I am looking at the universe

I am looking at the universe

The primordial universe

One of the most discussed topics in physics is the origin of our universe. A number of theories have been put forward to explain the origin of the universe. Based on the evidence, the theory of the Big Bang is widely accepted today. So let's start with the Big Bang theory. According to the Big Bang Theory, the universe goes through many processes after the Big Bang. The Planck Age, the Inflation Period, and many other things that happened during the evolution of the universe. Each stage of the evolution of the universe has its own significance. Many great men have explained to us in detail. So I also don't want to waste my readers' time by saying these things again. However, in the coming chapters, I will try to explain in very short words the impact of these periods on our daily life activities. In this chapter, I would like to explain my views on the state of the universe before the Big Bang. We all know that the Big Bang was about 13.8 billion years ago, yet the universe still continues to expand with an accelerating rate. We cannot imagine how big the universe is and how much it expands. You and I are equally curious about the future of our ever-expanding universe. The big bang was caused by a singularity that was unified by a very strong gravitational force. The force of gravity during this period was beyond our imagination. In this chapter, I would like to discuss the state of energy that science still cannot explain. Let us see how this state of energy is combined and how the singularity that caused the Big Bang was formed. We all know that, during the formation of this singularity, the Big Bang takes place at a certain point, and the 'time' starts there. Here we see the next problem that arises to confuse us. What is the time? where was it? what was 'time' at the gravitational singularity? was it at a zero value? Or was it a part of energy, which was liberated by the big bang? Still, we don't know what it is, we are running with the time or it is running with us. We will discuss that in the coming chapters. Now we can come to the Big bang. However, our knowledge on this subject is very limited. We still have a lot to learn about the moment before the Big Bang. I am making an attempt to understand this situation and especially about gravity. According to the Big Bang Theory, the basic forces that we know today, Strong Interaction, Electromagnetic Force, and Weak Nuclear Force, emerged after the Big Bang. There, gravity was the only fundamental force in our knowledge. Therefore, no other force had any significance in Big Bang Singularity. It was only after the Big Bang, that many forms of the energy we see in the visible universe, like from basic particles to massive stars and galaxies, emerged. These are the basic knowledge we all have about the Big Bang. However, I just brought it to your attention. Let’s talk about the singularity that led to this big bang. Let us see how it was formed. 

Let us first see what is a singularity. Singularity is a condition in which the absorbed matter is concentrated at the lowest volume (space). In physics, we can see two singularities. One is called Big Bang Singularity and the other is Black Hole Singularity. Let us try to learn more about Singularity. Imagine we are traveling on a very busy train. On that journey, we cannot really customize our will. If a few more people get on the train again, what will your situation be? Even worse is the situation in a singularity. The particles are so close together that they cannot even express their basic properties. They even lose their identity. Now if we take an atom, we know that there is a lot of empty space inside it. Almost 99.5% of an atom is empty. But when the same atom enters a singularity, its condition becomes another. It is very Squeezed, and the void in it is gone. What happens here to the space that once existed within an atom? A situation where electrons, protons, and neutrons become together. It lost all of its basic forces, such as Strong Interaction, Electromagnetic Force, and Weekly Nuclear Force, and showed only the force of gravity. The atom itself is gone. For that atom, the time has ended. Or a start to another situation. So is the end of time, or does it continue in a different state? 

Big Bang Singularity is not like a Black Hole Singularity. There were no atoms or other particles at the time of the Big Bang unity. All of these things were created after the Big Bang. It can only be said that there was energy, and gravity as its property. The black hole singularity is caused by the collapse of gravity, which results at the end of life of stars four or five times larger than the Sun. When the heavier stars are in its final stages, at the end of energy production with nuclear fusion, the effect of its own gravity shrinks itself and becomes a black hole. What is meant by shrink itself? We can think of this in two ways. When there is only energy left in a black hole, the space inside must be expelled. When one atom enters a black hole, the electrons inside it combine with the particles in the nucleus and expel the space between them. Here is the next question. What happens to the space that is thus ejected. It should be added to the curved space-time of the black hole.Then the amount of curved space under the control of the black hole will not increase. Thus I describe the evolution of the universe as part of the product of the interactions between space and energy. The second situation is to try to shrink space together with energy. The possibilities for that are very rare. Let's try to understand more about it also. Anyway gravity increases when it decreases the size. Becoming smaller its boundaries are more close to the center. And hence the gravity on its surface also increases. Small by itself, with its gravity, a black hole can control even light. We will see more about Gravity in later chapters.

