Press Releases: What It Takes to Create the Buzz
Jerry McTigue
Top LinkedIn Profile Writer, Industry-Honored Creative Copywriter, Author of 'Business Blather' & Six Other Books, Powerful Brand Communicator | View Work, Rates, Reviews at
A press release can be a powerhouse tool for promoting your brand, products, news, special deals, new hires, events, and more.
But it will flop.?Unless...
Unless?it ignites curiosity, makes a deeper human connection than the thousands of lifeless releases shotgun-blasted into the cosmos each day, begging to be ignored.
Unless?it's engaging to read. No cram-everything-in headline that makes little sense. No painfully dull prose that doubles as a sleeping aid. No self-promoting fluff respectable media outlets toss unceremoniously into the trash.
Unless?it makes a crazy-busy editor's job ridiculously easy. Meaning, offering them a tight, well-crafted story they don't have to take a hatchet to, one they can slug right in and run with.
Ponder that until next time, when I’ll get into what makes a press release headline a good one…and what makes it awful.
? 2024 Jerry McTigue
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Based on the book Business Blather: Stop Using Words That Sound Good But Say Nothing! Available on amazon in both print and Kindle editions.