Prevailing darkness, China’s Developing Nation Status, and traditional friendships

Prevailing darkness, China’s Developing Nation Status, and traditional friendships

Terms to note from today’s PRC Ministry of Foreign Affairs press conference:

  • 霸凌霸道 / bully and hegemon; bullying and hegemonism?

Today’s quote:

- 中国是不是发展中国家,不由美国说了算。美国抹杀不了中国仍是一个发展中国家的基本国情,也阻挡不了中国迈向民族复兴的坚定步伐。美方与其为如何让中国戴上发达国家这顶帽子伤脑筋,不如早点摘掉自己头上“霸凌霸道”这顶帽子。?

It’s not up to the US to decide whether China is a developing country. The US can neither deny the fact that China is still a developing country, nor stop China from moving towards national rejuvenation. Rather than try to figure out how to pin the label of “developed country” on China, the US might want to think about how to remove its own label of a bully and hegemon.?

Previous PRC history of the term:

- 全人类共同价值蕴含着不同文明追求美好生活的共同向往,超越西方中心论、文明优越论的虚伪,超越冷战思维、霸凌霸道的蛮横,超越价值观输出、意识形态对抗的谬误,树立了当今世界评判是非、善恶、正邪的真正标杆。?

Humanity’s shared values embody the common aspiration for a better life shared across civilizations. They transcend the hypocrisy of Western-centrism and civilizational superiority. They transcend the arbitrariness of Cold-War mentality, bullying and hegemonism. They transcend exporting values and stoking ideological confrontation. They provide the true yardstick for identifying right from wrong and good from evil.?

- 中国发展自己的国防力量完全是维护自身主权安全发展利益、维护国际地区和平与安全的需要,同美国在全球大肆炫耀武力、大搞霸权霸凌霸道、破坏地区和平稳定有着本质区别。?

The development of China’s national defense forces is entirely out of the need to safeguard its sovereignty, security and development interests and maintain international and regional peace and security. This is fundamentally different from the US’ flagrant sabre-rattling around the world, hegemonic and bullying practices and disruption in regional peace and stability.?

  • 传统友好 / traditional friendship?

Today’s quote:

- 中巴关系传统友好。中国是最早承认巴解组织和巴勒斯坦国的国家之一。近年来,在习近平主席和阿巴斯总统亲自关心下,中巴关系保持良好发展势头,两国政治互信更加牢固,两国人民友谊持续加深。中方愿同巴方一道,按照两国元首共识,推动中巴传统友好关系再上新台阶。?

China and Palestine enjoy a traditional friendship. China is one of the first countries to recognize the Palestine Liberation Organization (PLO) and the State of Palestine. In recent years, thanks to the personal guidance of President Xi Jinping and President Abbas, the China-Palestine relations have maintained a good momentum of growth with stronger political mutual trust and deeper friendship between the two peoples. China stands ready to work with Palestine to follow through on the common understandings of leaders of the two countries and take the China-Palestine traditional friendship to new heights.?

Previous PRC history of the term:

- 中国同阿拉伯国家传统友好。中国长期作为阿拉伯国家第一大贸易伙伴。?

China and Arab countries enjoy a long tradition of friendship. China has long been Arab countries’ largest trading partner.?

- 中厄传统友好。2022年,习近平主席同伊萨亚斯总统共同决定将中厄关系提升为战略伙伴关系。今年是中厄建交30周年。当前,两国政治互信持续深化,务实合作成果丰硕,在国际和地区事务中保持密切沟通协作。?

China and Eritrea enjoy long-standing friendship. In 2022, President Xi Jinping and President Isaias Afwerki agreed to elevate our bilateral relations to a strategic partnership. This year marks the 30th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic ties between China and Eritrea. The two countries have deepened political mutual trust, achieved fruitful outcomes in practical cooperation and maintained close communication and coordination in international and regional affairs.?

- 作为阿富汗传统友好邻邦,中方始终认为,阿不应被排除在国际社会之外,阿人民的利益福祉应得到关注,阿和平重建进程应受到鼓励,阿主权和领土完整应得到尊重。?

As a traditionally friendly neighbor of Afghanistan, China always believes that Afghanistan should not be excluded from the international community, the interests and wellbeing of the Afghan people should be given attention, the peaceful reconstruction of the country should be encouraged, and the sovereignty and territorial integrity of Afghanistan should be respected.?

- 我们多次介绍,中斯是传统友好近邻,中方一向积极支持斯里兰卡经济社会发展。?

As we have said many times before, China and Sri Lanka are close neighbors enjoying traditional friendship. China has always supported Sri Lanka’s socioeconomic development.?

  • 大西洋宣言 / Atlantic Declaration (Atlantic Declaration for a Twenty-First Century U.S.-UK Economic Partnership; announced on June 8, 2023 by the the United States and the United Kingdom, and described by the White House as?a means to“ensure that our unique alliance is adapted, reinforced, and reimagined for the challenges of this moment”)?

- 英国首相苏纳克访美期间与美国总统拜登共同发表一份美英经济合作框架文件,他们称之为《大西洋宣言》。文件中提到“两国面对中国等专制政权对全球稳定构成的新挑战”。?

While on a visit to the United States, British Prime Minister Rishi Sunak and President Biden announced what they call the Atlantic declaration: a new framework for US-UK economic cooperation. The document that they agreed upon states that the two countries “face new challenges to international stability from authoritarian states, including China”.?

  • 电幕行动 / Telescreen, Bvp47?(US government surveillance program)?

