Prince Andrew’s BBC Interview, a “Train Wreck” or a Pawn in a $1B Extortion Scheme by Guiffre, Her Lawyers and ‘Deep State’? - 11
Quenby Wilcox
DC 'Cave-dwelling' Dowager; Will Swamp Self-Destructs or Saves Itself from Woke Illiberals under Trump?
In my previous blog I expose how different ‘cells’ and their networks are the ‘Deep State’ in control of the ‘Swamp’—and responsible for the escalating CHAOS in the world. However, what all savvy political scientist ‘experts’ in the cesspool are failing to understand is that the LACK OF LEADERSHIP that they are demonstrating is not only implicating them in serious legal problems under US federal law, but also international law. Amongst the many actors I have used, and will continue to use, as examples of the cohesive forces in Washington which are maintaining its CHAOS by LACK of LEADERSHIP, and thereby responsible for the rise to power of Trump along with increasingly oppressive regimes globally, are found in the IMF’s Institute for Capacity Development (ICD) and ‘Expat Wives Clubs’ (IMFFA, WBFN, UN LESA, FAWCO, FIAFE).
Lawlessness is rampant throughout Washington, and has been for a very, very long time. The crassness, arrogance, narcissism, and psychopathologies found in the ascertains of Trump are nothing new, they have just been brought to new heights by him, and his administration. And, while the feminists, and politically correct status quo, claim that women in the West have been ‘liberated’, this contention is nothing other than lies and propaganda being espoused by ‘Obedient’ people in the cesspool. As I often point out, the UN report “Indepth study on all forms of violence against women” demonstrates that it is women in social orders who maintain the sexual and physical violence of men—and examples abound amongst the Western feminists, in addition to the old-guard ruling elite from my boarding schools in the US (Foxcroft School) and England (Cobham Hall) and ‘Expat Wives Clubs’ (FAWCO, FIAFE, IMFFA, WBFN, UN LESA, etc.). A perfect example is found by Phyliss Chesler in her book, Woman’s Inhumanity to Woman, and how her own ‘Obedience’ and words are ‘normalizing’ and encouraging the ruling-elite (men and women) to ‘turn a blind-eye’ those who are ‘turning a blind-eye’ to violence against women and children—or any other ‘omission of action’ by witnesses and ‘authorities’, and I quote from her book,
The patriarchal nuclear family may not be a safe place for some women, not only because of male domestic violence but because women’s hidden war against each other also begins at home. The harm may last a lifetime…
She said, “My mother admired my father and was so dependent on him that when she discovered from the babysitter that he had sexually assaulted both me and my sister, she decided he needed more attention! We were instructed to welcome him at the dinner table and to treat him like a king.”
Like so many incest victims, this woman sounds angrier at the mother who failed to protect her than she (dares) sound about the father who raped her. She said, “I can’t understand how a mother could do this. Her own mother, my grandmother, was a beastly, cruel woman. Maybe because of that my mother was dependent on my father’s vileness and abuse.”
He may be right but she is also blaming another woman, her dead maternal grandmother, for what her father alone has done. [with Chesler seeming to forget the legal liability, under penal and civil law, of her grandmother as an accessory to the serial crimes of her father, and the VICIOUS normalization of those crimes by her mother’s ‘conciliatory’ actions (and why ‘mediation’ in broken courts is only enabling and empowering abusers, while silencing victims). Chesler herself was raped—by a UN official and then brain-washed into not pursuing her rapists in the courts as it would be ‘discriminatory’ because he was black and she is white. So I do not understand how she herself cannot understand the profound emotional betrayal, even more profound than a physical violation whose wounds heal long before emotional scars.]
I asked, “Had you tried talking to your mother about this?” “I did. But she would never say she was sorry about what he’d done or about her failure to help me. Until the day she died she was just jealous of his attention toward me.”
I raised this issue unexpectedly at a workshop I gave about something else. One woman immediately protested, tried to stop me from talking. She said, “No, you are absolutely wrong. Women are very supportive of each other. I’ve experienced his myself. Haven’t we all?” She looks around for support. Within an hour, this woman grew tearful. She admitted, “My mother was my lifelong enemy. She refused to touch me. Now as he lies dying she wants me to be her body servant. I can’t do it.”…
Women want to believe that they and other women are “safe.” Georgetown University Professor of Linguistics, Deborah Tannen, author of I Only Say This Because I Love You: How the Way we Talk can Make or Break Family Relationships Throughout Our Lives, writes, “Because we want so much to feel that our mothers—and our daughters—approve of us and think well of us, any comment that indicates anything less than complete approval swells in significance, overshadowing everything else. And that is why the criticism I hear from mothers and about mothers is overwhelming about criticism.”
