PreventionWeb editors' picks

PreventionWeb editors' picks

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Our selection from the latest news and research in disaster risk reduction includes three pieces looking at troubling risks, and three pieces looking at innovative risk-reduction measures.

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PreventionWeb is the global knowledge-sharing platform for disaster risk reduction and resilience. The site offers a range of knowledge products and services to facilitate the work of DRR professionals and is managed by the UN Office for Disaster Risk Reduction (UNDRR).

These articles are provided to inform community discussion, and the views expressed are not necessarily those of UNDRR, PreventionWeb, or its sponsors.

Textile Hygiene Monitoring Society (THMS) wir setzen uns für den Infektionsschutz bei Textilien ein. Milben leben auf unserer Haut, ern?hren sich von Haaren und Hautschuppen, die wir stetig verlieren. Aber auch Viren, Bakterien und Pilzsporen werden mit jeder Nutzung von Betten in Matratzen zurück gelassen. Wir prüfen und zertifizieren Hotels, die unserem Infektionsschutz Programm folgen und nach jedem Gastwechsel Matratzen und Kopfkissen vor dem beziehen mit frisch gewaschener Bettw?sche mit THMS zertifizierten Parasitol ? behandeln. Das stellt sicher, dass eingebrachte Milben, Viren, Bakterien und Pilze sicher abget?tet werden. Parasitol ? wirkt jedoch auch pr?ventiv gegen den Befall von Milben, Kr?tzmilben oder Bettwanzen, die immer ?fter wieder vorkommen. Das THMS Zertifikat ist Garant für hygienische Textilien, ein willkommenes Signal für Allergiker und schützt alle Nutzer vor m?glichen Infektionen, die zu Autoimmun-Erkrankungen oder Allergien führen k?nnen. [email protected]


Textile Hygiene Monitoring Society (THMS) we are committed to protecting textiles from infections. Mites live on our skin, feeding on hair and skin flakes that we constantly lose. But viruses, bacteria and fungal spores are also left behind in mattresses every time we use beds. We test and certify hotels that follow our infection protection program and treat mattresses and pillows with THMS-certified Parasitol ? after each guest change before changing to freshly washed bed linen. This ensures that any mites, viruses, bacteria and fungi that are introduced are safely killed. Parasitol ? also has a preventive effect against infestation by mites, scabies mites or bed bugs, which are becoming more and more common. The THMS certificate is a guarantee of hygienic textiles, a welcome signal for allergy sufferers and protects all users from possible infections that can lead to autoimmune diseases or allergies. [email protected]


Helpful! This will

Dr. Ravichandran Nadarajaguru MD, MPH, PhD

Emergency Health Practitioner - Disaster Risk Reduction

11 个月

I am very much like to connect with the subject. I am a IFRC Surge Member. Interested to join hand with the United Nations Office for Disaster Risk Reduction (UNDRR) it's every activities.



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