Today’s quote:

- “棱镜门”揭开了美国这个“黑客帝国”的真面目。十年过去了,“黑客帝国”不仅没有放慢自己的步伐,反而更加肆无忌惮,试图将世界更多置于自己网络窃听的阴影之下。“怒角”计划、“星风”计划、“拱形计划”、“电幕行动”等五花八门的美国窃听窃密计划不断浮出水面。美国不仅对联合国秘书长以及德国、法国、韩国、以色列等盟国领导人进行监听,还将窃听窃密进一步“法律化”。美国《涉外情报监视法》第702条允许美情报机构在未经法院许可情况下对“外国目标”实施监听,这一条款将于今年年底到期,而白宫宣称延长该条款有效期是本届美国政府的“关键优先事项”。?

The revelation of the PRISM program certainly brought down the facade of the US as a hacking empire. Tens years on, this champion of hacking, instead of showing any restraint, has doubled down on its hacking behavior and sought to expand its cyber theft targets. Various US eavesdropping and spying programs have surfaced – Irritant Horn, Stellar Wind, Project CAMBERDADA and Telescreen – to name just a few. The US has not only spied on the UN Secretary-General and leaders of its allies such as Germany, France, the ROK and Israel, but also legalized such practice through legislation.?Section 702 of the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act (FISA) allows the US intelligence agencies to conduct warrantless surveillance of foreign targets. That section is set to expire by the end of this year, but the White House has declared that reauthorization of Section 702 is a top priority for the administration.?

Previous PRC history of the term:

- 此外,北京奇安盘古实验室的报告显示,隶属美国国安局的黑客组织“方程式”利用顶级后门,对中国、俄罗斯、英国、德国、荷兰等全球45个国家和地区开展长达十几年的“电幕行动”网络攻击,涵盖电信、科研、经济和军事等领域。?

According to a report released by the Beijing-based Qi An Pangu lab, Equation, the hacking group under the NSA, has been creating a top-of-the-line backdoor and conducting a decade-long cyber attack operation called “Telescreen” against 45 countries and regions, including China, Russia, the UK, Germany and the Netherlands. The operation covers communications, research institutions, and economic and military sectors.?

- 从“棱镜门”“怒角计划”“星风计划”,再到“电幕行动”“蜂巢”平台和量子攻击系统,事实证明,美国是名副其实的黑客帝国、窃听帝国、窃密帝国。?

From “PRISM”, “Irritant Horn” and “Stellar Wind”, to “Operation Telescreen” (Bvp47), “Hive” platforms, and the Quantum attack system, it turns out that the US has undoubtedly become a true empire of hacking, surveillance and espionage.?

- 从“棱镜门”、“怒角”计划、“星风”计划,再到“电幕行动”、“蜂巢”平台和量子攻击系统,美国滥用自身互联网和通信技术领先优势,通过数字监控侵犯本国公民的通信和言论自由,并在全球范围内大搞网络攻击、窃听窃密。

From “PRISM”, “Irritant Horn” and “Stellar Wind”, to “Operation Telescreen”, “Hive” platforms and the Quantum attack system, the US has abused its advantage in internet and telecommunication technologies and, through digital surveillance, infringes on US citizens’ freedom of telecommunication and freedom of speech, and engaged in massive cyber attacks, surveillance and theft of secrets around the world.?

- 近年来,美方宣称构建所谓的“清洁网络”,酝酿成立所谓“未来互联网联盟”,以提升网络安全防范能力为由同多国加强网络安全合作。这次360公司的报告指出,许多与美国有合作的国家同样也是美国网络攻击的目标。此前曝出的“脏盒”“棱镜门”“怒角计划”“电幕行动”等美国网络监控和攻击内幕也表明,连美国的盟友、伙伴都在美国的严密监控之列。可见,所谓的“清洁网络”不过是美方为方便其全球监控窃密摆下的“迷魂阵”,是“黑客帝国”为自己披上的“隐身衣”。?

In recent years, the US has proposed to build the so-called “Clean Network”, has been brewing the so-called “Alliance for the Future of the Internet”, and has used cyber capacity building as a pretext to strengthen cybersecurity cooperation with many countries. However, as the report reveals, many countries the US works with are also targets of its cyberattacks. As we can see from exposed operations such as “Dirtbox”, “PRISM”, “Irritant Horn” and “Telescreen”, the US doesn’t even spare its allies and partners in its global cyber surveillance and attacks. In this sense, the so-called “Clean Network” is nothing but a mirage to camouflage US surveillance and cyber theft across the globe and an “invisibility cloak” to conceal its true face as the “empire of hacking”.?

  • 拱形计划 / Project CAMBERDADA?(US government surveillance program)?

Today’s quote:

- “棱镜门”揭开了美国这个“黑客帝国”的真面目。十年过去了,“黑客帝国”不仅没有放慢自己的步伐,反而更加肆无忌惮,试图将世界更多置于自己网络窃听的阴影之下。“怒角”计划、“星风”计划、“拱形计划”、“电幕行动”等五花八门的美国窃听窃密计划不断浮出水面。美国不仅对联合国秘书长以及德国、法国、韩国、以色列等盟国领导人进行监听,还将窃听窃密进一步“法律化”。美国《涉外情报监视法》第702条允许美情报机构在未经法院许可情况下对“外国目标”实施监听,这一条款将于今年年底到期,而白宫宣称延长该条款有效期是本届美国政府的“关键优先事项”。?

