Dr. Markus Husemann-Kopetzky
Pricing Strategist | Wir verhelfen Handels- und E-Commerce-Unternehmen mit Pricing zu neuen Wachstums- & Gewinnimpulsen | Ex-Amazon & Preisforscher an Freie Universit?t Berlin
You are about to set a price, and you are a bit indifferent.
What kind of price do you set? It could be either 16 or 17. You are in between and wonder?what kind of numbers like customers more. Is it 16 or 17? And why is that?
We will find out today.
You find the text and video version of this Pricing Nugget also here:
As we celebrate ?? already the 50th Pricing Nugget, I created a gift with you: the "Nice Numbers Cheat Sheet" that shows you which numbers (between 1 and 100) customers like more or less.