newsletter #36
With Dny AI, we managed to connect not only the Czech AI scene but also different sectors of society, allowing all participants to take a look under the hood of what is happening in the world of artificial intelligence. The four-week marathon of over a hundred events in four cities across the Czech Republic culminated in the Prague finale and industry awards ceremony. But that doesn't mean there's nothing else going on, quite the opposite!
?? What’s new at prg?ai
Dny AI 2023 are over, and AI Awards out
The month-long festival Dny AI (AI Days) is over. Over a?hundred workshops, presentations, lectures or discussions were offered in the areas of AI implementation in business, education or public administration. There were also formats designed for the general public, such as demonstrations of autonomous vehicles or a?special AZ Kvíz (and since you’re asking, the machine won). A?look back at Dny AI 2023 and other follow-up events are in the works. It was the first time we had undertaken such a?large and ambitious event, which makes the enthusiastic feedback we received from you – partners, speakers and visitors – all the more gratifying. We cherish it!
Part of the Prague week was the AI Awards ceremony for the most outstanding achievements in artificial intelligence. A?total of 111 projects were nominated, and the winners in five categories were decided by an expert jury as follows:
Congratulations! You can
Another month, another new member?
We welcome Apify as our new industry member. Apify is a?Czech startup focused on web data extraction and process automation. In their Store, you can discover a?range of Apify Actors that can efficiently gather information from Google Maps, social media and other sites. You can also try out their ChatGPT plugin. Apify is also behind the development of integrations for platforms like LangChain and LlamaIndex, allowing companies like Intercom to use generative AI to boost business, for example, through chatbots.
Together, we informally kicked off our collaboration and the Prague week of Dny AI in the Lucerna attic. Apify hosted a?meetup Data as Fuel for AI & you can find the recording of the talks on YouTube.
WIRED now also in Czech?
The first issue of the technology magazine WIRED was published in the Czech Republic in November, including the first of a?series of texts we are preparing together with WIRED Czech Republic & Slovakia . Stanislav Fort’s?commentary will help you reliably catch up on AI news if you’ve slept through the last year. Then, in the next issue, you can look forward to Daria Hvizdalova ’s?commentary on education and AI.
We have 18 new graduates
We are delighted that 18 more students have successfully graduated from the Minor programme, bringing the total number of graduates to 47. Another 108 students are now enrolled in Minor at the same time. Our unique inter-university programme combines the best that the ?eské vysoké u?ení technické v Praze and Univerzita Karlova curricula have to offer on artificial intelligence, enriching not only the talents with knowledge but also resumes with experience. The certificate ceremony was attended by the municipal representation of Magistrát hl. m. Praha and all five participating faculties at the Prague Mayor’s?residence.?
The graduates of Minor are also making waves on the international stage. In particular, Petr Kasalicky from Faculty of Information Technology CTU in Prague brought home an international award from Los Angeles for the best student paper on the topic of Content-Based Recommendation Model Trained Using Interaction Similarity. Bravo!
In the moderator’s?chair
The rapid rise of artificial intelligence and its impact. That was the title of the SH!FTS23 conference panel, moderated by Lenka Kucerova . Together with top AI experts Petr Baudis , Tomas Mikolov and Martin Schmid , they agreed that critical thinking is the most essential skill of the future. If you didn’t have a?chance to attend, you can listen to the interview with the speakers recorded during the event. Other interesting guests also spoke at the SH!FTS23 conference, including Petr Zahradnik from Qminers .
Experts, government representatives and technology innovators discussed vital topics affecting the development of the modern construction industry at the remspace conference. Our director Luká? Ka?ena led the discussion with representatives of the Ministerstvo pr?myslu a obchodu ?eské republiky , the Representation of the European Commission in the Czech Republic and the companies EWAS platform and Blindspot AI . Jan Kalasnikov spoke on behalf of our members on using data and AI to increase productivity and efficiency.
The topic of AI was also covered by remspace in several interviews. The Minister of Regional Development Ivan Barto? stressed the importance of the neutrality of the data on which AI is trained and highlighted the role of and Brno.AI .
?? Local AI scene news that makes us proud
We have the best computer scientists
At one of the world's 30 most prestigious scientific conferences, ICCV, a?paper on displaying graph solvability in practice by Assoc. Tomas Pajdla from the Czech Institute of Informatics, Robotics and Cybernetics ranked in the top 17 among more than 2000 other papers.
The prestigious Neuron Prize
Scientist Zuzana Kukelova from the Faculty of Electrical Engineering, Czech Technical University in Prague received the Neuron Award for Young Scientists for finding solutions to complex mathematical equations that help robots “see” better. She is the first-ever female winner of the award in the field of computer science.
Improved video search algorithms
Jakub Loko? from Faculty of Mathematics and Physics at Charles University has been awarded?by the Grant Agency of the Czech Republic for his contribution to developing algorithms for video search to locate content-matching text queries efficiently. His work has led to establishing a?research group at the faculty and has enriched teaching by enabling students to develop their own search tools and compete against them.
The RaDron will now help detect radioactivity detections. An advanced autonomous drone from the Faculty of Electrical Engineering, Czech Technical University in Prague workshop with unique ADVACAM particle detectors will enable effective detection of radioactivity sources, including moving ones.