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When you are in the boat, you are adding your mass to the boat and it is applying the total mass to the surface of the ocean to create the curvature according to the total mass. Here the bottom of the boat is having direct contact with the surface of the ocean while you are not related to the surface directly. Same like, when a spherical mass is acting with a two-dimensional flat space to create a curvature in it, the bottom part of the sphere is having only direct contact with space. The upper part of the spherical mass can’t create a curved space-time. Imagine that you have a sheet of paper and a small ball in your hand. You are trying to wrap the ball with this sheet of paper; you can wrap the ball, but can’t do it perfectly because the paper will create some folding while it curves according to the ball. When the spherical ball or the boat sinking in the ocean water, there we can have a three-dimensional space and it can easily wrap the spherical ball or the boat. If we ignore the gravity of earth in this system (ocean) the ball will not move to the most bottom of the water, somewhere in the water it can create sufficient space. This is what is happening in space. Like this, all the objects in the universe, including our earth, exist in a state wrapped by space-time. Energy, from all its dimensions, bends space into it, and hangs on it. There is now a general understanding of the interrelationship between space and energy. This condition is the cause of gravity.

I understand energy and space as the only two fundamental building blocks of the universe. All other phenomena we see in the universe are the result of interactions between them. Space is just as important as energy. Space is essential for energy to stay. Therefore a certain amount of energy will be kept an influence on a certain amount of space proportional to it. To understand the universe, we must first understand how energy exists in space. For that, we need the ideas of Albert Einstein. Energy is located in space in the same pattern he used to describe gravity. So I wish to explain the concept of curved space-time in the general relativity theory that I understood in my observations, in a way that everyone can understand. In my vision, the space-time in General Relativity is flexible. The flexibility allows the space to fold (Curve), in accordance with the effects of the distribution of energy on it. For a better understanding of this theory, you can imagine the space-time as the surface of an ocean. Imagine that you are traveling in a boat, in this ocean. You can observe everything in the general relativity, at the ocean. There are waves, the curvature of the surface of the water by the mass of the boat, the shape of a vortex that we can compare to the event horizon of a black hole, and much more. A very clear view of Einstein’s space-time concept, we can have from the ocean’s surface. We can see that, the surface of the ocean as apparently flat. So I would like to say it as a two-dimensional surface. We know, the mass of the boat can create a curvature at the surface of the ocean. When we are having this scenery, we are having the vision of a three-dimensional effect in a two-dimensional space. Now imagine that the boat is sinking into the ocean. Here we can observe the three-dimensional space of the ocean and all the parts of the boat are under the curvature of the ocean. In a flat Space-time Einstein’s Theory of General Relativity is giving us a three-dimensional vision of a two-dimensional space. we are having an extra dimension here.

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Picture: Space-time curvature. Here we can see two pictures. The first shows that energy is dragging the space into it, from all its dimensions. The second is someone else’s imagination. Retrieved from the Internet. Here we can see that a mass is located inside a bubble.

