Press Through
Today's devotional is from What Would Jesus Ask You Today?
"And what does the Lord require of you?" - Micah 6:8.
What God has put in your heart to do will not just happen. It will not be part of the heavenly Jerusalem that descends from heaven, but will require effort on your part, often more toil than you first thought it would require. That means you will have to learn how to make things happen in the Lord, being clear that you can't wait on the Lord to do what only you can do.
If you don't describe and quantify it in a goal, however, it will remain a wish or a dream and go unfulfilled. What is the Lord requiring you to do? What price are you willing to pay? What are your goals for the coming years of your life? Read Philippians 3:12-14 and then determine what you need to press through to get to.