The price I paid for Gurus' BS...
Herek Loei
I provide strategies & tools for small businesses to create attractive launches | Perceptionist | Coaching, consulting & mentoring | Founder of Trust-Based Launches & Effective Thinking System
I made many costly entrepreneurial mistakes in the past.
Because I listened to the wrong mentors who gave bad advices.
They didn't really care about our success nor our reputation.
As a result... I lost money, time, effort, and most importantly... My audience.
If you missed my sharing about the Gurus' first 2 bad advices... You can catch-up HERE.
Today I'm going to share another 2 bad advices from the Gurus.
Again, my intention is to educate and target the problematic behaviors. I'll not reveal any names.
It's nothing personal.
I'm not interested in creating a "smear campaign" like some others to manufacture virality.
Do we have a mutual understanding?
Alright, let's do this...
Bad advice 3: You're ONE funnel away...
What a catchy phrase.
The first time I heard it... I thought I found the holy grail to marketing.
I thought all I need is a funnel to start earning money online.
So I focused on building funnels.
The first funnel made me $74 on the first day.
The second day... $0
The third day... $0
I continued waiting for 2 weeks... Every single day was Crickets
No more sales came in.
I thought the problem lies with my funnel.
So I built another one.
This time it's webinar funnel... A few people opted in for the free webinar.
But no one showed up during the LIVE event.
Then I built a high-ticket funnel for my 1 to 1 coaching service. Not a single person filled in the application form.
I built funnel after funnel... I stopped counting after I failed in more than 20 funnels.
I spent at least a year taking consistent action to build various types of funnels.
Then I stopped... I decided to deep-dive into the fundamentals of marketing to understand what I was missing.
Lesson learned: You're NOT ONE funnel away from success. A funnel doesn't create cash. It collects cash only when: You've the right audience, the right offer, and the right copy.
Bad advice 4: Don't know copywriting? No worries! You can use software or AI to write copy and make money.
A few years ago, I haven't learned copywriting yet.
Since I was building funnels... I had to find a way to write copy for the pages.
Hiring a copywriter was out of the question because:
Along came a marketer with a "game-changing" software for people who don't know copywriting.
The promise was: Just answer a few questions about your target audience. Then with a click of a button, you'll get proven high-converting copy that caters to your needs.
Sounds great!
I bought the software... Generated copy for all my funnel pages...
Then I found out... Some of the sentences don't even make sense.
Obviously the copywriting software didn't make me a single cent.
Because all my funnels failed to make sales.
Lesson learned: If you've no knowledge of copywriting... You can't expect AI or some software to spit out fantastic copy for you. Because it depends on your input. Even if some marketer has already "trained" the AI copywriting software... The output won't be written in your voice or your client's voice. If you intend to get copywriting gigs using AI... Your "copywriting career" is over before it even starts.
Do you see where the problem lies?
Many marketing gurus say these types of BS so they can sell their shit.
For sure, they can make truckloads of money.
But it comes at the expense of those who trust them.
Is it surprising why the market is filled with distrust?
Thanks to these gurus who gave bad advices.
Also thanks to these gurus... Otherwise Trust-Based Launches wouldn't be created.
I used it to help a client launch a new offer to a skeptical audience with great success.
The key is to generate as much trust as possible with the audience before launch.
If you want to see how Trust-Based Launches work... I've some gifts for you at no charge.
See the 30,000 ft view of how the campaign is designed HERE.
This 3-part course explains the critical moves I made in the winning launch.
To prevent making this article too long...
I'll continue in the next post to share more bad advices from gurus, and lessons I learned.
So you don't make the same mistakes as I did.
If you resonate with this sharing...
I'd be curious to know what's your biggest takeaway?
Comment to share your experience.
As usual, I read every response and reply personally.