Price for mobile concrete batching plant
The price for mobile concrete batching plant model YHZS25-75 in Haomei Machinery is reasonable and save your cost. The most obvious advantage of mobile concrete batching plant is fast installation and move, it does not need deep foundation as a stationary concrete batching plant. It also needs to harden the ground, make a shallow foundation, and place all equipment components on a heavy steel chassis. The mobile concrete batching plant equipment eliminates the process of designing and installing the foundation, greatly saving customers the time and basic cost of building a station, and can be relocated for secondary use.
The product structure of mobile concrete batching plant adopts a modular design. The aggregate batching system is placed on a large chassis and is connected to the mixing unit through the middle rail frame. The water admixture box and the control room are connected together and placed in the lower part of the mixing chassis as the equipment leg. The mixing unit is connected to the metering unit by bolts. The cables, waterways and airways of mobile concrete batching plant use quick-plug connectors.
Although the price for mobile concrete batching plant is higher than that of stationary concrete batching plant. Regardless of the measurement of aggregate powder or water, the metering and control components are imported components. The imported industrial control special crisis, the sampling speed of more than 120 times per second, completely accurate measurement and stable working performance. Aggregate is conveyed and fed by belt; cement water additives are weighing hoppers, accurate measurement, microcomputer centralized control, simple operation; aggregates are electronic scales for cumulative dose or single measurement; metering system; planetary gear used in mobile mixing stations Reducer, small size, high efficiency and reliable performance.
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