So far we have seen a black hole singularity arise from the stars. Now let's see how a Big Bang Singularity has evolved. We have to think seriously about the state of energy at that time. For this purpose, I have come up with an idea that emerged in my study of quantum gravity. The smallest quantities we know today are those on the Planck scale. It is a dimensional model that focuses on the basic dimensions such as mass, time, and distance, on the Planck scale. A mathematical structure of this is included in the chapter describing quantum gravity. According to this idea, all three basic dimensions (mass, time, and distance) are having the same strength. As we all know, these three have different values in physics. Here I see these as part of the energy. Each of these are considered here as forms of energy. According to Einstein's theory, we know that the energy of an object is E= mc∧2. Where E represents energy, m represents mass, and c represents the velocity of light. We know that velocity is ''distance traveled by the time''. Then we can write c in the form of ? / t. Here l represents the distance and t for the time. Now let's see how we can put all these things together on the Planck scale. We can now write this as Eρ = mρ(?ρ / tρ)∧2. Where Eρ represents energy, mρ represents mass, lρ represents the distance and tρ for the time, at Planck scale. Here we can see that the value of ?ρ / tρ is the same as the value of c.

We have its own measurements and criteria to represent mass, time, and duration. I would like to see all three of them as different forms of energy. Imagine all three of these qualities (mass, time, and length), which are physically predictive of what we believe to be three, have special criteria in physics, and the three different values accordingly, but in energy, they have the same strength as a dimension. All these three are distributed in the same strength, within an atom or a particle. Let us treat a particle as a closed system. Where lρ and tρare equal strengths, then ?ρ / tρ is 1. So we can say that the strength of c is also 1. In principle, the rest mass of a particle is equal to its energy. Since the strength of c is 1, the strength of c∧2is also 1. Here we are opening a new door. Energy can be located in two conditions. E= mc∧2 and E=mc. The energy in the first state is familiar to all of us. Everything we see in our visible universe is this state of energy. In this case, the dimensional configuration of the energy will be ML∧2T∧-2. The second (E=mc) is a situation where we know nothing. The dimensional configuration of this stage is MLT-1. In terms of the first condition (?ρ / tρ)∧2or c∧2 and the second condition (?ρ / tρ)or c, we can imagine the ratio of the reactions. In the case of (?ρ / tρ), the interaction of energy is very negligible. Energy forms that exist in this state and which are less likely to interact with each other can be called primordial particles. Our universe must have evolved from this state. This may be the universe that preceded Big Bang Singularity.

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Picture: Strength of fundamental units in energy. In this picture, all three basic dimensions are distributed as the same force within the energy. This is the state of energy that existed at the Big Bang Singularity and before. In the visible universe today, the distribution of these fundamental quantities within energy is in the form of ,lρ2, and tρ∧2.   

There are many ideas about the universe before the Big Bang. Here I will tell you my thoughts on that period. It is now, you may have some ideas about the state of energy of that period. The Big Bang Singularity has been overcome by adverse conditions such as low reactivity and lack of basic forces other than gravity. What I understand about gravity here is that it is part of the energy, and it will always be there with energy, like a fellow traveler who can never be left behind. Because it is always holding a proportional space into it. That’s why Albert Einstein considers 'time' as a part of space. We cannot say now about the total energy of the universe, or whether the Big Bang Singularity was composed of all the energy that existed at that time. The possibility of a multiverse is emerging before us now. Here we will try to understand more about the state of the primordial universe. Our universe is a lot wider than we recognize it now and it is still expanding. I would like to call, the state before the big bang also as the universe. So the universe before the Big Bang must have been even bigger. The forms of energy that have been scattered over a very wide space, converge into a singularity in a very small space. That is, the vast universe collapses into a singularity, which then begins to expand again as it by the big bang. The universe has been expanding for billions of years since the big bang, then how many billions of years will the universe take to get to the moment that caused the big bang. Today we know how a star is born in large molecular clouds. In that molecular cloud, the particles of energy are attracted to each other, to form a very large structure, going through a very complex process, and it takes billions of years to become a star. If it took such a long time to form a star, how long would it take for the formation of the singularity, which is responsible for the universe that contains billions of stars we see today? If it took such a long time to form a star, how much time would it take for the formation of the singularity, which is responsible for the universe that contains billions of stars we see today? Then we have to say there was a “time”, before the big bang. Everyone can explain “the time” according to their own ideas. Anyway, here I am adding a picture from my thoughts, to describe the state of the universe before the formation of the singularity.

