The Price of Success

The Price of Success

The first price to pay when it comes to the matter of success which is everyone's target in life is to have a clear cut understanding of the particular dream or vision that is embedded within the DNA of an individual. This is very paramount to the quest for success. It was true in tha case of Daniel and Habakkuk, whose successes in the end bordered respectively on what they read, heard and understood concerning God promises. See Ref: Dan. 9:2; Hab. 2:2; Act 8:30

The ability to observe key principles or rules of engagement in one's vocation and profession is a pivotal price to pay for success. This was true from historical account when God was dealing with set of leaders He had chosen to take His people to the next level of success ahead of them. If there are no rules to keep, then inevitably one is set to stubble during the period of trial and temptations. Joshua 1:8; Numbers. 14: 24; 2 Timothy 2:5

In order for one to receive a Nobel Laureate or some other types of prizes unexpectedly for instance, it does not happen based on trivial considerations by those who have come to the conclusion of rewarding such an individual or group of persons for a job well done. Rather, among everything else, the recipient must have proven time and time again to be an exceptional person of character, consistent and has the temperament to persevere.

I once had a personal experience that I can never forget. At a very critical time of my work, when my faith was overstretched, I almost got pushed to the wall by the circumstance of life to a breaking point. In the long run, the Lord answered my prayer by sending a helper of destiny to assuage my grieve and end my suffering. Unfortunately also, it was a time that I became very impatient and over anxious to the dislike of my friend who was very blunt in rebuking me in love by softly; " Patrick remember, Patience is a virtue" Heb. 10: 35; James 1:4; 1 Peter 1:5

Finally on this short article, let me point out the most delicate price to pay; and that is ultimately the price of discipline. It takes grace and hard work on one's thought life in order to become discipline. As a Child of God, it is common knowledge to know that the enemy waits eagerly to find an opening in one's moral disposition and then launch his attack at us so that we easily miss our balance and then fall. Ephe 6: 11-18

Thank you for reading my simple article. Please, leave me a comment or a contribution as I hope to continue this topic in my next publication. Thank you and God bless.


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