Preventing Duplicate Cron Job Executions in Distributed Systems Java base
In a distributed system, one of the most common problems developers face is duplicate execution of scheduled tasks (Cron Jobs). This typically happens when your application is deployed across multiple instances, and each instance independently triggers the same job. This can lead to issues such as:
To ensure only one instance executes a job at any given time, you need a distributed locking mechanism. In this article, we’ll explore and implement five solutions for preventing duplicate job execution in Spring Boot 3.4 and Spring 6:
1. ShedLock
ShedLock ensures that only one instance of a scheduled job runs at a time by using a distributed lock stored in a shared database. It is lightweight, easy to set up, and works well for most distributed systems.
Implementation with ShedLock
Step 1: Add Dependencies
Add the following dependencies to your pom.xml:
Step 2: Configure ShedLock
public class ShedLockConfig {
public LockProvider lockProvider(DataSource dataSource) {
return new JdbcTemplateLockProvider(
.withJdbcTemplate(new JdbcTemplate(dataSource))
.usingDbTime() // Use database time to avoid clock drift
Step 3: Annotate Scheduled Jobs
public class ShedLockTask {
@Scheduled(cron = "0 * * * * *") // Executes every minute
@SchedulerLock(name = "ShedLockTask", lockAtMostFor = "10m", lockAtLeastFor = "1m")
public void performTask() {
System.out.println("Executing task with ShedLock...");
2. Quartz Scheduler
Quartz Scheduler is a robust and feature-rich library designed for scheduling jobs in a cluster. It uses a Job Store to coordinate across multiple instances, ensuring that only one instance executes a job.
Implementation with Quartz Scheduler
Step 1: Add Dependency
Add the following dependency to your pom.xml:
Step 2: Define a Quartz Job
public class QuartzTask implements Job {
public void execute(JobExecutionContext context) {
System.out.println("Executing task with Quartz Scheduler...");
Step 3: Configure Quartz
public class QuartzConfig {
public JobDetail jobDetail() {
return JobBuilder.newJob(QuartzTask.class)
public Trigger trigger(JobDetail jobDetail) {
return TriggerBuilder.newTrigger()
.withSchedule(CronScheduleBuilder.cronSchedule("0 * * * * ?")) // Every minute
3. Redis-Based Locking
Redis can be used for distributed locking by leveraging its in-memory data store. Libraries like Redisson , Lettuce provide an easy-to-use API for managing locks.
Redisson is a Redis Java client that includes many common implementations of distributed Java collections, objects, and services. As a result, Redisson dramatically lowers the Redis learning curve for Java developers, making it easier than ever to build key-value Redis databases.
Lettuce describes itself as "a scalable Redis client for building non-blocking Reactive applications." The Lettuce project includes both synchronous and asynchronous support for the Redis API, including Java data structures, the publish/subscribe pattern, and high availability and scalability.
so for Reactive system you can use Lettuce and I prefer use Lettuce in my projects.
Implementation with Redis
Step 1: Add Dependency
Add the following dependency to your pom.xml:
Step 2: Configure Redisson
public class RedissonConfig {
public RedissonClient redissonClient() {
Config config = new Config();
return Redisson.create(config);
Step 3: Implement a Distributed Lock
public class RedisTask {
private final RedissonClient redissonClient;
public RedisTask(RedissonClient redissonClient) {
this.redissonClient = redissonClient;
@Scheduled(cron = "0 * * * * *") // Executes every minute
public void performTask() {
RLock lock = redissonClient.getLock("redisTaskLock");
if (lock.tryLock()) {
try {
System.out.println("Executing task with Redis lock...");
} finally {
} else {
System.out.println("Task already running, skipping execution...");
4. Zookeeper-Based Locking
Apache Zookeeper is a high-performance, distributed coordination service. It provides advanced locking mechanisms suitable for large-scale distributed systems.
Implementation with Zookeeper
Step 1: Add Dependency
Add the following dependency to your pom.xml:
Step 2: Configure Zookeeper
public class ZookeeperConfig {
public CuratorFramework curatorFramework() {
CuratorFramework client = CuratorFrameworkFactory.newClient(
new ExponentialBackoffRetry(1000, 3)
return client;
Step 3: Implement a Distributed Lock
public class ZookeeperTask {
private final CuratorFramework curatorFramework;
public ZookeeperTask(CuratorFramework curatorFramework) {
this.curatorFramework = curatorFramework;
@Scheduled(cron = "0 * * * * *") // Executes every minute
public void performTask() {
InterProcessMutex lock = new InterProcessMutex(curatorFramework, "/zookeeperTaskLock");
try {
if (lock.acquire(5, TimeUnit.SECONDS)) {
try {
System.out.println("Executing task with Zookeeper lock...");
} finally {
} else {
System.out.println("Task already running, skipping execution...");
} catch (Exception e) {
5. Custom Database Table Locking
In this approach, a custom database table is used to track job execution. Instances check the table before executing a job and respect the lock if it exists.
Step 1: Create a Lock Table
CREATE TABLE job_lock (
job_name VARCHAR(255) PRIMARY KEY,
locked_by VARCHAR(255)
Step 2: Implement a Lock Service
public class JobLockService {
private final JdbcTemplate jdbcTemplate;
public JobLockService(JdbcTemplate jdbcTemplate) {
this.jdbcTemplate = jdbcTemplate;
public boolean tryLock(String jobName) {
String instanceId = "Instance-" + System.currentTimeMillis();
try {
"INSERT INTO job_lock (job_name, locked_at, locked_by) VALUES (?, ?, ?)",
jobName,, instanceId
return true;
} catch (DataIntegrityViolationException e) {
return false;
public void releaseLock(String jobName) {
jdbcTemplate.update("DELETE FROM job_lock WHERE job_name = ?", jobName);
Step 3: Schedule a Job
public class DatabaseTask {
private final JobLockService jobLockService;
public DatabaseTask(JobLockService jobLockService) {
this.jobLockService = jobLockService;
@Scheduled(cron = "0 * * * * *") // Executes every minute
public void performTask() {
String jobName = "DatabaseTask";
if (jobLockService.tryLock(jobName)) {
try {
System.out.println("Executing task with database lock...");
} finally {
} else {
System.out.println("Task already running, skipping execution...");
Preventing duplicate Cron Job executions is crucial in distributed systems to avoid redundant operations and ensure data consistency. Each of the solutions discussed here offers unique advantages:
Choose the solution that best fits your system’s architecture, scale, and requirements to ensure smooth and coordinated job execution.
Technical Lead | Senior Java Developer at TOSAN (Banking and Payment Solutions Provider)
6 小时前Thanks Kiarash, for sharing this insight. One key challenge in microservices with multiple instances is managing scheduled jobs to avoid duplicate execution. Some effective approaches include using coordination services (ZooKeeper), implementing a leader-follower model, leveraging message queues (Kafka), time-based partitioning or job orchestration tools like Kubernetes CronJobs. Choosing the right strategy depends on system architecture and scalability needs.
Software Engineer, Java | Spring | Typescript | Angular | SQL | MongoDB | Kafka
2 周Thanks for your concise but comprehensive article.
Software Engineer
3 周thanks kiarash. i wrote post for related concept about shedlock that can be useful
Java Software Engineer
3 周Using Redis in clustered as a distributed lock is challenging, I prefer using a tablet like what you mentioned as a custom db locking.