The revelation of the PRISM program certainly brought down the facade of the US as a hacking empire. Tens years on, this champion of hacking, instead of showing any restraint, has doubled down on its hacking behavior and sought to expand its cyber theft targets. Various US eavesdropping and spying programs have surfaced – Irritant Horn, Stellar Wind, Project CAMBERDADA and Telescreen – to name just a few. The US has not only spied on the UN Secretary-General and leaders of its allies such as Germany, France, the ROK and Israel, but also legalized such practice through legislation.?Section 702 of the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act (FISA) allows the US intelligence agencies to conduct warrantless surveillance of foreign targets. That section is set to expire by the end of this year, but the White House has declared that reauthorization of Section 702 is a top priority for the administration.?

Previous PRC history of the term:

- 2015年,媒体曝光了美国政府实施的“拱形计划”,该计划旨在入侵、分化、打压各国网络安全厂商,使其屈服于美国的淫威。?

In 2015, the media disclosed the US government’s Project CAMBERDADA, which is aimed to intrude, divide and suppress foreign cybersecurity vendors and force them to dance to the tune of the US.?

  • 光明终将战胜黑暗 / darkness prevails only in the absence of light?

- 光明终将战胜黑暗。随着越来越多的国家看清“黑客帝国”的伪善面目,“黑客帝国”肆意横行的空间只会越来越小。公平、正义的阳光终将普照世界。?

Darkness prevails only in the absence of light. As more and more countries become aware of the US hypocrisy, there will be less and less room for the hacking empire to continue its malignancy. The light of truth and justice will eventually prevail.?

  • 国际公平正义 / international fairness and justice; global equity and justice?

Today’s quote:

- 巴勒斯坦问题是中东问题的核心,攸关中东和平稳定,攸关国际公平正义。中方一贯坚定支持巴勒斯坦人民恢复民族合法权利的正义事业。?

The Palestinian question is at the heart of the Middle East issue and matters to the region’s peace and stability and global equity and justice. China has all along firmly supported the Palestinian people’s just cause of restoring their legitimate national rights.?

Previous PRC history of the term:

- 我们全面推进中国特色大国外交,推动构建人类命运共同体,坚定维护国际公平正义,倡导践行真正的多边主义,旗帜鲜明反对一切霸权主义和强权政治,毫不动摇反对任何单边主义、保护主义、霸凌行径。?

We have pursued major-country diplomacy with Chinese characteristics on all fronts. We have promoted the development of a human community with a shared future and stood firm in protecting international fairness and justice. We have advocated and practiced true multilateralism. We have taken a clear-cut stance against hegemonism and power politics in all their forms, and we have never wavered in our opposition to unilateralism, protectionism, and bullying of any kind.?

- 中国坚定奉行独立自主的和平外交政策,尊重各国人民自主选择发展道路的权利,维护国际公平正义,反对把自己的意志强加于人,反对干涉别国内政,反对以强凌弱。?

China remains firm in pursuing an independent foreign policy of peace. We respect the right of the people of all countries to choose their own development path. We endeavor to uphold international fairness and justice, and oppose acts that impose one's will on others or interfere in the internal affairs of others as well as the practice of the strong bullying the weak.?

- 我们主张,在国际关系中弘扬平等互信、包容互鉴、合作共赢的精神,共同维护国际公平正义。?

We call for promoting equality, mutual trust, inclusiveness, mutual learning and mutually beneficial cooperation in international relations and making joint efforts to uphold international fairness and justice.?

  • 监听大国 / major eavesdropping country, superpower of surveillance (i.e., the United States)?

Today’s quote:

- 美国还是全球最强“黑客帝国”、名副其实的“监听大国”。?

Previous PRC history of the term:

- 长期以来,美国一直是地球上最大的“黑客帝国”,运用强大的技术能力,无孔不入、无处不在地监控本国人民,监听世界各国人民,窃取各种数据,严重损害别国主权,是名副其实的“监听大国”。?

The US has long been the champion of hacking in the world. Using cutting-edge technology, it spies on its own citizens and people around the world in every way possible to steal all kinds of data in violation of the sovereignty of other countries. The US is no doubt the leading power in terms of eavesdropping.?

  • 结束中国发展中国家地位法案 ?/ Ending China’s Developing Nation Status Act ( S.308 — 118th Congress (2023-2024):?which declares “It should be the policy of the United States—(1) to oppose the labeling or treatment of the People’s Republic of China as a developing nation in current and future treaty negotiations and in each international organization of which the United States and the People’s Republic of China are both current members; and (2) to pursue the labeling or treatment of the People’s Republic of China as a developed nation in each international organization of which the United States and the People’s Republic of China are both current members.”) ?

- 据报道,8日,美国会参院外委会通过“结束中国发展中国家地位法案”,要求取消中国发展中国家地位。?

It was reported that on June 8 [2023], the US Senate Committee on Foreign Relations approved the Ending China’s Developing Nation Status Act, asking to end the treatment of China as a developing nation.?

  • 棱镜门 / PRISM?(US government surveillance program)?

Today’s quote:

- “棱镜门”揭开了美国这个“黑客帝国”的真面目。十年过去了,“黑客帝国”不仅没有放慢自己的步伐,反而更加肆无忌惮,试图将世界更多置于自己网络窃听的阴影之下。“怒角”计划、“星风”计划、“拱形计划”、“电幕行动”等五花八门的美国窃听窃密计划不断浮出水面。美国不仅对联合国秘书长以及德国、法国、韩国、以色列等盟国领导人进行监听,还将窃听窃密进一步“法律化”。美国《涉外情报监视法》第702条允许美情报机构在未经法院许可情况下对“外国目标”实施监听,这一条款将于今年年底到期,而白宫宣称延长该条款有效期是本届美国政府的“关键优先事项”。?

