Pressure - The Untold Power behind our Growth
Vishwanathan Ramchandran
In today's edition of your favorite newsletter The Journey from Human Being to Being Human, we speak of something which most of us in our fast-living, relatively always busy lives tend to overlook, even try to escape:
Any Guesses.... Its PRESSURE
.We experience it frequently-be it at work, in relationships, or personal ambitions; but what if the pressure were actually a privilege? This may prove to be the most liberating change that we can make on our journey, a change of perspective.
Have you ever been in one of those situations when you felt the weight of pressure, looming deadlines, a critical decision looming ahead, or even an unexpected challenge demanding your attention? During that situation, our automatic reaction has always been relief or want to run away. We say, Why me? Why now? But much more lies hidden beneath the billowing pressure: an opportunity for growth, chances to refine how resilient we are, and ways in which we get exposed to new aspects of ourselves we never knew we possessed.
When we accept pressure as a part of our lives, it becomes a chiseling force to our character and strengthens our values. To illustrate, in the story of the tennis legend Billie Jean King, who once said that "Pressure is a privilege." For her, every high-stakes match was a moment to prove not only her skill but to stand for something bigger, something she believed in deep within her. And in many ways, that is true for each of us: the pressures we feel are often heralds of something we value—a responsibility, a goal, or a dream we hold dear. Left to our own devices, without all that weight of expectation would we ever push ourselves to see just how far we could go?
The history of an individual is not measured by periods of ease, but by periods of severe pressure that demand more than what they offer. It reminds them of their strength: the ability to understand oneself as more than just a person who endures to being an individual that can rise, transform, and achieve.
Consider the simple process through which one forms a diamond. It starts off as a small lump of coal but after age-old pressure that seemed impossible, comes out shining like a radiating gem. Similarly, we too can unravel our inner brilliance by embracing the pressures in our lives which, instead of treating it as a horror, may turn them into agents of transformation.
We are actually privileged under pressure to find ourselves. It is when we are stretched to breaking that we learn our own flexibility and, being tested, we learn our capacity for growth. Each challenge is a stepping stone, unique learning in itself. And though they tend to reveal our vulnerableness, they also reveal our strengths-our adaptability and our courage.
So when you feel the pressure, take a moment to pause. What is this moment asking for? What potential is it asking you to unleash?
Often these are very propulsive moments to move towards your dream and shape you to be what you want to become. Let pressure be the right to remind you of the inner power, the right that would move you to break boundaries and the right that would help you grow in ways you never thought was possible.
Let's dig into this art of becoming a human by embracing pressure for what it is-a hidden yet profound gift guiding us step by step toward the best versions of ourselves.
Thanks & Regards Vishwanathan Ramchandran (V! Ram)