Prince Andrew’s BBC Interview, a Train Wreck” or a Pawn in a $1B Extortion Scheme by Guiffre, Her Lawyers and ‘Deep State’? – Part 10
Quenby Wilcox
DC 'Cave-dwelling' Dowager; Will Swamp Self-Destructs or Saves Itself from Woke Illiberals under Trump?
In this blog, I will further expose the mind-set of the narcissist, and how they work in collusion with psychopaths, (aka the ‘Deep State’) to Control and Manipulate the World in their efforts to become ‘Masters of the Universe’ using the case-study of all women’s groups which are colloquially referred to as ‘Expat Wives Clubs’ presenting ad naseum evidence against FIAFE, FAWCO, IMFFA, WBFN, Leaticia of Bogota, etc., with my personal experiences with them in the past 15 years to make my points. It should be noted that these ‘ladies’ are reflective of the mindset and behaviors of those who work in multi-national corporations and diplomatic corps in Anglo-phone, Franco-phone, and Hispania-phone expatriated populations across the globe, and the ‘role-model’ for their constituency. Unfortunately, as one might expect, I found the narcissism epidemic that I had fled in the US and Washington in the 1980s, was being proliferated to the rest of the world during my 20 years abroad, and was omnipresent in the expat communities in which I lived during my years abroad, and particularly remarkable during my stance in Bogota, Colombia. As Phyliss Chesler explains in her book Woman’s Inhumanity to Woman,
Some say that traditional, patriarchal women are at their best in groups. To some extent, this is true. Small groups of women as well as larger all-female auxiliaries work together as volunteers in cultural and religious institutions, in hospitals and in soup kitchens, and collect food and money for the poor. In so doing, women also uphold (an unjust) status quo—for which they receive important secondary benefits, such as each other’s social companionship, relief from boredom, and the opportunity to participate in significant work. Women volunteers also achieve social standing without having to meet objective professional standards and without having to compete against each other—or against men—professionally. Women of all classes and races have excelled at such affiliative and compassionate volunteer work….
Historically, women-only groups have organized food, rent and trade-union strikes and participated in patriotic, fascistic, racist, anti-racist, nationalist, internationalist, colonialist, anti-colonialist, capitalist, socialist, communist, democratic, and totalitarian movements and regimes. Women have also worked on many single-issue campaigns such as Mothers Against Drunk Driving, The Mothers of the Plaza de Mayo, Women’s Strike for Peace, and Women of Greenham Common.
Since men have refused to admit women into what were, until recently, virtually all-male work and play forces, women had no choice but to work separately and mainly with each other.
[* NB. This sentence exposes Chesler’s feminist bias. Because she, as all feminist, see women’s ostracization from positions of political and economic power—and what really concerns the feminists in advocating for women’s entry into professional positions—as the root cause of the oppression and domination of women, rather than a historical reaction to women’s innate narcissism and complex mental processes. And, as I demonstrate in my examination and analyses of issues in my activism work, this female trait has enormous advantage in the arena of Good Governance, when it is used for the greater good, and general welfare. But, when it is empowered and proliferated by the narcissistic and power-hungry women I have been observing throughout my life, and particularly in the past decade since my return to Washington and its cesspool, it has a PROFOUND, PROFOUND negative effect on the social order.]
Women also fight to work mainly with other women: in some ways it was easier.
[* NB. This sentence perplexes me. As a woman who has always said that the only reason I had women friends was that I went to all girls boarding schools and was a stay-at-home mom/expat trailing-spouse for 20 years, with 8 international moves during those years. So, obviously I would have been EXTREMELY lonely if I had failed to make friends. But, I have never had much respect for my own gender, and have found them as a group superficial, narcissistic, intellectually boring, and thoroughly guided by ‘herd’ mentality making them terrible Leaders. And, the infighting and vicious backstabbing that I have observed amongst the women in my activism work of the past decade as well as my places of work, after years and years of observing the same in ‘Expat Wives Clubs’, on top of my experiences as a child and teenager, has only reinforced my conviction that if women want to be treated as EQUALS they must move beyond their narcissism and ‘cheerleading’ mentality, grow-up, and move (along with men) to self-actualization levels of Maslow’s hierarchy during their adult lives, instead of pursuit of survival needs, as seen in the current narcissism epidemic.)
