Press Release - RTE wireless reefer monitoring system for the Port of Thessaloniki (ThPA S.A.)
RTE - Refrigerated Transport Electronics
Rebuilding the Past – Developing the Future
For Immediate Release
July 25, 2024 – ThPA S.A. is bolstering its reefer container handling capabilities by incorporating RTE’s GRASP automated reefer monitoring platform. This advanced system, coupled with WRAD II Bluetooth? wireless devices, revolutionizes the port's reefer operations, ensuring even more efficient and effective handling of reefer containers.
ThPA S.A. is the multi-gateway intermodal network and logistics solutions provider for the Balkans and the broader Southeast, Central and Eastern European region, strategically located in Northern Greece close to the major Trans-European motorway and railway networks with direct access to the Southeastern European countries. The company has implemented investments of more than €71 million, since 2018, for the overall upgrade of the Port of Thessaloniki.
The integration of RTE's reefer monitoring technology into 400 reefer container points of the Port of Thessaloniki is an additional initiative for the Port’s transformation into a “smart port” and contributes to the mission of ThPA S.A. to provide connectivity that facilitates business growth. WRAD II is one of several RTE reefer monitoring systems that connect to the GRASP software platform, providing real-time reefer data access to terminal management across multiple user interfaces.
“Our first terminal project in Greece is an exciting opportunity for us, and we are grateful for ThPA S.A.’s trust. With the flexibility of our many offerings, we can provide the port with a unique custom-made solution that seamlessly fits their existing layout and infrastructure” stated, Carlos Yassir, Head of Sales of RTE.
By implementing RTE’s reefer monitoring solution into its operational process, ThPA S.A. ensures automatically monitoring of the reefers in its terminal while continuing to deliver value-added results to its partners. This significant step forward underscores the benefits of this solution, including precise data management, historical record-keeping and real-time alerts to changes in reefer status.
“ThPA S.A. chose GRASP coupled with WRAD II solution due to its powerful functionalities, proven reliability and easy integration capabilities. This initiative aims to further enhance operational efficiency, cargo integrity and occupational safety by providing innovative solutions for partners, meeting the growing global demand and leveraging potential business opportunities related to the cold chain logistics market.” highlighted, Spyros Nikolaou, ICT and Digital Transformation Director of ThPA S.A.
About ThPA S.A.:
ThPA S.A., listed on the Athens Exchange since 2001, handles containers, conventional cargo, operates the free zone of the Port in accordance with tax and customs legislation currently in force authorized with AEO license, offers reliable and cost-efficient logistics solutions, intermodal rail services with direct rail connectivity between the Port of Thessaloniki and Bulgaria (Sofia), Serbia (Nis) and the Republic of North Macedonia (Skopje) and serves passenger traffic through cruise and ferry.
The Port of Thessaloniki is the largest Conventional Cargo Transit Port of Greece and one of the leading ports in the Eastern Mediterranean. The port is an economic driver for the wider region while it promotes international trade development. Among others, the Port of Thessaloniki has been designated as a port of international interest (Government Gazette B’/202/16.2.07) and is the most significant port in Northern Greece and one of the most important ports in Southeast Europe.
About RTE:
Founded in 1981, RTE is the pioneer and leading provider of remote reefer monitoring solutions for marine terminals and vessels. These systems deliver real-time visibility of container temperature, alarms, power consumption, and other essential data, resulting in increased operational efficiency and safety, reduced claims, and overall cost savings for system users. RTE has proven itself a trusted partner with over 100 terminal deployments in more than 33 countries and over 1000 vessel installations. RTE is a US-based company with offices in New York and Panama. It maintains a global network of agents and distributors to support local sales and services. In addition to reefer monitoring, RTE was also the first to provide controller remanufacturing services for both intermodal and truck/trailer reefers, which remains a large part of the business today.???
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