Primeau Productions: The Return on Video
Primeau Productions
Grow your business using video and virtual presentations. Take your business to the next level.
Does video make sense for me?
Based in Greenville, South Carolina, Primeau Productions is proud to adhere to the highest ethical standards using the best equipment, writing, production and editing services to be found anywhere in the United States.
Though we are largely regional in scope (limiting ourselves to South Carolina and Georgia, plus special projects for out-of-state clients), our outlook is national. We follow the latest trends, market research and technical innovations. However, everything we do circles back around to ethics. To that end, we treat your dollar as our own. It may sound trite however, our reputation is based on a long history of satisfied clients.
Therefore, it was with great anticipation that we reviewed the year-end 2024 statistical trends with projections for 2025. There is a lot to unpack here, and we will do so throughout 2025, but this is a great time to start.
Beware the pitfall
One important point that left all of us at Primeau Productions kind of speechless, it that research studies have shown that 14% of all businesses surveyed at year-end 2024 had no idea how much they spent on video! This was especially true of companies who decided to produce video in-house. Experts widely agree that to not know how much it costs to produce in-house video is an obvious and major mistake. First, of all to not have a handle on costs is always an invitation to spend too much – and it’s inefficient too. If an organization has no idea of the costs, it is impossible to calculate a return on investment or ROI. In addition, Primeau Productions is constantly investing in technology (including AI) to produce high value video. We invest so our clients don’t have to do so. In considering the use of an “outside company” such as Primeau Productions, it is unwise to believe in-house is cheaper than an outside vendor. It is often not the case.
Based on the latest research of year-end 2024 into 2025, 93% of all business surveyed (more than 1,200) feel video gives them a good ROI. There are all types of videos we can produce and obviously, needs change from client to client, nevertheless more than 9-out-of-10 clients endorse video.
The obvious question you might have is how is ROI actively measured? The answer is both simple and complicated. The top three ROI measurements include a 66% measure by the number of “likes, shares and reposts” a video has created, followed by a 62% measure by how many views a video a created and third, at 49% the number of leads (or clicks) the video has created.
The complicated part is the degree to which the client follows up, tracks interest and results and commits to pursuing any leads. By the way, video also helps create brand awareness.
Another critical measure, “understanding an organization’s product or service,” is an overwhelming measure of success. In fact, 99% of all organizations feel video helps customers, clients and even patients better understand what you do after seeing a video. Video, in fact, has proven itself to be the most effective way to explain your product, service or even mission.
Video offers a tremendous ROI and Primeau Productions can show you how video can benefit your organization. Call us for the straight, unbiased facts of why video makes more sense and has a greater ROI than just about any other marketing tool.