To some extent, this is still true. Most men are still not comfortable taking orders from women, who in turn feel more comfortable, even safer, asserting both direct and indirect authority over other women than over non-intimate males. Women also enjoy working with others who communicate in complex, sensitive, expressive ways and who can approximate or improve upon family-like female intimacy…
Some way that traditional, patriarchal women are at their best in groups. To some extent, this is true. Small groups of women as well as larger all-female auxiliaries work together as volunteers in cultural and religious institutions, in hospitals and in soup kitchens, and collect food and money for the poor. In so doing, women also uphold (an unjust) status quo—for which they receive important secondary benefits, such as each other’s social companionship, relief from boredom, and the opportunity to participate in significant work. Women volunteers also achieve social standing without having to meet objective professional standards and without having to compete against each other—or against men—professionally. Women of all classes and races have excelled at such affiliative and compassionate work.
(*NB. Chelser’s statement that women volunteer so that they may “find relief from boredom and the opportunity to participate in significant work” exposes the systemic failure of the alpha-dominance feminists to recognize the HARD WORK mothers and wives do, and give the impression that ALL moms and wives who do not work outside of the home, DO NOT WORK. The denigration and condescension of the feminist towards their own gender is as BAD, if NOT WORSE, than any arrogant, conceited SOB in the world!! The “problem with no name,” as Betty Friedan called it, was NOT that the work that mother and wives do is unfulfilling and unimportant. But, rather that NO ONE APPRECIATES the ENORMOUS work that these women do in their homes, families and communities—and which MAKE THE WORLD GO ‘ROUND. Caring mothers and wives don’t care about becoming billionaires, or even millionaires. They just care about a little recognition for all that they do, and how THEY MAKE A VALUABLE CONTRIBUTION TO SOCIETY!)
While during my years living in Brussels (1991-’95) and Paris (1995-97) I was too busy taking care of babies, cleaning, and entertaining to be anything more than a grateful member of an ‘Expat Wives Club’ in their toddler/mommy groups. However, during my years in Bogota (1997-2003), I served on Anglo-phone, Hispania-phone, and Franco-phone ‘Expat Wives Clubs’—with much dismay as to the back-stabbing, histrionic games of all the board members. So, I know from personal experience how valuable these organizations CAN BE for young mothers with no support networks in a foreign country. But, I am also well familiar with the failure of these ‘Clubs’ to be responsive to the needs of their constituency, as well as serve as a TRUE role-model and example of INTEGRITY and HONOR for their communities. And, the narcissism and disgusting materialism of these women is translating into enormous pain and suffering for women and children across the planet, as well as implicating them all in serious criminal legal liability, with financial ruination in lawsuits regarding civil violations.
I adored being a stay-at-home mom, and wish the world was as ‘Picture Perfect’ as all the IDIOTS in the ‘Swamp’ contend. Then, my life story would had included a loving husband, and a family with lots and lots of children, and a life free of worries, stress or dangers. (And, Global Expats would be a thriving company today employing thousands and thousands of expats, trailing spouse moms—instead of me fighting to survive in the ‘Swamp’ for the past decade.) Unfortunately, the world is a FAR CRY from the ‘la-la Land’ everyone in power wants to believe—and because of it, it seems I am going to be ‘left holding the bag’ in the clean-up!! However, even though IMMENSELY satisfying and rewarding, being a stay-at-home mom, or ‘trophy-wife’ is not a life free from stress or WORK. Having babies, taking care of toddlers, and raising children (and husbands) is HARD WORK with LONG, LONG HOURS, and LITTLE SLEEP. BUT, IT IS ALSO THE MOST REWARDING SATISFYING WORK AND JOB, IN THE WORLD!! AND, IT IS ALSO THE JOB WHICH MOST CONTRIBUTES TO THE ‘GENERAL WELFARE’ OF SOCIAL ORDERS—with NO recognition from ANYONE in the current paradigm. As I told Joan Meier, former Director of DV LEAP at GWU, “everyone is treating the homemakers like parasites, while the REAL parasites here are all the ‘experts’ cashing in on all the problems of the world, and pain and suffering of everyone in it, and laughing all the way to the bank at the expense of victims!!!” (or something to the effect).
