The primordial hueman
The African Calendar shares the history & evolution of humanity.

The primordial hueman

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Human species have been walking around the face of planet Earth for millions of years. And throughout the centuries you could see the changes they went through, to finally becoming us.

But what made them evolve? Does evolution come naturally or does it take place after (natural) disasters? In which way did they evolve? Are we still evolving? And what are we evolving into? Questions I have, what are yours?

The history & evolution of humanity is one that is most interesting to know, as it tells us so much about who we are in essence, in our core. Which ultimately connects us together again, not only in the heart, but also through our soul.

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Skulls of human species.

The primordial hueman was a woman. She originated in Africa about 315.000 years ago. But was so special about her? Why is she the primordial hueman?

She was the first one to be born with this special Gen, called the Mitochondrial Eve Gen. A superpower cell that speeded up our evolution in every sense.

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A reconstruction of the Mother of all Mothers.

Although she wasn’t God or didn’t see herself as a God, she in a way is more Divine than we can imagine. She is the Mother of all Mothers, as for without her, we would not be, or at least not in the way we are now.

The Mitochondrial Eve Gen (mt-Eve) was initially passed down from Mother to daughter and son, growing a population. But the mt-Eve was only able to be passed down from daughter to her offspring, the sons are (still) not able to pass it down. Making the female the keeper of this powerhouse cel, Mt-Eve Gen.

This explains the follow science, in human genetics; the Mitochondrial Eve (also mt-Eve, mt-MRCA) is the matrilineal most recent common ancestor (MRCA) of all living humans. In other words, she is defined as the most recent woman from whom all living humans descend in an unbroken line purely through their mothers and through the mothers of those mothers, back until all lines converge on one woman.

You are free to share any information, but please include us as your source. The full story goes much deeper and holds a lot more info. ?

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