The reason I have been ostracized by the politically correct development and human rights community, feminists and ‘experts’ in the domestic violence industry, inter alia is due to my ‘DISOBEDIENCE’ and REFUSAL to collude with them in their efforts to ‘cash-in’ on the pain and suffering of victims. The human rights community wishes to propagate the myth that “human rights violations ONLY occur in countries like Dafur and Sudan,” while the feminists in the domestic violence industry and legal communities ONLY want favoritism for women in the courts and to cover-up for the psychologically abusive nature of women, their vicious tactics and histrionic manipulations, and the damage it is doing to social orders.
Unfortunately, in the process of their narcissistic games, and singular focus on grappling up the ladder of success, they have implicated themselves in the cover-up of serial criminal offenses for which they are going to be losing all of the assets and property they have worked long hours to accumulate, as well as facing VERY long prison sentences under RICO and article 7 of the Roma Statutes. While it does not require a genius to understand that the pain and suffering caused by physical, sexual or psychological abuse CREATES substance abuse and addiction, report after report by the medical community confirms what anyone with any empathy and compassion has known for a VERY LONG TIME!!! The pain and suffering being beaten, raped, harassed, bullied, disrespected, denigrated, etc. has an effect on the brain and its adrenaline production. When faced with any kind of ‘dangerous’ situation, the brain (and subsequently body) goes into ‘fight or flight’ mode, blocking out any information about the current dilemma, and focusing on SURVIVAL. And, in order to mobilize the body adrenaline is produced so that the person’s ‘fight’ or ‘flight’ abilities are maximized to their FULL POTENTIAL. This why one hears of stories of people performing seemingly miraculous shows of physical in life-threatening situations, particularly when a loved one’s life in is danger.
However, if a person who is in danger is prevented from fleeing or confronting his or her enemy, but rather ‘trapped’ by their inability to defend themselves, the adrenaline surge will just produce rage and fury, which over time transforms the physical form of the brain as well as its functioning. This is why we are seeing rates increase in a wide variety of emotional problems within social orders, in tandem with spread of the narcissism epidemic globally, and which have a direct correlation. And, since the victim is ‘trapped’ in despair, he or she either takes psychopharmaceutical drugs which are meant to block the neurotransmitters in the brain which send the ‘danger’ message in the first place, or they anesthetizes the anger and pain with illegal or legal drugs. Unfortunately, they are continually obligated to up the dosage of their ‘drugs’ as well as the potency of their drug of choice, because the ‘origin’ of their pain and/or anger never stops. Instead it is continually being fed by more and more ‘attacks’ from perpetrators, until they finally ‘explode’ and hurt or kill themselves or someone else. This is why ‘public authorities’ have an OBLIGATION to protect victims, in their constitutional OBLIGATIONS to assure for the ‘general welfare’ and Rule of Law. And, why when they fail to do so they lose their RIGHT TO RULE, under their SOCIAL CONTRACT WITH THE PEOPLE.
And, actor Dennis Quaid provides some insight into how, and why, social mobility within a narcissistic, predatory and exploitative paradigm is the motor behind substance abuse, and has even ‘normalized’ this culture within the prevailing social order, and I quote from his Newsweek article, “Dennis Quaid’s Favorite Mistake Cocaine Addiction,”
My greatest mistake was being addicted to cocaine. I started after I lefts college and came to Los Angeles in 1974. It was very casual at first. That's what people were doing when they were at parties. Cocaine was even in the budgets of movies, thinly disguised. It was petty cash, you know? It was supplied, basically, on movie sets because everyone was doing it. People would make deals. Instead of having a cocktail, you'd have a line. So it was insidious, the way it snuck up on everybody. Coming from where I came from—lower-middle-class life, from Houston into Hollywood—and all of a sudden this success starts happening to you, I just didn't know how to handle that. Doing blow just contributed to me not being able to handle the fame, which, at the time, I guess I felt I didn't deserve. I was doing my best imitation of an asshole there for a little while, trying to pretend everything was OK. Meanwhile my life was falling apart, and I noticed it myself, but I was hoping everyone else didn't.
