Presidents and Precedents: Democracy, Liberty & Reality (Part 7)
The President Trump Presidency could have gone like this.
1 One Week into the Presidency WW3 with Russia on the borders of Russia and/or Ukraine.
2. Two months into the Presidency WW3 with North Korea, China and Russia are up against the USA and NATO.
3. One year into the Presidency WW3 triggered in Syria due to Israel, Turkey, Syria, Russia, USA, China and NATO.
4. Two years into the Presidency WW3 triggered due to USA attacking Venezuela. Russia, China, Iran rush to the defense of Maduro. NATO gets involved.
5. Three years into the Presidency. WW3 announced as India and Pakistan face off with nuclear weapons. USA, China and Russia choose sides NATO gets involved.
6. USA attacks Iran. Iran attacks Saudi Arabia, complete split in the Islamic world as Sunni and Shia split in all countries in the world. Europe says it cannot take any more refugees from India, Pakistan and Burma. Turkey says you created this mess.
7. USA and China go to war over Hong Kong- This brings into the fray NATO. Russia, North and South Korea. The countries in Asia split in their alliances.
President Trump has out maneuvered each and every one of those scenarios. That is seven times that this President has found, negotiated or delegated a way to avoid all of these scenarios. Whilst the combined efforts and influence of all the Presidents that have gone before combined has never in one term ever needed to deal with this amount of global issues. The truth is that there has ot even been full and proper media reporting on any of this and whilst President Trump has managed to navigate these situations and generate answers all that has been said and questioned mostly related to him as a person. It ironically is exactly the same scenario that John Lennon expressed frustration at. To sumerise ‘stop looking at me as a person and start looking at what I say and what I do instead’.
So whilst President Trump may have said a whole range of things that can be picked up by the press as being not quite okay and right. The real honest truth of the Trump Presidency is that he has solved or provided the position diplomatically to solve more substantive issues than any President ever has before him. The fact that no media outlets are ever writing about this, about any of this even as a side story is of course enough to make President Trump feel like their has been a disservice to him. Yes, in this regard I do agree. I don’t agree with blocking the presidency for the next president however the progress he has made is under reported and should be better known and represented.
President Obama
Russia- Possible war
North Korea= Possible war
Syria- Most complicated war in history can seemingly only get much worse.
Afganistan- Unresolved.
Under President Trump all of those were improved. So where does this leave me with President Biden? This leaves me in a place where I believe the situation in many countries that has been improved could revert back to what they were before or actually could very quickly land us squarely in an unstoppable war. What can prevent that is true ad honest and full and complete reporting of what the Trump administration has achieved. In one way, I feel upset that all of the above has been ignored, yet the idea that has President Trump and his administration not actually created a process for these issue to have been resolved then today we may live in a very different world. Whilst New York socialites can present the idea that they will not invite Ivanka Trump back into their fold. The extraordinary truth of the situation is that had President Trump’s administration not made many of the decisions and taken the positions they did during his Presidency then New York as a city would certainly not be the same today as it is.
I would place myself on the left side of politics. I am a Dove. The content I have produced and the decisions based upon that have created peace out of what was otherwise near mayhem and whilst I ask the media not to overstate the truth on anything I believe they need to stop understating the truth on how close we have been in the past four years on multiples of occasions for the situation to have been for all intents and purposes a complete ending of what any of our parents, grandparents or great grandparents have ever known. The reason, the only reason that there has been a continuity is due to
1. The information that was available on Wikileaks to be able to use as reference material when considering peace strategies.
2. The Integrated strategies I wrote finding a way through the diplomatic situation. The posting of these online and sending them to The White House.
3. The decisions made by President Trump and the Trump administration when comparing these to other perspectives on foreign policy.
So I would say any boycotting of the Trumps is mostly only considered due to there not being correct and clear media awareness and understanding of just how close we have been to losing absolutely everything and how their administrations decisions actually prevented that.
I do not know what exactly happened behind the scenes. What I do know is more than the most politically well informed as I was for four years producing this content and seeing the positive results of peacekeeping in the press.