Even with all of the ‘politicking’ and infighting between board members, the social networking activities that ‘Expat Wives Clubs’ sponsor and organize are EXTREMELY important to the successful integration and adaptation of expatriated families (of which IMF, Word Bank, and UN families are very many). This phenomenon highlights the extent to which upper-middle and upper-class women (particularly homemakers) are the ‘cohesive’ force within communities and the success of their families. Research into the importance of women’s contribution to their families, as well as husband’s career, is well-documented by academians and ‘experts’ in the expatriation industry. But, just like everywhere else in the world the functions and roles of these women in social orders, as well as their contributions to those orders, are not being given the attention and respect that they deserve and merit—even though reports from the development community consistently show that it is the family which is the corner stone of social orders. And, unfortunately those who have joined the rank-and-file of the current nouveau-riche, ‘ruling-elite’ (in the US and globally) have ‘normalized’ (and even glorified) narcissism and psychopathologies within the communities and social orders which they pretend to SERVE, but in fact only EXPLOIT and DESTROY!!
The original ‘Expat Wives Club’, was founded in 1931, and is the Federation of American Women’s Clubs Overseas (FAWCO). Their mission is to assist the expatriated families of Americans living and travelling abroad. In the interim years since its creation, particularly starting in the 1980s, FAWCO chapters have sprung-up in capitals around the world, with this model copied by many other groups, as well as receiving much support from embassies and multi-national corporations. Some of the most well-funded and supported of these organizations globally (apart from FAWCO) is the IMF Family Association (IMFFA), World Bank Family Network (WBFN), UN Local Expatriate Spouse Association (LESA), and Fédération Internationale des Accueils Fran?ais et Francophones d’expatriés (FIAFE). Unfortunately, while these ‘Expat Wives Clubs’ spend much money and energy trying to convince everyone, particularly themselves and donors, that their boards, and membership, are filled with kind, thoughtful, generous, and compassionate women (and increasingly men) who are dedicated to assisting their constituency—expatriated families around the world. NOTHING could be farther from the truth. The boards of these organizations are inundated with social-climbing, viperous narcissists and psychopaths, with most expatriates avoiding them and their organizations like the plague.
For example, FAWCO is the most well-organized, funded and sponsored of these associations, but attracts less than 1% of the 7 million Americans living abroad in their membership—most of their members are either corporate expats or from the diplomatic corp. Unfortunately, these organizations have embraced the narcissism trends begun in the 1980s under Nancy Reagan and her entourage of socialites, along with sell-out liberals whose role model was ‘Deb of the Decade’, Cornelia Guest (precursor to social media queens like Paris Hilton and Kim Kardashian)—and which has grown to epidemic proportions in the US and globally since then. This phenomenon is explained in the book, The Narcissism Epidemic, by Jean Twenge, PhD and Keith Campbell, PhD, from which I quote,
The Growing Narcissism in American Culture – We didn’t have to look very hard to find it. It was everywhere…On a reality show… [plastic surgery]”Mommy Makeover”…fake paparazzi to you around snapping your photo…popular song declares with no apparent sarcassam, “I believe the world should revolve around me!” people buy expensive homes with loans far beyond their ability to pay… Babies wear bibs embroidered with “Supermodel” or “Chick Magnet” and suck on “Bling” pacifiers while their parents read modernized nursery rhymes from This Little Piggy Went to Prada. People strive to create a “personal brand” (also called “self-branding”), packaging themselves like a product to be sold. Ads for financial services proclaim that retirement helps you return to childhood and pursue your dreams. High school students pummel classmates and then seek attention for their violence by posting YouTube videos of the beatings.
Although these seem like a random collection of current trends, all are rooted in a single underlying shift in the American psychology: the relentless rise of narcissism in our culture. Not only are there more narcissists than ever, but non-narcissistic people are seduced by the increasing emphasis on material wealth, physical appearance, celebrity worship, attention seeking. Standards have shifted… A popular dance track repeats the words “money, success, fame, glamour” over and over, declaring that all other values have “either been discredited or destroyed.”
