoy seeing each other smile again…
“You are a child of the Universe, no less than the trees and have a right to be here and whether or not it is clear to you, no doubt the Universe is unfolding as it should.” ~Desiderata
my Dearest Friend
Your Alison
P.S. Please click to hear Beethoven Symphony No. 9, performed by Rotterdam Philharmonic Orchestra. And dance with me.