What I know is information that is far more to the point of the information that ever reaches the television screen and the news. What I know is that life as we know it in the past four years was more up for major rapid change for the worst than in any time in human history. Those really, really in the know. Know that what I say is true. There are many that will attempt to jump in front with their own politically correct interpretations of what I say in order to make it more palatable, yet the truth is that none of those people really, really, know.
Most people are protected from the truth. They think they know whats going on as they watch the tv, disregarded that and then dig into social media. They think from that they know what is going on. I hate to inform that the reality is that most of the real truths never actually make it at all onto social media platforms. There is actually no time or place for the opinions of millions to impact and affect the smooth running of the planet. The truth is that some people are listened too and I’m actually one of those people and for that I do feel honoured. I’m always on the side of people. Namely the 100%. What I have seen observed and intuited in recent years is that we have been brought to the threashold the turning point of all human development on various occasions and somehow, miraculously and with some people putting in so much effort answers have been found. Don’t ever undervalue the importance of peace or of those that have gone out of their way to create peace, especially on a global scale and Donald Trump is one f those people that has done that. He did this as President of the USA with all the bells and whistles attached to that, yet in reality he is a man that forced through an agenda of peace. Yes , he said so many other things, yet the reality is that the don trump agenda of peace actually worked.
Yes, I can write paragraphs to contradict and go against Trump and everything he stands for and at the same time totally miss what he has done and yet by doing any of that I just add to all the confussion around this presidency. What I would clearly advise is this. Demand a full explanation from the media on the entirety of the Trump Presidency and on the documents used in order to help bring and maintain peace and step back from the edge of conflicts. Look at everything and not something.
The most important aspect is consistency and continuity in these times of complete inconsistency and in-continuity. Where the next phase of Covid decisions can only be guessed at by householders and business people alike. Whilst we wait for what could be the effects of the Winter on this virus for a sizable part of the world most affected. Yet, today news of a vaccination that is 90% effective. However, there are still many uncertainties and to be able to have an answer known for this in the way of a vaccination is progress in a good direction.
The election has happened and despite the fact that there could be a few discrepancies as there could be in any election. There are a great many people that have voted for a belief in democracy. More so than ever before.
The longer the vote count goes on seemingly the further ahead in the election Biden is proving to be in many of the states in question. This however, should not be seen as a ‘defeat’ of Trump, more so he comes in second place in the biggest democratic expression by a population possibly in the history of democracy and certainly in the history of the USA.
So this is not really about winners and losers. It’s the same as most issues in history, either everyone wins or everyone loses. If Trump and Biden cannot find a way to agreement, then everyone loses. The USA loses. The USA will ave reached a point where it did not have the means to cope with a leader that just said no. If there was a genuine reason for the no then it did not have the processes ready to deal with that. I do not believe that is true, yet what is certainly true is that the words and the concepts of the founding fathers of America are being tested like never before today. Trying to be clever with this, finding loop holes and trying to find legal routes around the doctrine of the USA as created by The Founding Fathers is missing the point. This is not about two men one called trump and the other Biden, this is about the 44 Presidents that have gone before.
This is about all those men finding a way to navigate the system that made it work in a way that helped and served the American people. The American Dream, the American vision is an ongoing work in progress and whilst there are reasons that can critique any part of it. The fact that there is the freedom of speech to express and then the sacred ballot box to decide is the thing that makes America great. The sum total is far greater than the parts that make it up and therefore trying to play games with that system, is creating only anxiety at a time when people have really had much more than enough of anxiety. This is not a game show.
This is determining the very pillars of human civilization and if that starts to break down as it has done so repeatedly throughout our 10,000 year history of Western Civilisation. To have those dynamics in a country where everyone is either armed or is one person removed from a machine gun, whilst in the midst of a pandemic is pushing the envelope of human patience and reasonableness to the outer limits. There has really got to be a mature evaluation of all of this. See the situation. If there is overwhelming evidence present that. T
he media should stop asking what other countries think of what’s going on in the USA and do everything they can to keep their system in a stable, coherent, friendly adaptable form by asking the right questions to the right people in the context of this election and ensuring that this is resolved. If there is a case by President Trump then explore and present all of it.
Present the scenarios of what could have occurred if their has been fraud and states gained or lost as a result of this. Present the facts as they are, ask the right questions to the right people in the USA and please just leave the rest of the world out of this.
