Prince Julian Yonkpaoh Gbaba Weds Lady Andrea Davies-Hinneh: A Fairytale Royal Nuptial Pageantry!
Over five hundred guests were awestruck and entertained by the pomp and pageantry of the traditional African and formal western marital ceremonies performed at the wedding between Prince Julian Yonkpaoh Gbaba, eldest child of Rabbi Joe and Princess Ariminta Gbaba, descendants of the Royal Household of the Nien Dynasty of the Krahn Ethnic Group of Liberia, and Lady Andrea Davies-Hinneh, daughter of Reverend Josephus & Mrs. Caroline Hinneh, Sr., from Sinoe County. The royal fairytale nuptial spectacles occurred during the weekend of October 6-8, 2023, at the Crystal View Wedding and Event Center in Fairfax, Virginia, and the Silver Spring Civic Building, and the Hinneh's residence in Maryland.
Prince Julian is a private businessman in the trucking industry and his charming "Cinderella" is a board-certified nurse. The two love birds met up roughly five years ago. They got engaged in 2021 and fulfilled their commitment to each other two years later. Both wedding ceremonies were witnessed by the parents of the bride and groom, as well as hundreds of guests, relatives, friends, and well-wishers.
Traditional African/Liberian Marriage Ceremony
The traditional African/Liberian wedding ceremony was spectacular. Both families, including the groom and bridal parties, wore traditional African attires. The grand ceremony and opening night of the three-day feast began with the grand entrances of the groom and bride's families, followed by the groom and bridal parties. Jordan Sankary, commonly known as "DJ Sayso" and Jalliet Taylor affectionately called "Good Time JT", rocked the night with the latest Afro beats and western music. After the various parties were seated, then it was time for business! The Hinneh Family spokesperson, Jethah Gaba, asked the Gbaba Family and relatives of the groom about the purpose of their visit.
The bride's and groom's families sat in the middle of the ballroom. They sat opposite each other, with enough space in the middle for speakers or spokespersons from both sides, to express themselves or to rebut a comment/statement made either by the bride's or groom's family. Usually, the atmosphere under which the traditional African/Liberian marriage ceremony is conducted is friendly, cordial, jovial, and motivational.
In response to the bride's family's initial inquiry, Father of the Groom, Rabb Prince Joseph Tomoonh-Garlodeyh Gbaba, Sr., rose from his seat and informed the Hinneh Family that:
"Our son said you have a beautiful princess in your home that he wants to marry. Hence, we are here to ask for your permission to pay dowry for your daughter that our son would like to marry."
After learning about the purpose of the visit, the Hinneh Family made several back-and-forth demands, including requesting gifts for the bride's parents, siblings, and uncles and aunts. They made it clear this was a pre-condition before they would grant permission for the Gbabas to pay dowry for their daughter.
The groom's family spokesman, Uncle Daniel Barjolo, responded to the bride's family's request. He said, "You are what the Krahn people call "Belah", which means, "In-law" in the Krahn language. According to our tradition, you can never win the family that gives you a woman to wed. So, we are putting ten thousand dollars in the cash basket to show you the type of in-laws you are dealing with!"
Note that the cash amount can be inflated for entertainment purposes. This was followed by loud cheers from the audience and then Uncle "B" continued,
"According to the ordinance on traditional marriage from the Ministry of Internal Affairs in the Republic of Liberia, the groom's family is required to pay Forty-Eight United States Dollars for dowry, but because we the Krahn people don't play when it comes to our woman business, we will pay more than is required. We will pay One Hundred and Fifty Dollars, to prove to the Hinneh Family we are not cheap in-laws! We will demonstrate here tonight!"
The crowd went wild, while Uncle Daniel was speaking, so he paused for a few seconds for the noise to quiet down before he resumed. "We love your daughter, and we promise we will protect her. Therefore, we appeal to the Hinneh Family to grant permission for our son to marry your beautiful daughter. "
After the presentation of the dowry, the groom's family also presented several gifts to the parents and members of the bride's family. They put cash in the plate as well. In response to the groom's family generosity, the bride's family expressed their content and subsequently officially declared Princess Andrea as Prince Julian Gbaba's wife, and the merriment continued until midnight!
The Christian Wedding Ceremony at Crystal View Wedding & Event Center, Fairfax, Virginia, Saturday, October 7, 2023.
The Christian wedding ceremony took place at the Crystal View Wedding and Event Center in Fairfax, Virginia. It was witnessed by parents of the bride and groom, as well as hundreds of relatives, friends, well-wishers and guests from across the globe. The wedding rituals were officiated by Apostle Sharon Thompson. Flower girls were Zurie Greene, Miracle Biggs, Samantha Milimono, and the ringbearer was Prince Julian's nephew, Duke Reginald Jacinthe. There were also two Flower Maids, Marion Gbatu and Ernestine Johnson.
