Prime time

Prime time

Today I want to talk about a theme that is coming up consistently in both the coaching room and in the latest community master class I ran on Friday and that is CHANGE.? In my experience when lots of change is happening around us it can feel like a whirlwind.

What tends to happen are 3 key things;?

  1. We get distracted and it makes it difficult to focus on the important things?
  2. We go into defense mode worrying about all the things that might go wrong?
  3. We can get caught up in all the drama of speculation – the emotions and conversations can build up and induce a sense of stress and anxiety?

When we get caught up in change, we can often spend lots of time and energy focusing on all the things outside our control, instead of focusing on the things in our control.?

Can you relate??

If you do, then you would not be alone. It was a topic that came up in Friday’s live coaching conversation and so today, I want to share some of what I shared with this group on the No.1 most powerful tool I know for managing the mind amidst uncertainty and change. In fact, I’m going to go as far as to say, if you want to create impact, results and unlock the next level of growth, you are not going to get there if you are not doing this.?

Meditation. ?

(Before you groan and say I’ve tried that Clare, I just can’t do it! I encourage you to stick with me).?

Let me give you a little context from Friday’s session...

One of the leaders in the group was sharing that she had been made redundant, two others in the group were going through restructures dealing with new bosses or team members...all were talking about the challenges of embracing change and how it is impacting confidence and stunting our ability to grow. ?

We went onto discuss the tendency to get caught in a loop of negative emotions, which can hinder our progress and often keep us anchored in fear and uncertainty. Which in my experience doesn’t create the right kind of environment to focus on the potential opportunities that can unlock growth.?

The negative loop mindset?

I remember it well from my first career when I was stuck in a role that no longer felt like the right path to me. I was struggling against the weight of over-working, over-pleasing and was heading into burn out. I remember thinking ‘I just have to get out!’ But for the life of me I couldn't see the wood for the trees. ?

I struggled to see a way forward as my mind had become so restrictive that it focused on all the things that might go wrong vs being able to see any potential opportunities for growth and a pathway forward to transformation that often change can present.?

If you feel like you are in this mode now, I want you to know that it's natural for our minds to wander, to dwell on past failures or worry about future uncertainties. But when we get stuck in this pattern of rumination, it can prevent us from fully embracing the present moment and the potential it holds.?

Priming the mind for potential and possibilities?

That's where meditation comes in. By training our minds to focus on the present we can cultivate a mindset that can focus on positive possibilities; we can break free from the shackles of fear and doubt. ?

It also feels apt to be speaking about this as I’ve just finished leading 20+ leaders in a 21-day meditation challenge with the amazing tone and energy of Deepak Chopra where we focused on abundance. Taking as little as 10-15 mins a day to prime the mind to focus on potential can have some phenomenal results here are just a few of the comments from the group;?

I feel a lot more centered, calm and it has reminded me of the power of taking moments to be still & appreciate what I have.”?
Perfect timing to reframe my thinking as I face into a new life chapter”?
It came at the perfect time as I was craving simplicity. It allowed me to tun into the miracles of energy day life and how abundant they are.”?

I can see how much (in myself and the group) it has helped us to shift our perspective, to see challenges as opportunities, and to approach the unknown with curiosity rather than fear.?

If you're currently navigating a period of change or simply seeking to unlock your potential for the next level of your growth, I encourage you to explore the practice of meditation. It's a simple yet powerful tool for priming the mind and cultivating a mindset of growth and possibility.?

If you are someone that loves a bit of structure to get started, then you can grab the 21-day meditation challenge series we used as a group HERE.?

Should you also want to grab the replay of the masterclass I ran last week on ‘How to unlock the next level of growth in your career’ please just drop us an email back at [email protected] with the subject REPLAY.?

Here’s to unlocking more luminosity in our minds this year!?


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