If President Trump is really seen as ‘a loser’ in this election then in the same breath it has to be said that if President Trump is ‘a loser’ yet having obtained the second most votes of any Presidential candidate in history then what would that make all the other so considered ‘winners’ and losers’ losers before that simply is not true. Aside from the actual position and role of President of the USA. The people that have filled both sides as Presidential candidates have all had aspects of brilliance to them and yet they have all been so completely different.
What has to be clear is this the President of the United States of America is a caretaker for the US constitution. What is inscribed in that document is more important than any American past or present and that is exactly how the United States was created and George Washington wanted it to be that way. Congress oversees how the leaders are elected and if there is a discrepancy in a state then Congress can over ride that. If that discrepancy is within various states then Congress can over ride that. If there is a discrepancy in every state then Congress can over ride that. So if my understanding and interpretation is correct then if there is an irresolvable dispute between Mr Trump, acting as President and Mr Biden acting as President elect then it is Congress that is in charge of the situation as they although Presidents and President Elect are there to serve The Constitution and Congress is there to ensure the upholding of the Constitution.
Whether that is exactly the case or not, in purely practical terms to have for the first time ever two people both claiming either Presidential Authority and the othr Presidential elect Authority, being about as far from the same page as it’s possible to be presents a conundrum to the world that is a world first. It is a deeply uncomfortable situation for everyone. It is a situation that requires immediate resolve. So therefore, rather than the press seeking to win arguments and debates there really should be evidence produced and this gone through with a fine tooth comb, with the knowledge that every day spent on this is counter productive to the US and International geopolitics. This is everything other than a situation that in some way looks for and wants outside support and endorsement and in every way puts the emphasis on the USA legal system to get to the bottom of all of this and then to generate a conclusion. We are in unchartered territory with the President and the President Elect not being in alignment with their thinking so please mainstream media stop playing stupid and produce an effective answer to this. That can only come through proper investigative journalism that really inquiries what is the evidence to challenge this election and if the evidence is not overwhealming to challenge the election then to state that clearly in no uncertain terms.
President Putin or President Xi, Chairman Kim Jong Un and the leaders of other countries without doubt have enough internal issues to contend with rather than having to think about the elections in other countries. The answer to the current situation whilst it is challenging the very foundations of what it means to be an American and to vote in a democratic election can only be answered from within. The comment by Iran that the USA is in a decline I would not disagree with. The very fact that US media is asking what leaders of other countries think about the election and seeking to find support or consideration from these other sovereign leaders is very clear evidence of a decline. This is a USA constitutional issue and the USA is all about independence so please look only to the Independent legal mechanisms within the USA for an answer. Find that answer and find peace and calm and then that is what the rest of the world will want to see and feel good about.
If the votes President Trump gained in this election were obtained by any candidate in any other election then he would almost certainly have been the Winner. However, the votes that Joe Biden got are clear as day the best ever any Presidential candidate has received.
Motives, unknown.
Whilst this may be seen as an endorsement of Biden, it can also be seen as a type of resistance to Trump. The fact that Trump got so many could be seen as an endorsement for Trump or a resistance to Biden.
The reality is that motives for how votes went and why we will never know, yet what is known is that the votes do add up in the favour of Biden overall.
So looking at the votes alone all that can be said with complete certainty is that the US population is the most politically active as a population as it has ever been in it’s entire history. We can also say that in terms of one people thinking one way and another group of people thinking another way the only time similar to today is when the USA had the difference in ruling paradigm that was the indigenous people, the native people thinking in one way and the new progressive thinking mostly white Europeans thinking in another. So in modern terms and the term modern I use in the most liberal sort of way to cover the past 270 years there has never been so much division in the bit of landmass on Earth that in recent times became known as the USA. However, trying to fix attention elsewhere is wrong.
Today is different.
Such vastly great differences of the past became irreparable issues between civilizations. Yet today we have progressed to discussion and debate and yet the full protection of gun rights. People have mostly become more civil in their discussions and debates the spoken words more of influence today than then pressure brought about by arms.
Yet, the conversations today, like then make up much of the same content. It is a conversation about continuity and survival. Today though it is about respecting the rights of those that have completely opposite views doing this in the name of those that created a system to allow for people that think differently from ourselves to be also heard and respected.