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Picture: The primordial universe. We can imagine it as the primordial universe. The black spots in the picture are the energy forms (primordial particles) scattered throughout the universe. 

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Picture: Primary integration. This image represents the earliest structures, which are created by the attraction of the energy, in the early universe. The black areas in the picture are the mixture of primordial particles, often joined together at different rates in time.

Now let's take a look at our Big Bang Singularity. The Big Bang Singularity is still something that, we can all marvel at. Our universe is far wider than we can imagine. The Big Bang Singularity was a very small sphere that contained all the energy in such a vast universe. The distance from the image above to the Big Bang Singularity is very huge. We have already discussed the advantages of energy at this stage. They can only interact with the help of gravity. When they are isolated form of energy, each of them has been its own gravitational field. It is generally less powerful. For example, once two energetic particles are combined, they can create a slightly stronger general gravitational field. They will also share their associated space with each other. So it has a common space and gravitational field now. This interaction can be described as the first phase of the evolution of the universe. By this, we can understand a self-evolving universe. My friends, who are religious, will study Darwin's theory of evolution at school and write about it for the exam. But when they get out of there, they will say that the universe is a creation of their own god. We rely on science to study and get a job, but we use religion to believe in God and to see others as enemies. What a paradox is this? There are some among us, who are trying to deliberately misunderstand society. While some work for their personal gain, others work for political gain and some for their religion. There are some people who pretend that they have already mentioned everything in their religious text, quoting any particular text in their religious text, and equating it with the achievements of science. While all religions are creationists and when science presents the Big Bang theory with evidence, which cannot be rejected, so they claim that it has been mentioned in their religious text. We all want to work for our own benefit. In this book, I often relate the main subject Proportionately with many other issues. So I think we can discuss socially relevant issues periodically. Anyhow, let us return to our subject.

As seen in the picture, none of these primordial particles were distributed in the first universe in an exact proportion. There was variation in the number of particles distributed in each region and the distance between them. Therefore, a widespread imbalance was evident in the primordial universe. Due to this imbalance and the lack of a precise criterion for the distribution of particles, there was a situation where the particles could interact. Things become much easier when gravity, the basic nature of the energy, was added to stimulate it. wherever they are able to interact, these particles are attracted to each other with the help of gravity. Newton's theory is presenting gravity as an attractive force.  But in particular relativity theory, gravity is described as the curvature of spacetime by the presence of energy in it. Newton's theory describes the universe in three dimensions such as length, width, and height. But in the theory of relativity, there is an additional dimension called space-time. Time is part of the space, in relativity theory. Here we have the unbalanced forms of energy dispersed in the vast space. Therefore, according to the theory of relativity, we can say that there was "time" in the universe before the Big Bang.  The fusion of primordial particles, based on the theory of relativity can explain like this way. Two energetic particles, form curvature in the space at two different places were combined together, to create a slightly larger curvature. In any case, space is necessary for energy to exist. Therefore, whenever we think about energy, there is a space with it. Therefore, when we say the fusion of energy, it must also mean the fusion of space. Thus we can see the possibility of the formation of new forms, fusing by mutual attraction. Let us see how it looks.