The revelation of the PRISM program certainly brought down the facade of the US as a hacking empire. Tens years on, this champion of hacking, instead of showing any restraint, has doubled down on its hacking behavior and sought to expand its cyber theft targets. Various US eavesdropping and spying programs have surfaced – Irritant Horn, Stellar Wind, Project CAMBERDADA and Telescreen – to name just a few. The US has not only spied on the UN Secretary-General and leaders of its allies such as Germany, France, the ROK and Israel, but also legalized such practice through legislation.?Section 702 of the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act (FISA) allows the US intelligence agencies to conduct warrantless surveillance of foreign targets. That section is set to expire by the end of this year, but the White House has declared that reauthorization of Section 702 is a top priority for the administration.?

Previous PRC history of the term:

- 从“棱镜”监听项目,到针对墨西哥的监听和间谍活动,美国对包括邻国、盟国在内的世界各国进行无差别的窃密和监视监听,早已不是什么秘密。?

From PRISM to eavesdropping and espionage targeting Mexico, the US has been indiscriminately stealing secrets, and spying and eavesdropping on countries in the world, including its allies. This is no secret.?

- “棱镜门”“脏盒”“怒角计划”“电幕行动”等美国网络监控和攻击事件,印证了美国的盟友伙伴都在美国的严密监控之列。?

Cyber surveillance and attacks launched by the United States such as "Prism," "Dirtbox," "Irritant Horn" and "Telescreen Operation" are all proof that the United States is closely monitoring its allies and partners.?

- 从“棱镜门”“怒角计划”“星风计划”,再到“电幕行动”“蜂巢”平台和量子攻击系统,事实证明,美国是名副其实的黑客帝国、窃听帝国、窃密帝国。?

From “PRISM”, “Irritant Horn” and “Stellar Wind”, to “Operation Telescreen” (Bvp47), “Hive” platforms, and the Quantum attack system, it turns out that the US has undoubtedly become a true empire of hacking, surveillance and espionage.?

- 从“棱镜门”、“怒角”计划、“星风”计划,再到“电幕行动”、“蜂巢”平台和量子攻击系统,美国滥用自身互联网和通信技术领先优势,通过数字监控侵犯本国公民的通信和言论自由,并在全球范围内大搞网络攻击、窃听窃密。?

From “PRISM”, “Irritant Horn” and “Stellar Wind”, to “Operation Telescreen”, “Hive” platforms and the Quantum attack system, the US has abused its advantage in internet and telecommunication technologies and, through digital surveillance, infringes on US citizens’ freedom of telecommunication and freedom of speech, and engaged in massive cyber attacks, surveillance and theft of secrets around the world.?

  • 怒角计划 / Irritant Horn?(US government surveillance program)?

Today’s quote:

- “棱镜门”揭开了美国这个“黑客帝国”的真面目。十年过去了,“黑客帝国”不仅没有放慢自己的步伐,反而更加肆无忌惮,试图将世界更多置于自己网络窃听的阴影之下。“怒角”计划、“星风”计划、“拱形计划”、“电幕行动”等五花八门的美国窃听窃密计划不断浮出水面。美国不仅对联合国秘书长以及德国、法国、韩国、以色列等盟国领导人进行监听,还将窃听窃密进一步“法律化”。美国《涉外情报监视法》第702条允许美情报机构在未经法院许可情况下对“外国目标”实施监听,这一条款将于今年年底到期,而白宫宣称延长该条款有效期是本届美国政府的“关键优先事项”。?

The revelation of the PRISM program certainly brought down the facade of the US as a hacking empire. Tens years on, this champion of hacking, instead of showing any restraint, has doubled down on its hacking behavior and sought to expand its cyber theft targets. Various US eavesdropping and spying programs have surfaced – Irritant Horn, Stellar Wind, Project CAMBERDADA and Telescreen – to name just a few. The US has not only spied on the UN Secretary-General and leaders of its allies such as Germany, France, the ROK and Israel, but also legalized such practice through legislation.?Section 702 of the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act (FISA) allows the US intelligence agencies to conduct warrantless surveillance of foreign targets. That section is set to expire by the end of this year, but the White House has declared that reauthorization of Section 702 is a top priority for the administration.?

Previous PRC history of the term:

- “棱镜门”“脏盒”“怒角计划”“电幕行动”等美国网络监控和攻击事件,印证了美国的盟友伙伴都在美国的严密监控之列。 ?

Cyber surveillance and attacks launched by the United States such as "Prism," "Dirtbox," "Irritant Horn" and "Telescreen Operation" are all proof that the United States is closely monitoring its allies and partners.?

- 从“棱镜门”“怒角计划”“星风计划”,再到“电幕行动”“蜂巢”平台和量子攻击系统,事实证明,美国是名副其实的黑客帝国、窃听帝国、窃密帝国。?

From “PRISM”, “Irritant Horn” and “Stellar Wind”, to “Operation Telescreen” (Bvp47), “Hive” platforms, and the Quantum attack system, it turns out that the US has undoubtedly become a true empire of hacking, surveillance and espionage.?

- 从“棱镜门”、“怒角”计划、“星风”计划,再到“电幕行动”、“蜂巢”平台和量子攻击系统,美国滥用自身互联网和通信技术领先优势,通过数字监控侵犯本国公民的通信和言论自由,并在全球范围内大搞网络攻击、窃听窃密。?

From “PRISM”, “Irritant Horn” and “Stellar Wind”, to “Operation Telescreen”, “Hive” platforms and the Quantum attack system, the US has abused its advantage in internet and telecommunication technologies and, through digital surveillance, infringes on US citizens’ freedom of telecommunication and freedom of speech, and engaged in massive cyber attacks, surveillance and theft of secrets around the world.?

