Primarily Based On The Credulity Of Others
It was a quiet morning at office which offered up more time for me to get my spiritual regimen completed without any interruptions, along with doing a little follow-up research on various properties which I'm hoping to get listed in the near future.
After getting all the news feeds read, I dug a little deeper to find more videos of that town hall meeting which Senator Grassley recently had here in Iowa. Yes, if he's got any common sense at all left in his brain, he certainly had his awakening after having to stand and listen to real citizens of Iowa telling him their real concerns about his job performance in the U.S. Senate. If he doesn't have a major turnaround after getting his ears chewed, I will have come to the conclusion that he's simply taking up space knowing he'll never get re-elected. I'm sure anyone who happens to run against him, will be bringing up all his recent failures in protecting our sacred Constitution.
I just happened to find the website which talks about him being the 'Chair' of the Senate Judiciary Committee and the following are clips off that site: As Chairman Grassley says, “the work we do on the Judiciary Committee shapes our way of life in America.” Another blurb which I thought was hypocritical for what's going on in our Federal Government was this: 'Grassley’s no-nonsense, commonsense approach to representative government guides his approach to the chairman’s gavel. He is tireless in his efforts to keep check on the massive federal bureaucracy, reining in executive overreach, and thwarting the misuse of federal agencies as tools for a partisan agenda.' My God in Heaven! He's definitely not in the least bit reining-in executive overreach, but rather allowing it to happen all the more. Would you say he's fit for that position?
Because I had to get over to my project and spend another three hours finishing what I started yesterday, I couldn't help thinking about people I personally know who made their piles of money in ways I'd be ashamed of, and in spite of a few I know who freely praise their ability to increase their socio-economic standings, I simply remind myself that I have little or no regard for those who've amassed their fortunes primarily based on the credulity of others.
I oft times have to smile to myself when casual acquaintances and sometimes even perfect strangers come to me for advice, and usually start out by saying something like, “so and so told me to call you because they consider you a straight-shooter who tells it like it is.” But, the most comical of it all, is the fact that they've got their favorites who they normally do business with, so in the end, my advise and/or counseling ends up as simply a freebie which they take and run with. Not to worry because it's happened a countless number of times to where I allow it to run off my back like water on a duck's.
After a number of years have passed, I now find it laughable when thinking about the hours upon hours of phone counseling I'd given to a number of close relatives who in the end, would do either exactly the opposite, or consider my soulful suggestions to be their own ideas which they'd take and run with. Yes, humans can certainly be interesting creatures, who at times, actually do try to consume each other. I'm just now reminded of the attempted manipulation by one whom I now freely consider the 'creature from the East'. I'm coming to believe the farther East you get from the Mississippi River, the more self-serving you become.
In spite of today's overcast skies and strong northwest wind, my showing over at the old Alliant Energy building which is located at 22 - 2nd NW, went relatively well, so hopefully there'll be more interest in it once our weather straightens out and our markets stop getting shocked by all this nonsense coming out of the White House. Over all these years, I've learned that when our stock and financial markets get wobbly, it bleeds down and negatively affects the daily lives of our average citizens. Don't even get me started on these tariff wars with Canada, Mexico and all those other countries who 'used to' be our friends.
Not to be sounding overly-negative tonight, I just wanted to alert you to something I read that was supposedly 'leaked' regarding the added requirements our Social Security Administration is going to enact when it comes time for someone to claim their hard-earned benefits. First of all, they're gonna want either a video interview or one in person, and keep in mind, they've already let go over 7,000 employees thus far, along with closing numerous brick and mortar offices around the country. Another requirement will be for new and existing recipients, to supply certified birth certificates, which for many, would be cumbersome due to the heavy workloads of our remaining government employees. Yes, it's definitely going to get worse before it gets better, so keep yourselves up to date on the coming changes.
Tonight's One-liner is: Credulity is belief in slight evidence, with no evidence, or against evidence.