…The mortgage meltdown that led to the financial crisis of 2008 was caused, in part, by the narcissism over-confidence of homebuyers who claimed they could afford houses too expensive for them and greedy lenders who were willing to take a big risks with others people’s money. In one way or another, the narcissism epidemic has touched every American.
In the last few years, narcissism has become a popular buzzword, used to explain the behavior of everyone from hooker-obsessed former New York governor Eliot Spitzer to famous-for-being-famous Paris Hilton. Others have diagnosed themselves: former presidential candidate John Edwards explained his extramarital affair by stating, “In the course of several campaigns, I started to believe that I was special and became increasingly egocentric and narcissistic.” As the New York Times noted, narcissism “has become the go-to diagnosis by columnists, bloggers, and television psychologist. We love to label the offensive behavior of others to separate them from us. ‘Narcissist’ is among our current favorites.”
My tenure as President of Bogota Accueil (FIAFE chapter) in 2002-03 is a perfect case-study on the viciousness and conniving of social-climbing narcissist and psychopathic women in the French diplomatic corp and French corporate world—and my ostracization from the Spanish ‘Expat Wives Club’ in Bogota (Club Leatitia) is a perfect case study of the same narcissistic BS and jealous backstabbing amongst the Spanish diplomatic corp and corporate world. However, the conniving of former Chair of the IMFFA, Anne-Beatrix Keller Semadeni, and current co-Chair, John Harper, to ‘get rid of me’ in 2011 (and take credit with IMF HR for my two years of HARD-WORK in transforming IMFFA from an administrative NIGHTMARE, to a ‘lean-mean-fighting machine’) has implicated everyone on its board, and IMF HR staff, in so many violations under RICO and FCPA that it will make everyone’s head spin when litigation is over.
The restaurant where I am currently working is plague with the same BUREAUCRATIC MESS, for the same reasons as those found in the IMF’s Institute for Capacity Development (ICD) and IMFFA (which are provided in my report “Workplace Bullying in the IMF,” and which was swept under the carpet by IMF Management). My recent observation, and proper reporting of sexual harassment and bullying by one of the managers to a subordinate, terminated in an ‘intervention’ type meeting where I was called in to confront the abuser and give explanations of why I had DARED to ‘whistle-blow’ on him?!? When the ‘meeting’ started, and I begun to realize that I had been brought into a situation where the intent was clearly to anger and provoke me into ‘losing my cool’ in order to ‘exonerate’ the abuser, I was a first FLABBERGAST!!
Then when my interlocutors tried to ‘turn the tables’ and accuse ME of bullying the abuser by having lodge a complaint in the first place, I had a flash-back and déjà vu moment of my HORRIFICATION of the mandatory “Respectful Workplace” workshops in ICD over a two year period. After the last workshop I was so distraught over the way in which the Winter Group (who conducted the workshop) were PROMOTING and ENCOURAGING BULLYING and HARASSMENT as well as ITS COVER-UP in workplaces I went to see the Domestic Violence Prevention Coordinator for the IMF and World Bank, Elizbeth Legrain, with my concerns and recommendations that she bring them to the attention of the IMF’s HR Director at the time, Mark Plant. I know Legrain dating back to my tenure within the IMFFA, and not only is she well aware of the ‘shenanigans’ of Anne-Beatrix Keller and John Harper in my wrongful and illegal termination from the association in 2011, but she is well familiar with my domestic violence case in Spain and ensuing activism work and ‘expertise’ in the various arenas. Unfortunately, once again, I believe my words fell on ‘deaf ears’, further deepening the tortuous and illegal activities of IMF and World Bank staff. However, the ‘funniest’ part of the entire ‘intervention’ and ‘attack’ was when the ‘mediator’ attempted to equate my ‘calling-out’ of the abuser with an altercation I had with one of the condescending dumb-blonde Bitches in the restaurant that are the ‘PRIZE’ of all the lecherous men in the 'Swamp', and therefore believe they are the PROTECTED AMONGST THE PROTECT in the protection rackets which control Washington (with HR personnel a prevalent and dominant actor).