In the picture, we can see many black spheres of different sizes. We can interpret the formation of these spheres in two ways. First, we can say that many spheres have been formed in several places. Or it could be said that instead of having many spheres, there was only one sphere. That is, the primordial particles that were located in an unbalanced universe began to be concentrated in a certain part as a result of their gravitational pull. We can see this as the beginning of a gravitational singularity. I would like to explain things in that first way. Either way, we are finally coming to the answer to the big bang-based gravitational singularity. If we adopt the first method, we can easily find answers to more questions. We can present things like drawing a picture on a very large canvas. Now let's see how the universe evolved into the Big Bang Singularity. In any case, only an unbalanced universe can travel to a Big Bang Singularity. An equilibrium universe would never want to change its current state. In a fully equilibrated universe, all the particles of energy are distributed at precisely the same amount and distance. It is not difficult to destroy this equilibrium, the slight change in the position or weight of any one of these particles will destroy the equilibrium. So to create change in an equilibrium universe requires the involvement of an external force. We will find no such presence anywhere here. But as my friends who are religious say, if there is a God, he should start his work from here. There arises a confusion, who is the real god, the one which they believe, or the one which the others believe. Anyway, we have a very unbalanced universe in front of us, so we can leave the idea of interference of an external force right here. These small spheres are attracted to each other by their gravity, and they merge together to form larger ones. Let’s took a closer look at this long-standing process. So let's bring a picture here.

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Picture: Formation of the Big Bang Singularity: In addition to the picture we saw earlier, this picture also created a singularity. In this picture, we can see the red sphere as the singularity, and the white cone as the distance to its event horizon. 

Let us check the processes during the fusion of the primordial particles now. We have already understood how the primordial universe was. Now let us see what happens in its surroundings when the two particles converge each other. We can treat these energy particles as the primary form of energy. We know that most of the parts inside an atom are empty. inside a tiny bit atom a huge empty space in it, we can't even imagine. Such was not the case with the primordial particles. They were purely forms of energy. Inside it, space had no relevance. so, it was completely filled with the energy. So the basic forces we see in the universe today, such as Strong Interaction, Week Interaction, and Electromagnetic Interaction, are not needed. The Dark Matter we seek in our visible universe must be in a similar state. Although the particles were spaced apart from each other, they were connected to each other like a chain by gravity. Exploits the imbalance of the universe and with the help of gravity, two particles intersect. We can call this the primordial interaction. This was a very slow process. If a leaf moves in New York, its reflection will sometimes be in Tokyo, as it turns out, the reflection of this primary fusion will be elsewhere in the universe. This led to the fusion of primary particles in many parts of the universe. As a result of this process, the fused particles interconnected and formed larger shapes. There required a lot of time for this process.

Let us see what happens, when these particles merge, around them. For example, suppose that two particles intersect. It is there eliminating the space between them. As it grows more and more, we see a situation where space disappears. Or we could say that it is a form that is located inside the space. separate the space, and create a singularity. After the Big Bang, it expands into the same space. Now we understand two things. How big was the universe before the big bang? How much space is thrown out there to create the big bang singularity? Today our universe is regaining the space it had lost for the creation of the big bang singularity. But this process is still going on for billions of years after the Big Bang. We can only imagine, then, how long it will take for the creation of Big Bang Singularity.  The fact that the universe is still expanding means that,  the previously lost space has not been recovered totally. probably when it has absorbed enough space, the universe will stop growing itself.

In the early days, particle fusion took place very slowly. As the size of them increases, the gravity increases and the rate of this process increases. Thus particle groups were formed into many parts of the early universe, With the help of gravity, they are attracted to one another and thereby converge on the avatar. There was “a time” before that. We can say that a new "time" was born with the Big Bang. With the Big Bang, the energy begins to grow again into space. In the Big Bang Singularity, the energy does not involve the space.  Space was out of singularity there. A spacetime will already be created there. If we look at the history of a particle in this way, we can split the "time" into several stages. A "time" until a particle remains in that state. When it merges with another particle, they start a new time together. Now it has two distinct timescales for that particle. Its initial time, and the "new time" which it began to join with the other particle. Thus it appears that at each step until it reaches singularity, it begins a new time. But we can never say that it left its initial time. With the Big Bang, energy takes on a new form. Energy undergoes through many changes and acquires all its other fundamental qualities, which it did not yet acquire before, and comes to a new form. At the same time, we can say that it is the beginning of a new "time". According to the Special relativity theory, we need to look at the concept of spacetime in detail. Let us examine that in the coming chapters. All these ideas are describing in my new book "I am Looking at the Universe". Hope you all enjoy reading it.


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