Maids of Honor were Mariama Keita and Pascale Cadelien and the Best Men were Jeremiah Barjolo, Ryan Stuart, and Paye Taryor Tingba. Bridesmaids included Queena Perry, Heather Watson, Lynne Davies, Rachael Joseph, Lena Tong, Joelle Hinneh. The groomsmen were Prince Jacques Tomoonh Yeleyon Gbaba, Tarplah Payne, paternal cousin of the groom, Teddy Mitchell, childhood friend of the groom, Joseph Slakey Williams, and Dickson Kanneh, a close buddy of the groom.
Princess Andrea's and Prince Julian's Marriage Occurred through Devine Inspiration
The God we serve is a faithful and ever powerful God. As a Rabbi I pray fervently not only for my natural born children but for all children, especially including the DATI Peace Advocates in Liberia that I have not met personally. The story I am about to tell you about this royal couple will shock you.
Five years ago in 2018, my theatre company Dehkontee Artists Theatre, Inc. (DATI) was rehearsing one of my dramas entitled "Love for Mymah". It is a traditional fairytale between Prince Jebro of the Kru ethnic group of Liberia and Princess Mymah, a Vai princess.
We were rehearsing in preparation for DATI's 41st Anniversary at the Ibrahim Theatre at the International House in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, and under the sponsorship of the Bartol Foundation. Prince Julian starred as Prince Jebro in the play, and Saigay Sheriff co-starred as Mymah. What a beautiful stage couple they both were!
Moving forward, Prince Julian and Lady Andrea travelled from Maryland to meet us for the first time on the day we had scheduled a photo shoot to produce our promotional materials for DATI's 41st Anniversary. Unfortunately, one of our main characters (a female) called out. Nonetheless, despite the fact that Lady Andrea at the time had not met Prince Julian's parents, yet. she was mentally prepared to test the waters.
Apparently, Julian might had given his girlfriend heads up about us, so she was very excited to meet us. We too had heard about our son's beautiful girlfriend, and we were dying to meet her as well. We fell in love with Andrea the very moment we met her. There was something about her that was different from the other girls Prince Julian had introduced to us over the years.
The first impression Andrea made demostrated she was from a home. She did not greet us as "Hi, Mr. Gbaba" or "Hi, Ms. Gbaba", like some of Prince Julian's past "Jews" did. Instead, here was a child meeting us for the very first time and the first greetings that came out of her mouth was, "Hi, Mommy and Daddy", and she spoke in a very soft and respectful voice. She came as a child who was prepared to be an integral part of our family.
I was so impressed with her behavior that I politely asked Andrea if she could proxy for our female cast member who called out and she happily obliged herself. We gave her the costume to wear and when she wore it, she was a perfect match for that role! The next time we saw her was at a community engagement program we had and as usual, Andrea immersed herself in the cultural and educatonal activities we had planned for the evening at the Myers Recreation Center in Southwest Philadelphia.
Now, here is the part of the story that will intrigue you. At the end of rehearsal, I asked Prince Julian if it were okay if I exchanged numbers with his girlfriend. He agreed and then I asked Andrea if we could exchange numbers so we would be in touch. She agreed. When I decided to lock her number in my phone for the very first time, I locked her name in my phone as "Andrea Gbaba", but not as "Andrea Davies-Hinneh."
I purposely did so because I was convinced, she was the one the Lord had for my son. However, I did not stop there. I prayed as the days and weeks and months passed that Andrea would one day be my son's wife. So, as God would have it, Friday, October 6 and Saturday, October 7, 2023, were the days the Lord ordained for Prince Julian and his princess to take their solemn vows as husband and wife in a traditional African/Liberian ceremony, and a formal western marital ceremony to satisfy both domains of Liberian history and culture--indigenous and Settler Liberian history and culture.
To God be the glory. May Prince Julian and Princess Andrea's marriage be blessed with many children, good health, prosperity, and happiness and may they live happily ever after. Amen.
We thank the parents and relatives of the bride for their kind hospitality, as well as members of the bridal party and groom entourage, and all those who travelled to and fro to attend our children's wedding ceremonies. Thanks also to the event planners. They did a fabulous job. Bravo!
Rabbi Prince Joseph Tomoonh-Garlodeyh Gbaba, Sr., Ed. D.
Proud Father of the Groom.
October 10, 2023
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1 年Lovely couple, Congrats! Best wishes ??