All of the organizations I am challenging in the ‘Swamp’ are plagued with the same problems of narcissism, managerialism, alpha-dominance feminism, ‘minority’ rights movements, affirmative action, ‘diversity’, combined with a TOTAL and COMPLETE break down in the Rule of Law has ushered into the ‘American Dream’ and global narcissism epidemic in the past 40 years. However, as my current field work demonstrates as each echelon in hierarchies pass on responsibility for his or her ‘Obedience’ to a higher level in the echelon they DO NOT shed their moral culpability and legal complicity to the situation, and I quote again from the Sins of Obedience,
An obedient person, however, behaves like a child who must lean on an authority figure for support. He is willing to accept no responsibility for himself or others. He is merely a tool which other people can use for good or evil. Cooperation for him is impossible: obedience is his only option. He makes the authority figure responsible for his welfare. When things go well, he praises and when things go badly, he blames the one who controls him. Note that he never blames himself. He has surrendered his own internal authority so that he can be free of personal responsibility as he is free to hold others responsible when things go badly. He uses his authority figure as a crutch in the expectation that he will be carried toward success on the efforts of the leaders he obeys.
On the subject of rendering one’s own “internal authority in order to be free of personal responsibility,” is a situation I have observed and documented, and am continuing to document, from the highest to lowest levels in workplaces throughout the ‘Swamp’—along with the legal liability of those responsible.
What workplaces, and communities, need is to get RID of are all of the BUREAUCRATIC BULLSHIT that is increasingly becoming standard-fare EVERYWHERE—and in the process endorsing ad normalizing serial penal and civil code violations, under labor rights violations. And, ALL of the lawyers and legal clinics who are INTENTIONALLY turning a blind eye to ALL of the labor rights violations occurring IN MASS throughout Washington on a DAILY basis are accessory to these crimes by their omission of action—and the fundamental reason that Trump was voted into Office in 2016 with a totally empty promise to “drain the Swamp”. The contention of the legal community that lawsuits cannot be brought against perpetrators of bullying because “no specific law exist against bullying in the workplace” only reflects their understanding of basic legal principles under writs, torts and contract law in conjunction with penal and civil codes, constitutions and international conventions.)
Again, I quote from, The Narcissism Epidemic, in a passage too funny for words, and which I believe reflects the frustration of all of us ‘old-people’, particularly the ‘old-ladies’ like me, in labor markets and communities!!,
In a Wall Street Journal article in 2007, a partner at a prestigious law firm noted that the young associates demanded praise for their work; some even cried when they got critical feedback. The older partners at the firm were confused: when they were young associates, they remembered, not getting yelled at was considered praise. The partners had to bring in outside assistance to learn how to cope with the new workers. Some companies are hiring “praise consultants” who advise that bosses should not criticize an employee who is late to work; instead they should praise the employee when he or she gets in on time. One praise consultant throws several pounds of confetti a week. In previous era, the reward one got for coming to work on time was called “not getting fired,” and many argue that expecting praise for showing up is the definition of entitlement.
(Labor markets may be getting ‘cheap’ labor when they replace the 40-50+ with stupid, dumb-blonde ‘spring chickens’ whores willing to service the sexual deviancy of those in power, as well as stroke their already inflated egos. But, they are doing so at a GREAT PRICE to workplaces and social orders. And quite frankly, the day that I resort to prancing around the restaurant I currently work in (or anywhere else in DC’s workplaces, or BETTER YET the Halls of Congress in my lobbying efforts!) throwing several pounds of confetti a week to try and incite workers to DO THEIR JOBS! You all can now call the men in white coats, and tell them “We finally did it. The lady has finally lost it and gone bonkers!! Come and get her. It has taken us 20 years, but we finally broke her!!”
The tort for IMF staff in my particular case against them is further complicated by the same ‘shenanigans’ (as Christine Lagarde called them in 2016) in its Institute for Capacity Development (ICD), and my case against them for repeated discrimination, bullying, and harassment and eventual wrongful termination. The failure of the narcissistic ‘princesses’ and ‘queens-for-a-day’ who controlled that department, and ‘feel the pea’ (so to speak) in their 4-year dealings with me (see my report “Workplace Bullying in the IMF”), will help to bring the downfall of staffers throughout the IMF (and World Bank) once the House of Cards in Washington collapses. Again, I quote from the book, The Narcissism Epidemic, which explains that while narcissists are ‘great attention seekers’ they are far from being the ‘winners’ that they so desperately want everyone to believe, and I quote,
Narcissists love to win, but in most settings, they aren’t that great at actually winning. For example, college students with inflated views of themselves (who think they are better than they actually are) make poorer grades the longer they are in college… Apparently the narcissist were widely unrealistic about how they were doing and persisted in their lofty illusions when they have dropped the course (or perhaps one something radical, like study)….