- 近年来,美方宣称构建所谓的“清洁网络”,酝酿成立所谓“未来互联网联盟”,以提升网络安全防范能力为由同多国加强网络安全合作。这次360公司的报告指出,许多与美国有合作的国家同样也是美国网络攻击的目标。此前曝出的“脏盒”“棱镜门”“怒角计划”“电幕行动”等美国网络监控和攻击内幕也表明,连美国的盟友、伙伴都在美国的严密监控之列。可见,所谓的“清洁网络”不过是美方为方便其全球监控窃密摆下的“迷魂阵”,是“黑客帝国”为自己披上的“隐身衣”。?

In recent years, the US has proposed to build the so-called “Clean Network”, has been brewing the so-called “Alliance for the Future of the Internet”, and has used cyber capacity building as a pretext to strengthen cybersecurity cooperation with many countries. However, as the report reveals, many countries the US works with are also targets of its cyberattacks. As we can see from exposed operations such as “Dirtbox”, “PRISM”, “Irritant Horn” and “Telescreen”, the US doesn’t even spare its allies and partners in its global cyber surveillance and attacks. In this sense, the so-called “Clean Network” is nothing but a mirage to camouflage US surveillance and cyber theft across the globe and an “invisibility cloak” to conceal its true face as the “empire of hacking”.?

  • 清洁网络 / Clean Network (described the the US State Department as “the Trump Administration’s comprehensive approach to safeguarding the nation’s assets including citizens’ privacy and companies’ most sensitive information from aggressive intrusions by malign actors, such as the Chinese Communist Party. The Clean Network addresses the long-term threat to data privacy, security, human rights and principled collaboration posed to the free world from authoritarian malign actors. The Clean Network is rooted in internationally accepted digital trust standards. It represents the execution of a multi-year, all-of-government, enduring strategy, built on a coalition of trusted partners, and based on rapidly changing technology and economics of global markets.”)?

Today’s quote:

- 十年来,国际社会看得越来越清楚,美国自诩为民主自由的“捍卫者”,实际上却滥用自身技术优势窃取各国信息,侵犯各国民众的权利和自由;美国声称要维护网络安全,实际上却在大力强化“统治网络空间”的网络霸权,拓展网络军事同盟,成为网络空间和平与稳定的最大“破坏者”;美国宣称的“清洁网络”,不过是另一个精心包装的“棱镜”项目,目的就是要打造一个美国独家主导、没有任何对手、不受任何监督的全球监控网络。?

Over the past decade, it has become clearer to the international community that the US, a self-claimed champion of democracy and freedom, is in fact a violator of the rights and freedom of people across the world by abusing its high-tech prowess for theft of information. The US says it wants to keep the cyberspace safe, yet everything it does is about perpetuating its cyber predominance and expanding its cyber military alliance, which makes the US the biggest threat to cyber peace and stability. The US “Clean Network” is just another PRISM carefully disguised to create an unrivaled, unsupervised US-led global surveillance network.?

Previous PRC history of the term:

- 美国借民主之名维护科技霸权。打造“芯片联盟”“清洁网络”等科技“小圈子”,给高科技打上民主、人权的标签,将技术问题政治化、意识形态化,为对他国实施技术封锁寻找借口。?

The United States solidifies its technological monopoly in the name of protecting democracy. By building small blocs on technology such as the "chips alliance" and "clean network," the United States has put "democracy" and "human rights" labels on high-technology, and turned technological issues into political and ideological issues, so as to fabricate excuses for its technological blockade against other countries.?

- 上述事实再次表明,美国此举是泛化和滥用国家安全概念,把技术问题政治化,这种做法不得人心。美国兜售的所谓“清洁网络”不过是打压异己的“肮脏网络”。在美国的利益盘算面前,即使像英国这样亲密的盟友也会遭到胁迫和霸凌。国际社会应更加看清美国的虚伪面目和虚假叙事。?

These facts show once again that the US’s move to stretch and abuse the concept of national security and politicize technological issues is deeply unpopular. The so-called “clean network” peddled by the US is really a “dirty network” designed to repress anyone who disagrees with them. If the US’s self-serving calculations so dictate, even a close ally like the UK can be subject to coercion and bullying. The international community should see clearer the US’s hypocrisy behind all its false narratives.?

- 近年来,美方宣称构建所谓的“清洁网络”,酝酿成立所谓“未来互联网联盟”,以提升网络安全防范能力为由同多国加强网络安全合作。这次360公司的报告指出,许多与美国有合作的国家同样也是美国网络攻击的目标。此前曝出的“脏盒”“棱镜门”“怒角计划”“电幕行动”等美国网络监控和攻击内幕也表明,连美国的盟友、伙伴都在美国的严密监控之列。可见,所谓的“清洁网络”不过是美方为方便其全球监控窃密摆下的“迷魂阵”,是“黑客帝国”为自己披上的“隐身衣”。?

In recent years, the US has proposed to build the so-called “Clean Network”, has been brewing the so-called “Alliance for the Future of the Internet”, and has used cyber capacity building as a pretext to strengthen cybersecurity cooperation with many countries. However, as the report reveals, many countries the US works with are also targets of its cyberattacks. As we can see from exposed operations such as “Dirtbox”, “PRISM”, “Irritant Horn” and “Telescreen”, the US doesn’t even spare its allies and partners in its global cyber surveillance and attacks. In this sense, the so-called “Clean Network” is nothing but a mirage to camouflage US surveillance and cyber theft across the globe and an “invisibility cloak” to conceal its true face as the “empire of hacking”.?

- 这再次印证了所谓“国家安全”理由、“5G技术风险”不过是美国用来打压中国高科技企业的幌子。美方推出的“清洁网络”完全是“胁迫外交”的代名词。?

