"Not for all the tea in China." Have you heard this saying? Well, I certainly would never have expected it...
A little gem. Tucked away. A charming village. With a holiday feel. And china cups...
The unexpected can be both excruciating and exciting. At the same time. Last night...
We went to the Palace Cinema in Longridge to watch The Greatest Showman ~ the sing-a-long version! Wow. People of all ages, even a baby. Red velvet curtains and red upholstered seats. The National Anthem before the start ~ everyone rising to their feet. Even an intermission! Hot drink of your choice presented in a china mug. Amazing...
We never know what the people around us are going through. What those moments of escape are providing them with. How the freedom to be themselves, even for a short while, enables them to carry on...
At Delta Care Limited, Charlotte House and Victoria House, we are there for those moments. To make a difference in someone's day. To provide for them glimpses of times gone by. To help them look forward to a meaningful future...
If you can bring happiness ~ do. If we can help you ~ then we are here for you.