Press through the Pain
Hurting from all the disappointments of life
From broken promises, to someone cheating on you, to abusive behavior, suffering from a broken heart,
Dealing with chronic illness, loss of a job or family member or suffering from the effects of a divorce.
It all seems unreal like you are dreaming,
But it’s all too real.
You question whether you can take anymore
And yet you press through the pain.
Press through the pain, when it seems hopeless.
Press through the pain in spite of the circumstances being presented.
Press through the pain even when bad news is received.
Press through the pain regardless of how many times you’ve fallen or failed.
Press through the pain that may have been inflicted by others or you may have caused.
Press through the pain when things seem bleak in every area and aspect of your life.
Fight to press through the pain because believe it or not
Someone else is depending on you making it through,
And once through a helping hand can be offered
To lift up someone else who needs to press through their pain.
Press through the pain though the odds are against you,
Just know God will help you through the pain
Because you were created by God to overcome the odds that would present themselves in life.
? 2009 Robert G. Johnson, Jr.