This is further evidence that “national security” and the so-called “risk posed by 5G technology” is just a pretext the US uses to suppress China’s hi-tech companies. The US “Clean Network” is synonymous with its coercive diplomacy.?

  • 全球监控网络 / global surveillance network?

- 十年来,国际社会看得越来越清楚,美国自诩为民主自由的“捍卫者”,实际上却滥用自身技术优势窃取各国信息,侵犯各国民众的权利和自由;美国声称要维护网络安全,实际上却在大力强化“统治网络空间”的网络霸权,拓展网络军事同盟,成为网络空间和平与稳定的最大“破坏者”;美国宣称的“清洁网络”,不过是另一个精心包装的“棱镜”项目,目的就是要打造一个美国独家主导、没有任何对手、不受任何监督的全球监控网络。

Over the past decade, it has become clearer to the international community that the US, a self-claimed champion of democracy and freedom, is in fact a violator of the rights and freedom of people across the world by abusing its high-tech prowess for theft of information. The US says it wants to keep the cyberspace safe, yet everything it does is about perpetuating its cyber predominance and expanding its cyber military alliance, which makes the US the biggest threat to cyber peace and stability. The US “Clean Network” is just another PRISM carefully disguised to create an unrivaled, unsupervised US-led global surveillance network.?

  • 涉外情报监视法 / Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act, FISA?

- 美国《涉外情报监视法》第702条允许美情报机构在未经法院许可情况下对“外国目标”实施监听,这一条款将于今年年底到期,而白宫宣称延长该条款有效期是本届美国政府的“关键优先事项”。?

Section 702 of the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act (FISA) allows the US intelligence agencies to conduct warrantless surveillance of foreign targets. That section is set to expire by the end of this year, but the White House has declared that reauthorization of Section 702 is a top priority for the administration.?

  • 声援巴勒斯坦人民国际日 / International Day of Solidarity with the Palestinian People (observed on November 24)?

Today’s quote:

- 中方一贯坚定支持巴勒斯坦人民恢复民族合法权利的正义事业。习近平主席连续10年向联合国“声援巴勒斯坦人民国际日”纪念大会致贺电,多次就促进巴勒斯坦问题解决提出中方倡议主张,强调坚定推进以“两国方案”为基础的政治解决,加强国际社会促和努力。?

China has all along firmly supported the Palestinian people’s just cause of restoring their legitimate national rights. For ten consecutive years, President Xi Jinping has sent congratulatory messages to the special commemorative meeting in observance of the International Day of Solidarity with the Palestinian People. More than once he put forward China’s proposals for resolving the Palestinian question, stressing the need to resolutely advance a political settlement based on the two-state solution and intensify international efforts for peace.?

Previous PRC history of the term:

- 11月29日,国家主席习近平向“声援巴勒斯坦人民国际日”纪念大会致贺电。这是习近平主席连续第10年向纪念大会致贺电,这充分彰显了中国对巴勒斯坦人民恢复民族合法权利正义事业的坚定支持,也体现了中国作为安理会常任理事国的责任担当。?

On November 29 [2022], President Xi Jinping sent a message of congratulations to the UN’s special commemorative meeting in observance of the International Day of Solidarity with the Palestinian People. This is the tenth consecutive year in which President Xi has extended congratulations to the annual special meeting. It fully shows China’s firm support for the Palestinian people’s just cause of restoring their legitimate national rights and China’s sense of responsibility as a permanent member of the UN Security Council.?

  • 四不可能 / four noes (of China’s foreign relations with the Republic of South Korea: 1. no cooperation if China’s “core interests” are meddled with (such as the Taiwan issue); 2. no cooperation if South Korea moves towards a unilateral pro-US/pro-Japan foreign policy; 3?no high-level exchanges (such as a state visit to South Korea by President Xi Jinping) if tensions between South Korea and China persist,; 4. no exercise of initiative by South Korea in regard to North Korea so long as Seoul and Beijing’s ties remain sour; also 四不可 sì bù kě)?

- 据报道,韩国总统府官员7日就日前有报道称中国外交部官员访韩时通报“四不可能”方针内容澄清称,有关报道完全不属实,韩中之间不存在、也未进行过相关对话。韩国政府可继续同中方就朝鲜问题协商,中方从未将“萨德”问题或国家安全问题作为同韩方对话的条件。?

According to reports, an official with the ROK’s Office of the President said on June 7 that recent reports about a Chinese foreign ministry official conveying the “four noes” position during a visit to the ROK are not true. The official also clarified that the reported dialogue between the two sides never happened. The ROK government can continue consultations with the Chinese side on issues concerning the DPRK. China has never premised dialogue with the ROK on the THAAD issue or national security issues.?

  • 台湾地区 / Taiwan region?

Today’s quote:

- 我们敦促欧方认清台湾问题的实质,恪守在一个中国原则上对中方所作的庄重承诺,不为“台独”势力张目,不以任何名义同台湾地区进行官方往来。?

We urge the EU to understand the real nature of the Taiwan question and follow through on the commitment it has made to China on the one-China principle. Do not support the Taiwan independence forces or have any official exchanges in any name with the Taiwan region.?

Previous PRC history of the term:

- 中方坚决反对建交国与中国台湾地区进行任何形式的官方往来,包括商签任何具有主权意涵和官方性质的协定。?

China strongly opposes official interactions of any form between China’s Taiwan region and countries that have diplomatic relations with China. That includes negotiating or signing any agreement that implies sovereignty and has an official nature.?

- 中方一贯坚决反对建交国与中国台湾地区进行任何形式的官方往来,包括商签任何具有主权意涵和官方性质的协定。?