Even better translator
An app from the Faculty of Mathematics and Physics at Charles University can translate between Czech and several other world languages. And it now also allows you to use a?conversation mode that automatically translates the voice of both parties in a?conversation.
3D print on steroids
Charles University Innovations Prague , a?subsidiary of Univerzita Karlova , has established a?spin-off company, Additive Appearance . The company has come to market with innovative software that enables accurate simulation of 3D models for 3D printing. It is based on the unique knowledge of computer graphics and years of research by scientists from the Faculty of Mathematics and Physics at Charles University.
1 + 0 = 2
The Faculty of Information Technology CTU in Prague Podcast “Jedni?ky a?Nuly” celebrated its second anniversary this October. The first episode thematically aired on 10/10/2021 at 10:10 a.m., and you can look forward to the 25th episode this Friday.
iEquilibrium lookback
The conference on why not to fear artificial intelligence occurred at the Czech Institute of Informatics, Robotics and Cybernetics . Several dozen speakers discussed what AI can really do and what are its advantages and disadvantages.
How to engage AI in communication
How to use “smart” digital tools to save time and financial resources without conflicting with the ethical principles of research was the subject of a?lecture at the Faculty of Social Sciences, Charles University .
Will AI choose you a better?partner than your mom?
In an interview with Hospodá?ské noviny Prof. Jiri Matas described how he perceives the rise of AI, and that he would not be worried. According to him, AI can even advise you on choosing a?partner better than your own mom! Can AI lie? And what will be the next “big” step for AI after ChatGPT?
AI has been with us for a?long time
Prof. Roman Barták from the Faculty of Mathematics and Physics at Charles University was a?guest on the programme Souvislosti Plus of ?esky rozhlas . He explained that the concept of artificial intelligence has been with us since 1956 and also talked about what has changed the perception of AI by the general public the most.
Focused on: AI
Artificial intelligence was also a?big topic for Forum, the magazine of Charles University . As well as an interview with ChatGPT, articles on how to involve AI in the justice system or how it can help with tutoring, the issue also features an interview with Ond?ej Bojar , who is one of the initiators of and works on machine translation at the Faculty of Mathematics and Physics at Charles University.
AV spreads know-how
Experts from the Image Information Processing Department of the Institute of Information Processing of the Akademie věd ?eské republiky held a?workshop for FTV Prima , introducing the company’s?executives and managers to possibly deploying AI in everyday operations. The event was held as part of the AV21 Strategy programme, which seeks to motivate the transfer of know-how of experts from the CAS to practice.
Medal for innovation
Rossum was awarded the top innovator in the 4th Deep Analysis Innovation Awards 2023. The company received the award for its innovative business solutions that not only solve complex and costly problems but also add significant value to employees, customers and partners.
Let's praise Resistant AI
Resistant AI - Fraud Detection won a?prestigious award at the Inaugural APAC Payments Excellence Awards for its innovative use of AI and data in the payments sector. Their solution effectively protects payment onboarding and transaction monitoring systems against manipulation and attacks by cybercriminals.
Solutions for congested public transport
Ministerstvo dopravy ?R has started working on a?law allowing municipalities and other state institutions to finance demand-response transport. One such solution for public transport is offered by Citya , whose taxi buses have been tested in ?í?any for over a?year already.
Are we on the cusp of a?technological revolution?
Petr Somol , director of AI research at Gen , spoke on ?esky rozhlas about the relationship between humans and AI. In addition to the moral challenges of autonomous vehicles, he shared what AI can do and what those who develop and analyse it themselves think about it.
You won’t get to the top without AI
Jan Kleindienst , co-founder and co-CEO of The MAMA AI , was a?guest in the studio of?Radio Prostor. He and the host discussed how AI is opening the doors to new opportunities and challenges. You will also learn how to use it in communication and what risks it involves.
Doesn’t lie and keeps a?secret
Blindspot AI have launched a?virtual assistant called AskYourData. In an interview with CzechCrunch , CTO Stepan Kopriva describes precisely how this ChatGPT-based assistant works.
Media monitoring
AI in the world of media monitoring, as well as how AI innovates and simplifies the process, was presented by NEWTON Media at the FIBEP conference in Singapore.
?? Events we’re excited about
20-24 Nov - Czech Digital Week
21-22 Nov – MAMA AI Academy
22 Nov – Data, robots & cows
23 Nov – Smart Cars Day
25 Nov – FIT CTU Open Day
30 Nov – AI in context (of legal regulations)
Europe’s?largest conference in Machine Learning, AI and Deep Learning, ML Prague 2024, will occur on 22-24 April next year. Now you can buy the last early bird ticket at a?discount. As in previous years, we are a?community partner of the event.
You can find all the events we find interesting in our Google calendar.?
?? Stuff that interests us
Read our m<AI>m
The Czech media scene is bursting with AI-related news. Are you getting lost? Follow our media<AI>monitor. Bi-weekly, we’ll send a?rundown of AI news straight to your inbox to help you drown out the buzz and stay informed. Czech only for now.
?? Community calls
Seeking experts in AI based vision algorithm
?? Open job positions
IFSA Czech Republic
ústav informatiky AV ?R
Fyzikální ústav AV ?R