The Price Change Map - Denver Area Neighborhoods
Drew Morris
Denver Realtor | Candidate for Thornton City Council | Marine Veteran | Naval Academy Grad
The Price Change map is an incredibly helpful tool in analyzing the individual Real Estate markets in neighborhoods across the Denver metro area. Local headlines are great for providing an overall picture or general state of the Denver area Real Estate market, but they aren't as helpful as you'd like when you are actually moving or new to the area, looking to buy in a different area of town, or considering selling. I've included below the most up-to-date information for central/west Denver , northern metro, and southwestern metro areas.
The Price Change Map provides the following information:
1. Neighborhood/area name.
2. Days on Market (DOM). The DOM number refers to the number of days a typical listing requires to be on the market before going "under contract".
3. Average Price Change. The average price change refers to the change in the average sold price over the previous 12 months. It is represented by not only a percentage change, but also by a color coding system.
4. Average Sold Price. This can often times be the most helpful element for people moving to the area. Each neighborhood's average sold price for the last 12 months is indicated.
5. Months of Inventory (MOI). This will be your greatest indicator as to the state of the market in a neighborhood and to understanding one element of your negotiating position. Anything less than 6 MOI tells you that it is a "seller's market".
Review the provided maps below and let me know if you have any questions. I'm happy to discuss anything in more detail. If you don't see your neighborhood here, contact me and I'll forward you the map for your area.
Have a great day! GO BRONCOS!
-Drew Morris