China strongly opposes official interaction of any form between China’s Taiwan region and countries that have diplomatic relations with China. That includes negotiating or signing any agreement of sovereign implication or official nature.?

- 美方应当停止任何形式的美台官方往来,不得与中国台湾地区商签具有主权意涵和官方性质的协定,不得借经贸名义向“台独”分裂势力发出任何错误信号。?

The US needs to stop official interaction of any form with Taiwan, refrain from negotiating or signing any agreement of sovereign implication or official nature with China’s Taiwan region, and stop sending any wrong message to separatist forces seeking “Taiwan independence” in the name of economy and trade.?

- 2009年至2016年,台湾地区连续8年以“中华台北”名义和观察员身份参加了世界卫生大会。 ... 一个中国原则是两岸关系和平发展的政治基础,也是中方对台湾地区参与世卫大会作出特殊安排的政治基础。民进党自2016年上台以来,将政治图谋置于台湾地区人民福祉之上,顽固坚持“台独”分裂立场,导致台湾地区参加世卫大会的政治基础不复存在。 ... 中国中央政府始终高度重视台湾同胞的健康福祉,在一个中国原则前提下,对台湾地区参与全球卫生事务作出妥善安排。?

For eight consecutive years from 2009 to 2016, the Taiwan region participated in the WHA as an observer in the name of “Chinese Taipei”.?... The one-China principle is the political foundation for the peaceful development of cross-Strait ties and for the special arrangement for the Taiwan region’s participation in the WHA. After coming into power in 2016, the DPP has placed political calculations before the Taiwan people’s welfare and remained headstrong on “Taiwan independence”. As a result, the political foundation for the Taiwan region to participate in the WHA no longer exists. ... The Chinese Central Government attaches great importance to the health and well-being of our compatriots in the Taiwan region, and has made proper arrangement for Taiwan’s participation in global health affairs on the condition that the one-China principle is upheld.?

  • 网络霸权 / cyber hegemony?

Today’s quote:

- 十年来,国际社会看得越来越清楚,美国自诩为民主自由的“捍卫者”,实际上却滥用自身技术优势窃取各国信息,侵犯各国民众的权利和自由;美国声称要维护网络安全,实际上却在大力强化“统治网络空间”的网络霸权,拓展网络军事同盟,成为网络空间和平与稳定的最大“破坏者”;美国宣称的“清洁网络”,不过是另一个精心包装的“棱镜”项目,目的就是要打造一个美国独家主导、没有任何对手、不受任何监督的全球监控网络。?

Over the past decade, it has become clearer to the international community that the US, a self-claimed champion of democracy and freedom, is in fact a violator of the rights and freedom of people across the world by abusing its high-tech prowess for theft of information. The US says it wants to keep the cyberspace safe, yet everything it does is about perpetuating its cyber predominance and expanding its cyber military alliance, which makes the US the biggest threat to cyber peace and stability. The US “Clean Network” is just another PRISM carefully disguised to create an unrivaled, unsupervised US-led global surveillance network.?

Previous PRC history of the term:

- 任何国家都不搞网络霸权,不利用网络干涉他国内政,不从事、纵容或支持危害他国国家安全的网络活动,不侵害他国关键信息基础设施。?

No country should seek cyber hegemony; use the internet to interfere in other countries’ internal affairs; engage in, incite, or support cyber activities that endanger other countries’ national security, or infringe on other countries’ key information infrastructure.

- 网络霸权,不可能带来“绝对安全”。以侵犯他国网络主权、信息安全为代价,谋求自身绝对安全,是典型的双重标准和零和博弈思维,极易引发网络军备竞赛,破坏全球战略稳定。?

Cyber hegemony cannot bring absolute security. Seeking absolute security for oneself at the expense of other countries’ cyber sovereignty and information security is typical of double standards and zero-sum game thinking. It can easily lead to a cyber arms race and undermine global strategic stability.?

- 我们呼吁国际社会共同抵制网络霸权行径,反对网络空间军备竞赛。?

We call on the international community to work together in resisting cyber hegemony and opposing the arms race in cyberspace.?

- 美方推动建立的所谓“未来互联网联盟”是美国分裂互联网、谋求技术垄断和网络霸权、打压别国科技发展的又一例证。?

The so-called “Alliance for the Future of the Internet” pursued by the US is another example of how the US divides the Internet, seeks technological monopoly and cyber hegemony, and oppresses scientific and technological development of other countries.?

  • 网络军事同盟 / cyber military alliance?

- 十年来,国际社会看得越来越清楚,美国自诩为民主自由的“捍卫者”,实际上却滥用自身技术优势窃取各国信息,侵犯各国民众的权利和自由;美国声称要维护网络安全,实际上却在大力强化“统治网络空间”的网络霸权,拓展网络军事同盟,成为网络空间和平与稳定的最大“破坏者”;美国宣称的“清洁网络”,不过是另一个精心包装的“棱镜”项目,目的就是要打造一个美国独家主导、没有任何对手、不受任何监督的全球监控网络。?

Over the past decade, it has become clearer to the international community that the US, a self-claimed champion of democracy and freedom, is in fact a violator of the rights and freedom of people across the world by abusing its high-tech prowess for theft of information. The US says it wants to keep the cyberspace safe, yet everything it does is about perpetuating its cyber predominance and expanding its cyber military alliance, which makes the US the biggest threat to cyber peace and stability. The US “Clean Network” is just another PRISM carefully disguised to create an unrivaled, unsupervised US-led global surveillance network.?

  • 武器级高浓铀 / weapons-grade highly enriched uranium?