In other words, overconfidence backfires. This makes some sense; narcissists are lousy at taking criticism and learning from mistakes. They also like to blame everyone and everything except themselves for their shortcomings. Second, they lack motivation to improve because they believe they have already made it…Third, overconfidence itself can lead to poor performance. If you think you know all of the answers, there’s no need to study. Then you take the test and fail. Oops.
Unfortunately, the ‘Oops’ of staffers throughout the IMF, and their sister organization World Bank in understanding what all of their reports and academic analysis say, and mean, has translated into:
1. increasing global economic instability due to increasingly high-risk and unregulated financial and venture capital markets, and banking systems
2. unregulated narcissistic, irresponsible, and predatory government agencies and business communities
3. violations under RICO and FCPA as well as article 7 of the Roma Statutes (crimes against humanity) by government civil servants and public authorities in collusion with IMF, World Bank and UN staff, along with major and minor ‘players’ in the development community.
It was my own experiences as a ‘trailing-spouse’ expats ‘stay-at-home’ mom that made me appreciate the importance of the work that ‘Expat Wives Clubs’ do, and the services that they provide, that led me to come-up with the idea for Global Expats in 2006. This in turn precipitated the escalation of abuse and violence in my home in efforts of my husband to destroy me and the project. Even though Global Expats’ website (whose concept is a cross between Yelp, TripAdvisor, Facebook, and Linkedin) would have made me, and thereby him (under common property law), extremely wealthy, his obsessive desire to control and manipulate me over-rode his almost equally obsessive desire for wealth, status, and a life of leisure and decadence. My mother suffers from the same afflictions as my ex-husband and has been just as viciously manipulative and cruel in her efforts to destroy me and it, as my husband has. However, all of her manipulations of the past decade are not surprising given the extent she has always tried to manipulate, control and destroy my father, along with me and my siblings. Even when she is confronted with her own mortality and the day that she will meet her maker, her NECESSITY to CONTROL and MANIPULATE others, just like in the children’s story “The Scorpion and the Frog”’ surpasses even her most basic survival instincts.
Narcissists are not only self-destructive, but their frustration at being a ‘failure’ drives them to target and destroy anyone or anything which threats them or their predatory and hedonistic existence—and why they are so dangerous to social orders when empowered and enabled as has been done by in Washington in the past 40 years in backlash to the Civil Rights movement of the 1960s and 70s.
Understanding the narcissism epidemic is important because its long-term consequences are destructive to society. American culture’s focus on self-admiration has caused a flight from reality to the land of grandiose fantasy. We have phony rich people (with interest only mortgages and piles of debt), phony beauty (with plastic surgery and cosmetic procedures), phony athletes (with performance-enhancing drugs), phony celebrities (via reality TV and YouTube), phony genius students (with grade inflation), a phony national economy (with $11 trillion of government debt), phony feelings of being special among children (with parenting and education focused on self-esteem), and phony friends (with the social networking explosion). All this fantasy might feel good, but, unfortunately, reality always wins. The mortgage meltdown and the resulting financial crisis are just one demonstration of how inflated desires eventually crash to earth.
The cultural focus on self-admiration began with the shift toward focusing on the individual in the 1970s, documented in Tom Wolfe’s article on “The Me Decade” in 1976 and Lasch’s The Culture of Narcissism. In the three decades since, narcissism has grown in ways these authors never could have imagined. The fight for the greater good of the 1960s became looking out for number one by the 1980s. Parenting became more indulgent, celebrity worship grew, and reality TV became a showcase of narcissistic people. The Internet brought useful technology but also the possibility of instant fame and a “Look at me!” mentality. Using botulinum toxin to smooth facial wrinkles to perpetuate a youthful face birthed a huge industry. The easy accessibility of credit allowed people to look better off financially than they actually were.
