The relationship between an Architecture Project and the % of a Budget

The great unknown

How much is an architecture service worth? The million-dollar question, the reason for the opacity of a sector.

The client's perspective

Let's do an empathy exercise, let's put ourselves in the client's shoes:

  • What is the value that this architecture professional brings to me?
  • How will they help me achieve my goal in the construction project?
  • How much will their work cost me in terms of architectural fees?

These might be some of the questions anyone wanting to undertake a construction project might ask...

Since I started in this profession, there is a phrase that always repeats itself and I hate it with all my soul: "Because that's how it's always been done..."

My perspective on fees

Let me give you some context to explain my point of view. My father, a technical architect like me, has repeated this recurring phrase to me in hundreds of situations. One of those situations is fees, a taboo topic among architecture professionals, which everyone keeps under wraps. When in reality, all architecture professionals operate in the same way.

It seems that all professionals have already associated that an architecture service is linked to a % of the construction budget. However, I believe that the message this sends to a client can be quite perverse.

"If you, Mr. Client, spend more money on building your house, I will earn more money."

I've always wondered about this criterion, and guess what my father's answer was?

"Because that's how it's always been done..."

I've never understood it. I've always thought that what is really important is to see what value we can offer our clients. Therefore, it will be based on the value you are able to provide and the problems you can solve where the price of your fees will be found. This is totally subjective, in fact, everyone should set their own, without %, or criteria of an old paradigm.

Your opinion matters

This is my point of view, and I would like to know yours. Unfortunately, this is a topic that no one will talk about...

Contact me and let's talk about your next project. I am here to help you!

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