The Pressure Cooker world of the Pharmacy
A blog from a Pharmaceutical Superintendent and client of Stevie Kidd

The Pressure Cooker world of the Pharmacy

I met Stevie through business a few years ago. I would have said it was coincidence, but now I know it was meant to be. Stevie came in initially and designed the distribution network within our pharmacy distribution services. This then led me to embark on a coaching relationship, which in turn led to me taking part as a delegate for his Reach Your Peak 2018 event ….

During first few encounters with him he intrigued me. He is very unique. He is a true visionary and I swear the man has a sixth sense! Little did I know at that time he had already seen into my soul and decided to facilitate me becoming absolute best version of who I am. 

Prior to meeting Stevie, I knew nothing about life or business coaching. Coaching is so natural with Stevie that initially I had no idea he had already started to steer and support me, Stevie just knew I needed him. 

Over the last few years I have faced huge challenges both in my business and personal life.

I am a superintendent and non-medical prescriber (NMP) in a health center with a staff of 12 and thousands of items dispensed each month.  I wear many hats:  A Pharmacist, Manager, HR consultant, Pharmacist representative in the MD,  I am responsible for the delivery of the highest standard of person centered care,  I design and implement many aspects of business processes including Standard Operation Procedures, I am the maintainer of clinical and legal compliance, health & safety officer, IT expert and an always open ear to the pains of those around me. The roles and responsibilities as a result of wearing these many hats can cause a pressure cooker effect. Pressure and stress can build, as the repercussion of losing focus could be catastrophic.

 I have witnessed and been sucked into the ‘halo effect’ - as pharmacists, as perhaps with many other allied health care professionals we can be portrayed as a serene, white coat wearing, solution to some of the problems faced by our over stretched NHS and in particular in pharmacy a profession that is easier, faster and more convenient to access than a GP.

I support many of the changes in pharmacy, including the many additional services that pharmacy is now contracted to provide. It is important that our GPs and specialists have as much of time as possible to address those patients with more complex needs.

 With an increasing elderly population and advances in medicine the day to day demands on pharmacists are increasing and juggling this with the changes in pharmacy can be difficult.

 The consequences for me is that I place an almost superhuman expectation on myself to try to achieve these goals. Furthermore, have avoided any kind of internal search of my own well-being and health. It has become a way of life to put other people’s needs ahead of my own.

 As a pharmacist I also have to ensure that I maintain my continual professional development (CPD) this is a legal obligation to maintain registration and must be regularly submitted to our governing body.

 In addition to this as part of their ‘Prescription for Excellence’ The Scottish government would like all pharmacists to become NMPs (Non-Medical Prescribers) I completed this four years ago. This is a masters level qualification and completing this whilst carrying on with my normal job was challenging! It allowed me to set up a clinic to support our NHS services within my health center. Working as part of a multi-disciplinary team alongside my GPs, community links practitioner, local mental health organisations, community addictions teams and nurses to support some of our patients. The clinic was a true success story in person centered care.

 Enter Stevie Kidd: Stevie's unique understanding of both human behaviour and business allowed him to help me in all aspects of my life and job role. His 15 years in pharmacy sector, business and studying human behaviour stood him in good stead to understand where I was, and where the business was. He has this ability to understand every level of business but also feel and understand how that business effects everyone within it. His 30 years of human psychology provided me with a skill set and unique tools which mean I am now in the driving seat, enjoying the journey and deciding on my own destinations! I am now in control of my emotions and my mind, I now control my life the job does not control me anymore.

I now have a strong team in my business and we have been nominated for a sector award. We passed a recent industry inspection with flying colours and profit margins are showing a healthy monthly increase.

 So, now that coaching had become a part of my life, it was a natural step for me to take part in Stevie’s designed event Reach your Peak, which, when I first heard about what it entailed, scared the living daylights out of me! 3 days of workshops on leadership, psychology, business, emotional intelligence, neurology then stay awake for 44 hours and trek 5 highest peaks in Scotland consecutively!

 You had to go through a process to ensure you were in right person for such a challenge. I made the decision that this was going to take me to an even higher place and enrolled. I was joined by all walks of life's and different company sectors. Stevie said " You will know if this is a success as when you leave and someone asks you, "How was it"? and you will not be able to explain or put into words”.

 I arrived on that first day, walking into Mar Hall with 10 other strangers, and I couldn’t put into words what I wanted, I felt a little lost and unsure – the discomfort of the challenge had caused me to revert to a place of low confidence.

Over the coming days I experienced the highs and lows of the complete baring of one’s soul, the honour of meeting others and realising pain exists in everyone! I learnt how to use the tools to mould my future self, take control and change the frequency of that inner voice. I climbed every one of those 5 peaks in the company of people who I felt I could trust with my life.

 Stevie's five peak challenge this year which was truly life changing. I know that I can do anything I want to do and face any challenge head on! I am excited about where my life will go and I know I am the person in control of that. Prior to meeting Stevie, I was the person limiting it. 

Just do it!

 The Pathway – Your Choices ….

 Stay where you are! 

Take the wheel of life: -

Meet Stevie for 30 minutes ! Life changing believe me ….

Engage with Stevie as a coach - prepare for change and hold on!

Work your way towards the next Reach Your Peak event - You will reach heights higher than you can ever imagine, both physically and emotionally, prepare to create friendships and a support network for life and open doorways to new challenges you would never have entertained before.

Maintain the coaching relationship! I will not go through life anymore without a coach.

Take the step – Engage by contacting Emma Williams EA to Stevie Kidd at


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