The wisdom of the fathers
Another phase of maturity: "There is no pride in love." That is, there is no pride in 'agape' love. There is pride in 'eros' love. For 'eros' is acquisitive. Applied to the gaining of salvation it climbs the ladder, rung by rung, by its own efforts. When it reaches the topmost rung of self-effort, it is ready for union with God. Salvation is my attainment. At the heart of that striving and of that salvation is pride, subtle spiritual pride, the worst of all prides.
In 'agape' love can be no pride. For by its very nature it produces humility, as 'eros' by it very nature produces pride. For 'agape' love gives without reference to the worth of the object of that love. If we take 'agape' love it is with no sense of having a right to it, or of being worthy of it. We take it as recipients of grace. We become little children and "receive the kingdom of God." We empty our hands of all striving, all our goodness, all our works - we receive the gift of God. And when that grace of God enters our hearts it is so unmerited, so overwhelmingly gracious, that it sends us to our knees in the deepest gratitude.
'Agape' love by its very nature pushes out all pride, for there is just no room for pride. The inner climate is now humility. You don't try to be humble in 'agape' - you just are. For if you try to be humble you are not humble.
(from "Christian Maturity" by E.Stanley Jones)