Pressure Points 4 Better
Sara Milne Rowe
Leadership Impact Coach | Executive Performance Specialist | Penguin Author of The SHED? Method | Host of Better Under Pressure Podcast | Founder of Coaching Impact and Legacy Moves
Welcome to Pressure Points – my fortnightly look back at the last episode of my Better Under Pressure podcast. Here I share my reflections and a few ideas to take away that can enable us all to be… better under pressure.
I spoke to Myriam Coupard, Managing Director for the UK and EMEA for The Marketing Academy. Myriam has worked all over the world leading and shaping creative businesses with a customer-centric approach. An entrepreneur at heart, she’s launched, run, reshaped and grown successful businesses in France, the UK, China and Singapore.
Below are my reflections from our chat and a few ideas to take away to enable us all to be… better under pressure.
4 Pressure Points
??????????? ?4 Better
1. 'My body is a barometer'
There is always a time and place for pushing through and testing our limits to evolve and grow - but NOT 100% of the time.
Our body is continually telling us something. The skill is listening to it and choosing what to do with the signals. If we never stop to listen, our bodies will keep prodding us until we have to listen. Myriam talks about her experience when she got caught in the trap of pushing and not listening.?
‘It used to be so important to me to be reactive in a second - because I thought that’s what performance looked like.’?
James Joyce writes, in A Painful Case, ‘Mr Duffy lived a short distance from his body’.?
How often do we lead with our heads, bowing to our intellect, and fail to listen to the barometer of our bodies? To be there for yourself & others you must be properly selfish - look after yourself from head to toe.
- Actively prioritise moments of stillness to listen. This is a skill.?
- Prioritise sleep. Humans are the only species that deprive themselves of sleep - on purpose!?
- Look out for others and, if necessary, politely invite them to SHED off!
Ask yourself:
- What signal does my body give me that deserves more of my attention??
- Who in my team would benefit from a stronger partnership with their head and their body?
2. 'Be fully conscious about how you're going to show up'
Under pressure this is tougher to do. Myriam reminds us of the importance of creating space to choose. To quote Victor Frankl, 'Between stimulus and response, there is a space. In that space lies our freedom and our power to choose.'
When the pressure increases, we are more at the mercy of our Reptile and Dog brains - our ‘faster system’ of impulse and instinct. They can hijack our ability to consciously choose how we show up.?
So, here’s a small habit rhyme (which I talk about in more detail in The SHED Method). It aims to help us remember the essential elements of building a new habit to consciously choose. Whether we’re a leader, friend or parent, the same stages apply.
· Will – Connect to why showing up in this way matters to you. Purpose and meaning are compelling forces for change.
· Skill – What’s the behaviour you want to be better at? This could be ‘pausing before reacting’ or ‘walking away when I get the bodily signals of pressure’.
· Drill – Repeat and practice it. Keep learning?
And then find someone to support you: to cheer you when they notice that you’re doing something different or to nudge you when you didn’t!?
They can be your Phil or Jill*? ? *Well, it had to rhyme!
Will, Skill, Drill, Phil or Jill to consciously choose and create a new behaviour.
Ask yourself:
- Where do I want to be more fully conscious about how I show up?
- What new behaviour would allow me to be more fully conscious?
In each episode, I ask my guest to pick two things they do to perform well under pressure that they would pay forward to anyone listening.
Here are Myriam's "Pay Forwards":
3. Pay Forward 1:
"Listen. Listen to yourself. Truly. Listen deeply to your body signals and listen to what you say to yourself."
According to research, we typically have over 6,000 thoughts in a single day. It’s important we become discerning around which ones we listen to, which we choose to reframe, and which no longer serve us.?
Myriam reminds us of the importance of ‘noticing’ - creating space to check in with our bodies and our thoughts. Equally. With no judgement. Our body has a powerful intelligence – different from our intellect - and yet we aren’t as well practised at listening to our body. Mostly because we’ve been raised in systems that honour the intellect. Both are great sources for growth and self-counsel.?
Having a way to pause and notice – whether it’s through writing, walking, or meditating – is useful in becoming aware of our whole selves. Thoughts and physical sensations. With care. With no judgement. Purely noticing.
Ask yourself:
- How might I listen more deeply to what my body is telling me?
4. Pay Forward 2:
'Does this really matter?'
This is such a great question to ask ourselves in moments of pressure. It lifts us out of the here and now and forces us to get perspective - to step away and look at the situation from a distance.
Of course, we might be tempted to immediately answer (probably with a heightened tone) ‘Yes – absolutely it does!’? However, it’s worth taking a moment to truly answer that question. How important is it...really??
When we take time to fast forward this moment and see its relevance in the greater scheme of things, we either usefully connect to a purpose energy that becomes magnetic, reminding us why this pressure is a vital source for creating that future, or we remind ourselves that it’s not worth the energy it’s taking from us.?
Either way it is useful and can give us a moment of choice. Especially when we are looking after our health and wellbeing creating these moments of choice become increasingly vital.?
Ask yourself:
- What or who would benefit from me asking ‘How important is this ..really?’
- Will it matter in 5 years? Will I lie on my death bed and care about what I’m doing now?’
Hope you enjoyed this, and please share it with others.
Until next time, Sara?