Eventual Success Assured
Part One | Part Two
This is the second installment of the article titled: Previous Global Obliterations
There will be other opportunities if the human race doesn't make it this time.
There are always other opportunities.
While they may not be favorable opportunities, they likely will not be unfavorable — either.
There are always other opportunities.
This is why one should not get too caught up in what some call: life and death matters.
Because with immortal spirits, nothing of such nature exists.
Get the following into your thought process:
You have never died.
You never will die.
As you have always been here, you will not be going anywhere else.
There is no: When it is all over.
It is never going to be over:
Today, tomorrow or anytime.
You will be here forever and ever and ever.
Endlessness is your lot.
Some talk about 'Stepping off the returning continually every lifetime' process.
This won't be happening.
You are running The Endless Program.
There is no stepping off.
So learn to live with it baby — you're stuck with it.
You're in it for the long haul.
Get used to PERMANENCE.
Here today and gone tomorrow is not part of the equation.
Get along with your shipmates, 'cause you'll all be around each other for awhile.
So knock off this 'I'll Be Back' nonsense, 'cause you won't be going anywhere.
You've always been here, and you always will be.
Should the misfortune arise where the human race is involved in a nuclear war with the entire planet left in smoking ruin and unable to support life, and with us humans finding ourselves back in the stone age for a repeat performance as cave dwellers. Which we'll be able to manage, having likely experienced such an existence on quite a number of occasions previously. The important thing is that those who might have preferred our evolution to a more civilized and advanced space-faring society should not be discouraged. For even with a one step forward two steps backward momentum. Simply by the law of mathematical probability, eventually we have to toss a winning double-six dice at some point and pull off a glorious victory — if not this time around, then at least at some lucky epoch somewhere in future time.
?? image credit: alana_jordan; greg_montani; wilhei