Pride Tour - Part II
They came down the stairs, draped in a rainbow-colored silk robe, sipping a Black Manhattan with a green olive in it. Odd choice for a drink, if you ask me. Even odder was the olive in it. They had the ability to create any environment they could, and they chose this?
There was this smug look on their face and with a smirk, they said, "I think you think too much."
"Well, if I didn't, you wouldn't be here.", I said.
"True, very true. But, irrespective, what you think is too loud for me and I can hear it all, naturally."
"I won't repeat myself."
"Here's a few things I've noticed..."
"You are in a constant fear mode. Well, not constantly, but a good part of it. You've gotten better, but there's still that loud banging going on about nothing. I would say it's persistent."
"I don't know what to say. I feel seen, honestly. And I'm trying to do something about it. It's a slow process.", I said, without any hint of sarcasm.
"Weird. I feel lighter already. I think the process might be working."
"Perhaps. It takes time. And you will continue to hear it, I'm afraid. What else you got?"
"You have these needy thoughts that seem to pop-up randomly. And I'm curious where that is coming from? Why do you feel so itchy when someone doesn't get back to you right away? Why do you concoct these weird theories in the meanwhile? And all of that messes with me and I go nutso."
"I think I'm afraid of being alone. I think ..."
They say nothing, while they look at me intensely.
"I think ..."
"Go on. I believe I saw a bulb light up there. You can do it."
"I think because I don't want to feel that I'm unwanted, I get too clingy. I don't know. I'm not sure."
"I think there's an idea there, and you should keep at it."
"Maybe, maybe.", I said, drifting away, "I'll have to think a little more about it."
"Of course you will and I won't hear the end of it."
"By the way", I said, catching myself briefly, "you want to hear this theory about how the universe came about?"
"I already heard too many of those theories of yours. Shut it. And think about why you care so much about what others think of you. Stop taking yourself so seriously."
I started feeling tired and exhausted and sleepy.
They disappeared as abruptly as they had arrived.