Primavera Interview Question and Answers
1. What is a constraint in primavera?
Constrains in primavera is to fix the early or late start or finish dates of activity as per following options:
2.What is the Critical Path? How you identify it and if any activity having negative slack, how can you adjust the duration?
Critical path is usually the activities on the longest path with zero float. Any delay on these activities will lead to delay in project duration. Usually critical activities are shown in red color or say zero float in columns. For reducing duration you can adjust it by reducing the duration or changing the relationship between activities. However, planning engineer should pay attention to maximum resources?while crashing the critical path.
3.What is the difference between recovery schedule and revised schedule?
The recovery schedule keeps the same finish date with some corrective actions to recover the delay such as add more resources and break down some activities and so on. Revised schedule we have a new finish date because of claims or adding a new scope of work.
4.How can you differentiate total float and free float?
Total float represents the number of days that can be delayed without affecting the completion of the project, whereas free float determines the number of days that can be delayed without affecting the successor activity.
5.What are the involvements of Project Planner and vital Role in Project Management?
Since Planning Engineer directly involve in project management activities, project leadership to make decisions concerning the development of plans, and how work process broken down & the control how it be manage. Track, review, forecast & give inputs the status of the Project and product. Further more planning engineer should raise the flage to project team where she/he recognise and potential risks.
6.What is the difference between recovery plan and revised plan?
Recovery plan is made with acceleration to remain within contractual completion date but revised plans accounts for change order which may or may not be within contractual dates.
7.What is the best software for planning?
No software for planning, it is only for scheduling, the planning process only done in brain. However, oracle primavera is the best planning tool that helps to create time schedules.
8.What's the way to resolve the delay in project time?
Fast Track: Reduce activities duration, resequence, reschedule without affecting the project total duration, fast tracking has a problem regarding the quality issues if it is applied in a wrong way.
Crashing: Reduces activities durations, resequence, reschule but with additional cost to achieve better results. this additional costs could be:
-Acceleration Costs to subcontractors.
-Additional costs result from less productivity due to increasing the manpower in work place.
9.What is Project Management?
Project management is the application of processes, methods, knowledge, skills and experience to achieve the project objectives. General. A project is a unique, transient endeavor, undertaken to achieve planned objectives, which could be defined in terms of outputs, outcomes or benefits.
10.What is the Difference between Bar chart & Network Diagram?
Bar charts and network diagrams are used to display visually the complexities and dependencies of project work. Network diagrams display the project work as linkages through the chronological flow of work from start to finish. Gantt charts visually display primarily the work breakdown and the associated durations. Both charts graphically show work breakdowns, enabling managers and workers to easily identify conflicts, co-dependencies and determine the effect of change in the system.
11.How to reduce critical path?
A- Compressing schedule by fast tracking, crashing, Reduce scope, Cut quality.
B- Fast tracking: Results in rework, increase risk, requires more attention and communication.
C- Crashing: increase cost, increase management time
D- Reduce scope: negative impact on customer satisfaction
E- Cut quality: increase risk, requires good matrices.
12.How De-watering works could affect your schedule?
That based on calculation of building own weight to be equal to or more the uplift force. Dewaterwing is required to reduce the uplift force of underground water. When this force is less than the weight of building, then dewatering activity could be finished. Planner should check with the project team when it is recommended to stop the dewatering and plan accordinglyy. Normaly dewatering will hold the backfilling and external works around the building.
13.What is a constraint?
A limitation that reduces the efficiency with which a project can be accomplished. Resource availability is a type of constraint that can delay a project’s schedule and efficiency. In general, constraints should not be input to the schedule until after the schedule has been optimized through critical path analysis.
14.What is an open-end activity in primavera?
The open-end activity is the activity that does not have any successor. Normally open-end activity is not accepted in schedule because the total float will be calculated from the end of the project and these entire activities late dates gather at the end of the project and cannot be prepare a logical late start plan.
15.What is the difference between flag and milestone activity in primavera?
This is one of the tricky Primavera Interview questions.
Mile stone & flags both are events rather than activities. Some client likes to use flags rather than mile stone due the following differences.
1- With the use of flags the logic of main event can be easily tracked as these cannot be created without predecessor as standalone allocating the constraint. Whereas mile stone can.
2- Flags cannot update manually as Primavera automatically update the status whereas milestone can be update manually.
3- Flags cannot be constraint only driven by predecessor whereas milestone can.