Today’s quote:

- 在伊朗核问题上,美国、英国等国家锱铢必较,严禁伊朗获取高浓铀。而美、英却打算通过核潜艇合作向澳大利亚转让数吨丰度超过90%的武器级高浓铀。这再次暴露了三国在核不扩散问题上的虚伪面目。?

On the Iranian nuclear issue, the US, the UK and some other countries wouldn’t budge an inch and strictly prohibits Iran from obtaining highly-enriched uranium. However, the two countries plan to transfer to Australia tonnes of highly enriched weapons-grade uranium of over 90% purity through their nuclear submarine cooperation. The contrast once again laid bare their hypocrisy on the issue of nuclear non-proliferation.?

Previous PRC history of the term:

- 美国拥有世界最大、最先进核武库,却顽固坚持首先使用核武器政策,投入巨资升级“三位一体”核力量,退出《反导条约》《中导条约》等军控条约,大肆推进战略力量的前沿部署,并向无核武器国家扩散武器级高浓铀。?

The US possesses the biggest and most advanced nuclear arsenal in the world, but it obstinately insists on a policy of first use of nuclear weapons, invests heavily in upgrading its “nuclear triad”, withdraws from agreements on arms control including the Treaty on the Limitation of Anti-Ballistic Missile Systems and the Intermediate-Range Nuclear Forces Treaty, seeks to forward-deploy strategic forces and spreads weapons-grade highly-enriched uranium to non-nuclear weapon states.?

- 三国合作是核武器国家首次向无核武器国家转让核潜艇动力堆及武器级高浓铀,国际原子能机构现行保障监督体系无法实施有效监管,构成严重核扩散风险,严重损害机构权威,冲击机构保障监督体系。?

The AUKUS nuclear submarine cooperation marks the first time for nuclear weapon states to transfer naval nuclear propulsion reactors and weapons-grade highly enriched uranium to a non-nuclear weapon state. There is nothing in the current IAEA safeguards system that can ensure effective safeguards. Therefore, such cooperation poses serious nuclear proliferation risks, seriously compromises the authority of the IAEA and deals a blow to the Agency’s safeguards system.?

- 美英澳三国核潜艇合作涉及核武器国家向无核武器国家转让大量武器级高浓铀,构成严重核扩散风险,违反《不扩散核武器条约》的目的和宗旨。?

Nuclear submarine cooperation between the US, the UK and Australia involves the transfer of large amounts of weapons-grade highly enriched uranium from nuclear weapon states to a non-nuclear weapon state, which poses a serious nuclear proliferation risk and violates the purpose and object of the NPT.?

- 美英作为《不扩散核武器条约》存约国和核武器国家,向无核武器国家转让核潜艇动力堆和武器级高浓铀,是对《条约》目的和宗旨的公然践踏。?

The US and the UK, as depositors of the NPT and nuclear-weapon states, decided to transfer nuclear submarine power reactors and weapons-grade highly enriched uranium to a non-nuclear-weapon state, which is a blatant violation of the purpose and principles of the NPT.?

  • 星风计划 / Stellar Wind?(US government surveillance program)?

Today’s quote:

- “棱镜门”揭开了美国这个“黑客帝国”的真面目。十年过去了,“黑客帝国”不仅没有放慢自己的步伐,反而更加肆无忌惮,试图将世界更多置于自己网络窃听的阴影之下。“怒角”计划、“星风”计划、“拱形计划”、“电幕行动”等五花八门的美国窃听窃密计划不断浮出水面。美国不仅对联合国秘书长以及德国、法国、韩国、以色列等盟国领导人进行监听,还将窃听窃密进一步“法律化”。美国《涉外情报监视法》第702条允许美情报机构在未经法院许可情况下对“外国目标”实施监听,这一条款将于今年年底到期,而白宫宣称延长该条款有效期是本届美国政府的“关键优先事项”。?

The revelation of the PRISM program certainly brought down the facade of the US as a hacking empire. Tens years on, this champion of hacking, instead of showing any restraint, has doubled down on its hacking behavior and sought to expand its cyber theft targets. Various US eavesdropping and spying programs have surfaced – Irritant Horn, Stellar Wind, Project CAMBERDADA and Telescreen – to name just a few. The US has not only spied on the UN Secretary-General and leaders of its allies such as Germany, France, the ROK and Israel, but also legalized such practice through legislation.?Section 702 of the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act (FISA) allows the US intelligence agencies to conduct warrantless surveillance of foreign targets. That section is set to expire by the end of this year, but the White House has declared that reauthorization of Section 702 is a top priority for the administration.?

Previous PRC history of the term:

- 从“棱镜门”“怒角计划”“星风计划”,再到“电幕行动”“蜂巢”平台和量子攻击系统,事实证明,美国是名副其实的黑客帝国、窃听帝国、窃密帝国。?

From “PRISM”, “Irritant Horn” and “Stellar Wind”, to “Operation Telescreen” (Bvp47), “Hive” platforms, and the Quantum attack system, it turns out that the US has undoubtedly become a true empire of hacking, surveillance and espionage.?

- 从“棱镜门”、“怒角”计划、“星风”计划,再到“电幕行动”、“蜂巢”平台和量子攻击系统,美国滥用自身互联网和通信技术领先优势,通过数字监控侵犯本国公民的通信和言论自由,并在全球范围内大搞网络攻击、窃听窃密。?

From “PRISM”, “Irritant Horn” and “Stellar Wind”, to “Operation Telescreen”, “Hive” platforms and the Quantum attack system, the US has abused its advantage in internet and telecommunication technologies and, through digital surveillance, infringes on US citizens’ freedom of telecommunication and freedom of speech, and engaged in massive cyber attacks, surveillance and theft of secrets around the world.?

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