Preventing the next School Attack...
Matt Schneider
I’ve been called the ‘Profit Doc’ a time or two. . Just ????of $26M in ? revenue for private practices. . DM to join the Wait List ????
I wonder how many times the questions "Why did it happen?" and "When will it end?" have echoed around TV sets in living rooms all across the country in the moments following a school shooting.
With each and every school attack, we are all sickened by it. We watch the live images stream across our television screens. Our hearts, sorrowful for those who will never see their loved ones again. Angry that it happened yet again.
Most people lost track a long time ago of the number of schools that have been attacked and number of innocent children and teachers who have been injured and murdered in their classrooms.
Some, however, will never forget. The survivors of past attacks who managed to escape death. The sights, sounds, and smells of that tragic day are etched into their brains forever.
Still, there are others who haven't lost track either. Those of us who are committed to learning from the past, educating others, and ending the violence in schools. With nearly twenty years of data and over 250 case studies, we have the ability to make a difference.