Preventable loss of life, FAA injustice.

Preventable loss of life, FAA injustice.

There is a level of stupidity and injustice in the world that makes me livid with anger. I try to isolate myself from hearing this, since i can not change it, if i should discover it... my anger becomes unbounded, and it takes work to bring it back under control writing here about this will help in that regard. Unfortuantely, i saw th recreation of this by Paramount on "Air Disasters"

So, The flight crew are assesed culpability... of course.

In reality....

1. Korean airline fault:It seems the airline forced their pilots to fly too many hours and switching day and night schedules which direclty caused crew fatique.

2.0 Next the glide slope radar was incredibly intentionally shut down for 3 months for repair, with no provisions at all for a back up interim system... incredible management incompetence, these people should be in prison for manslaughter.

3. Next the Daws system was programmed to be useless on land due to some false alaerts, its sensitivity was turned down so it was essentially shut down programmed not to look at aircraft approaching the runway, making it useless, so no warning was given to any airplane approaching the runway that it was too low,...

4.0 it just gets worse and worse....

5.0 there is an approach beacon that is SUPPOSED to be at the foot of the runway, that projects a guide beam to the pilot (not the same as the Glide Slope system. THIS was LOCATED 3 miles away from the runway for some GOD UNKOWN IMBECILIC reason.

Well guess were the pilot landed his plane ? Three miles away from the runway... right in front of the beacon.... and guess what.... the IDIOT FAA investigator never thought this may be a contributing reason the pilot touched his plane down in a field at the foot of this beacone... WTF !!!!

6.0 RAIN, visibility ZERO. I mean ZERO. The pilot was handed off to the Quam tower who gave him clearance to land.

Did the IDIOT in the tower watch the planc on radar? NO.

did he give instructions to the pilot ? NO.

Did he even realize the plane did not land at the airport? NO.

Well what this blinking fool doing? certainly NOT his job., i bet he is still employed in this line of work... what a menace to human life he poses.

7.0 maybe if the crew had not been made to fly in a sleep deprived condition, they would have told that IDIOT CONTROLLER to send them a an actual FUNCTIONING AIRPORT with a sentient human being in the tower.... and refused to land at the AIRPORT FROM HELL.

AND THE FAA inestigator... too chickensh*t to put blame where it belongs too afraid of politics and bureaucrats to put the blame where it belongs... on them and rather blame an innocent flight crew who were the victims of this charlie foxtrot airpot disaster and not the cause of it. Fear and Failure to affix proper root cause... how many further lives at risk, hown many other preventable crashes and loss of life because of one mans cowardice ? Is the FAA official still putting human life at risk ? why is he not terminated ?

And the surviving passenger who tried to get the FAA to change the regulations for carry on booze which caused the deaths of so many people in a horrible alcohol fueled fire as it was feed by broken O2 lines... passengers burned beyond recognition.... FAA ignored him completely !

WHERE IS THE MENACE HERE ? or more precisely WHO is the menace ?. morons who are everywhere, the control tower, the FAA the boardroom of airlines more interested in squeezing every last bit of life out of its flight crews than for human life and safety, they calculate acceptable loses in human terms for profit gained.... seriously ?

I rebuke all these evil monsters, i detest them, they offend me greatly.


