Pride Month Spotlight

Pride Month Spotlight

To celebrate Pride, ?? members of our LGBTQ+ ERG, Du You, shared their thoughts on Pride and what it means to them.

Biologist Matt Ricketts shares that "Du You means that you should feel free to be yourself not only with friends and loved ones but with your coworkers."

Why did you join DuYou?

As someone with privilege, it's important for me to be an ally to and learn from this community. I also have several close family members or friends who identify as LGBTQ+ and can now count fellow Dudekians among such friends.

Why is it important that this group exists?

It's important to provide a safe space for people to come together to not only affect positive change and cultural awareness throughout the company but to be vulnerable with their colleagues without having to mask core aspects of their human identity. I've enjoyed getting to know the other members of this group in ways that wouldn't have been possible without this initiative. I'm truly grateful for it.

What does DuYou mean to you?

It's closely related to why this group is important (providing a safe space): "Du You" means that you should feel free to be yourself not only with friends and loved ones but with your coworkers. Corporate America has come a long way in this regard but a LOT of work remains to be done, and it's good to see Dudek at the forefront of this work.