By the time I was doing The Big Easy, in the late 1980s, I was a mess. I was getting an hour of sleep a night. I had a reputation for being a "bad boy," which seemed like a good thing, but basically I just had my head stuck up my ass. I'd wake up, snort a line, and swear I wasn't going to do it again that day. But then 4 o'clock rolled around, and I'd be right back down the same road like a little squirrel on one of those treadmills. The lack of sleep made it so my focus wasn't really there, which affected my acting. Addiction just keeps you from living; you're basically hiding from life.
Quaid is the stereo-typical ‘Bad Boy’ Hollywood has been promoting and turning into a commodity for decades, as explained by Susan Faludi in her book Stiffed: The Betrayal of the American Man, from which I quote,
By the early 1950s, though, a darker vision of what America promised began to form around the figure of the Bad Bad Boy. No apple-cheeked rascal following the moral compass of his unflicked soul, he was the subject of alarmist newsreels, magazine and newspaper stories, and TV specials, which painted a lurid picture of the “brutal” criminality and predatory sexuality of this new “juvenile delinquent.”…
With much fanfare, the fawned-over sons of the postwar generation had been handed the keys to the kingdom, and for a while they reveled in their prosperity. But decades later they would discover that the keys hadn’t unlocked much more than the door to the Chevy and the entrance to a shopping mall. If they fortressed themselves in a store-bought world of Jerry Lee Lewis records and High School Hellcats movies, in retrospect they would see their kingdom as closer to a commercial prison. Even their rebellions incarcerated them, as their anger was turned into pop tunes and films and fashion even as it was condemned.
By century’s end, they would be blamed for seemingly everything that went wrong, even by the culture that transformed their renegade style into profitable commodities. The nation’ eyes turned with renewed outrage toward the Bad Bad Boy that they culture had spawned—if America’s shiny vision had gone rotten, he was the suspected worm at its core.
While the ‘delinquent’ is all too often portrayed as the ‘rebel’ in society, that is far from the reality of the situation. In making my point, I again quote from The Sin of Obedience,
The most tragic form of negative obedience is juvenile delinquency. Most people have never recognized that the so-called “delinquent” is tied hand and foot by obedience. His behavior is mostly negative feedback to authorities upon whom he is totally dependent. The delinquent, however, cannot escape from his subservient situation because he devoutly believes that he functions on his own initiative. His pride renders him totally blind to his own enslavement. His obsessive need to oppose “the establishment” often causes him to describe himself as “born to lose.” Often he will tattoo this motto on his chest.
A delinquent would not care to disobey the authority of his gang. The code and ethics of gang behavior are absolute in his mind. He takes pride in obeying their slightest shade of whim or control. His dependence on gang opinion is both his sword and his compass. Whether he is a leader or a follower in the gang, he is firmly bound by the law of this code. His status and security hinge on obedience as he is willing to lose his life rather than obey. He may not allow himself to like anyone who is outside the gang even if that person is friendly to him. All outsiders must be regarded as enemies and opposed (i.e. negatively obeyed) automatically on this basis.
Individual caught in this negative obedience are trapped in the mistaken certainty that they are strong-minded individuals who think and act quite independently. Accordingly, neither kindness nor severity serves to alter their behavior. And nothing may ever change unless we explode this mistaken conviction about their independence. The only thing we may do is to show them the pattern of their own activities: they have nothing whatever to say about their own behavior, which is determined by the authority either of the gang or those outside the gang. We found that if we act as a mirror of this kind, it frequently produces a flash of insight which shocks them dramatically….
How then, does an emotionally mature individual orient his behavior if he is to avoid obedience? Also, how many men cooperate if they do not follow a leader? These questions pose no problem for people who have their own authority. When a group of such individuals begin go work together, each consciously delegates his authority to the coordinator or leader just as long as the latter lead them in a direction compatible with the accomplishment of the basic need of the situation.
Creator of STEAM, a nonprofit working to promote STEM education for students.
4 年Wow! Very insightful article. I like the quote about "bad boys"