PRESS RELEASE: Four Ontario Youth Boxers Selected to Represent Canada at Continental Championships

PRESS RELEASE: Four Ontario Youth Boxers Selected to Represent Canada at Continental Championships

JUNE 2, 2023 | TORONTO, ON. – Boxing Canada has announced the Youth athletes who have been selected to represent Canada at the AMBC Continental Championships in Cali, Columbia, from August 1-10, 2023, and four of those athletes are from Ontario.

Congratulations to Victoria Vergos (Steeltown Boxing), Karan Sembhi (King of the Ring), Owen Paquette (AFT Boxing Brantford), and Parminder Pannu (King of the Ring) for being ranked #1 in their divisions and receiving an invitation to compete on the world stage at Continentals.

The results follow Boxing Canada’s Youth Talent ID & Selection Camp which was held at the Institut National du Sport (INS) in Montreal, QC from May 18-21, 2023. Boxing Ontario selected a team of 14 Youth boxers and three coaches to represent Ontario at the national camp. Athletes from each PTSO were ranked based on technical skills, physical readiness, and sparring test matches.

“Our youth team and coaches did a great job at the INS training camp. They showed Boxing Canada that Ontario is one of the elite provinces in boxing,” said Provincial Coach Ray Napper, who was with the team in Montreal for camp.

The panel of evaluators ranked the athletes who participated in the following order:

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Boxing Canada informed the provinces that the #1 ranked athletes will have priority to be invited to the Continental Championships, and in the event that a #1 ranked athletes declines the invitation, the #2 ranked athlete will be invited.

The athletes who accept the invitation to Continentals will be required to participate in a training camp taking place in Montreal at the INS from July 2-9, 2023. Ontario’s Izabella Nagy (54kg), Jackson Cook (67kg), and Joshua Antwi (80kg) also received a special invitation to participate in the INS training camp.

“Our youth team worked very hard and showed that they belong with the top boxers in the country. They have a very bright future, and I wouldn’t be surprised to have several champions as Youth and as they move on to Elite. I’m very proud of the job Boxing Ontario’s Youth team did at the INS national training camp,” continued Provincial Coach Ray Napper.

Boxing Ontario would like to congratulate all the Team Ontario athletes for their incredible performances and hard work at the selection camp. Thank you to Team Coaches Sebastian Cordova, Julia DiMarcantonio, and Provincial Coach Ray Napper for guiding, supporting, and helping to develop Ontario’s youth athletes on their journeys to achieve their dreams.

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About Boxing Ontario:

Boxing Ontario is the only governing body for Olympic-style boxing in Ontario. As such, it is affiliated with Boxing Canada (CABA), the International Boxing Association (IBA) and the Ontario Ministry of Tourism, Culture, & Sport. Founded in 1972, Boxing Ontario encompasses over 150 clubs, 1,500 competitors, and more than 12,000 recreational members.

More Information:

Media Contact:

Rebecca Freeman | Communications, Boxing Ontario | [email protected] |+1 (416) 426-7250

Interview Opportunities:

Interviews are available virtually, via email, or phone with:

  • Youth Team Athletes (contacts available upon request)
  • Training Camp Team Coaches / Provincial Coach (contacts available upon request)
  • Board Members (contacts available upon request)
  • Erik Olsen (Executive Director, Boxing Ontario)

More photos and PDF version of the press release available here.


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