In fact, it was a lifetime living, and rubbing shoulders, with psychopaths and narcissists—observing how they are constantly ‘working’ people in their manipulations—that I, with GREAT CLARITY, see all of the back-stabbing and illegal maneuvers of everyone in my midst—and throughout the ‘Swamp’. Unfortunately, the narcissistic mind-games and ‘alliance’ building of all the bullies which:
· infect the government agencies and NGOs (IMF and World Bank Group included) I am calling out for their failure to uphold democratic principles, and instead be part of the problem
· have infected my places of work in the IMF and DC restaurants where I have worked in the past decade
· and, have infected the 7 different group homes in which I have lived with a variety of pending lawsuits against landlords, a former co-tenant, and employers
just provide a deluge of evidence against people throughout the ‘Swamp’ who need to be made accountable as well as made and example of as deterrent to others.
And, while staffers in the World Bank who have been blacklisting me from attending the IMF/World Bank Meetings since Fall 2016, as well as David Theis and Herve de Villeroche (French ED) who failed to consider, and process, my application for President of the World Bank in protest to Donald Trump’s nominee David Malpass may have amused themselves at my expense with their condescension and arrogance, just like my former colleagues in the IMF’s ‘capacity building’ department (ICD) these two men are in for a rude awakening when their Day of Reckoning arrives. Not only can I contest the legitimacy of Malpass’s presidency due to a lack of transparency in the selection process by his nomination by Trump DAY BEFORE the official, supposedly Transparent, selection process was opened, but the fact that my nomination was ‘swept under the carpet’ further illegitimizes Malpass’s presidency.
Just as in the case of Trump, and his Administration, everyone in the IMF and World Bank keep digging themselves deeper and deeper and deeper into a hole that they will never be able to dig themselves out of. My charges against IMF staff (at micro and macro level) are the same as those being launched against Trump, with their defenses and excuses over the years the same as being used by Trump loyalists at present. From an ideological and theological perspective, the issues raises by Trump’s rise to power, those in my criticism of IMF, World Bank and UN policies and practices, in addition to their internal management, are all fundamentally the same problems as those found within judicial, executive and legislative branches governments. Organizations are infected with narcissistic and chaos creating practices and policies which narcissistic HR personnel have been enculturating into workplaces and management styles for decades—and ARE DRIVING EVERYONE CRAZY with THEIR GOOBLEYGOOK!!! As Lee Iacocca so aptly states, what we need is LEADERSHIP and to “throw the bums out!!”
Everyone in the press and on The Hill is fixated on the Russian election meddling in 2016 and its ongoing efforts to create chaos and havoc in the 2020 election process, and/or any means with which to destabilize the US federal government and disempower its political, economic, social and military influence and dominance in the world. However, the failure of ‘big-wig’ journalists throughout the ‘Swamp’ to:
· expose the elevated levels of corruption and criminal negligence in government and pseudo-government agencies in the ‘Beltway’ that my research and activism work has demonstrated
· expose how and why efforts of the development community, with the IMF, World Bank and UN at the lead, are enabling and encouraging the rise to power of oppressive and dictatorial regimes (ie. Ergodan and Trump)
· expose how and why the policies and practices of the IMF, World Bank, and UN are in direct contradiction to their missions, and as such a multi-billion dollar CON-JOB on taxpayers around the world
is only strengthening my case against them, and my argumentation for the courts that their omission of action is in violation of RICO, FCPA, and article 7 of the Roma Statutes.
Washington is the epic center of the growing Narcissism epidemic which is being proliferated in countries around the world—and the development community here is the motor behind that epidemic. If the various ‘minority’ factions vying for power and World Dominance for their ‘protected’ group are NOT successfully challenged IN THE COURTS and SOCIAL ORDERS, they WILL eventually be challenged with bloodshed in the streets and battlefields of the world. And, the current apathy of those with the power to ACT will be responsible for the violence, bloodshed and destruction to come, with the raping, pillaging and murdering particularly vicious and macabre in the upper and upper-middle class neighborhoods of Washington and its suburbs. It is these atrocities you will be forced to account for when the Planet is destroyed, and you are faced with Your Maker and Day of Redemption!
Creator of STEAM, a nonprofit working to promote STEM education for students.
4 年Powerful and disturbing account of the cult of narcissism that engulfs world leaders and society in general