The faith that has been put into the voting process, particularly at this time and under these conditions is a first in itself.
However, both the President and President elect are actually interestingly in a very similar situation today. They have both got so many people on each side of the isle supporting them and yet equally so many in opposition to them. So in fact, both of them out of all Presidents and President elects have never had a time of more division by more people to stitch together back the country. The question is though is what is the priority here? Id the first priority the person, the democratic process or the country.
If it is the person that is first priority then recounting every vote and even holding another election or even another ten elections if necessary would be the priority. Every single concern of both sides considered.
However, if the process is the priority. Ie the format at which the country called the USA actually functions as instigated by the founding fathers. Then it is much more important to preserve ‘the institution’ of having a country that is actually ruled by the ‘We the people’ and their elected representatives. The President being someone that is an elected officer for either four or eight years is actually the head representative of ‘the people’. Therefore, the people actually referring to the entirety of the people have made their voices heard and the fact that the final numbers are not all that close in many states. The process has actually worked properly in order to indicate a clear winner in the election.
So every challenge to ‘the process’ is actually bring up more questions and is so strengthening the concept of a voter led democracy, it’s bringing it into question. So the question of was the election legitimate is actually a very disruptive question to be even asking and based upon the fact that this American democratic experiment to determine a leader for the people has been done so many times before. The question of the legitimacy of the election never questioned before.
To have had had it implied before the election of concerns over mail in fraud and yet for the actual evidence not provided is one aspect, yet to make that assertion afterwards and to try to stop the counting of votes that are legal and legitimate votes is clearly wrong. So if ‘the process’ is priority and with their not being any genuine legitimate evidence presented that would have majorly changed the vote.
For the USA to have any observors from political parties at the counting is more, much more than any other democracy. If that was the same in the UK there would be many observors from all parties which is clearly impractical. If ‘the country’ is the first priority then having a long and contentious court battle at this time over the election for the first time ever, when there are so many of the most fundamental and important pillars of all societies under such strain as today. IE food security as cited by the United Nations, Housing, business, economy, health.
Any countries first priority today should be to the people of the country and the stability of the country itself. Good, fast immediate decisions have got to be made that help the people of the country adapt to the most unprecedented disruption and changes to peoples lives experienced in a great many generations. In fact there has been more continuity of ‘everything’ for the past five generations at least that have gone before all of us.
Never before in fact has a generation of people had to change and adapt everything in the way they live their lives so much all at once.
So everyone is anxious, concerned, fearful, sad, frustrated, bereaved, upset and unsure all at the same time. Not just about this election, but about everything. Having a world where there are billions of people all feeling like this together requires an incredibly wise approach by leaders. The capacity to say that this is what was, this is what is how today do we do our best under these circumstances? The real truth is that there has never been such a strain on civilisation as now and even just one year ago this could not have been foreseen.
So when people, so many people all over the world are all of a sudden all in a heightened state of anxiety, they want continuity and assurance, they want reassurance and actually hope. Hope that has any basis of reality is more important than having all the exactly correct answers to everything.
If we were to put one single word to how most people feel right now, the word I would say is that they are ‘grieving’ grieving for what has been a wasted year in their lives at the very least Yet grieving for what was then and what is now. To progress beyond this can only be achieved by using the very best of leadership and not the worst. People desperately require authenticity in leadership.
They want to know exactly how we are getting out of this mess which is a wake up call from nature that say to us all. Not having a plan is planning for failure, not only of the experiment of the USA but the experiment of modern civlisation as we know it. You can only get away with ignoring the natural world in all it’s complexity for so long before nature reminds us what we are reminded about in every spiritual text, that we have to be good stewards to the planet in order to be able to have continuity in the world. We can take from nature, yet have to give back and if we don’t do that effectively or we try to be ‘a chancer’ with nature it is us that loses all our chances before nature does.
Delusions in terms of where the world is today in leadership is simply an impossibility. It’s simply a case of completely effective decision making now, or a risk to any and every country of simply not having what it takes to even viably continue as we have done for the past 10,000 years. So most of the countries in the world know this to be true. There have been delays upon delays with climate and that has only actually caused us to be less prepared to deal with another crisis which is Covid. It’s slowed us down with how we maintain for the most of us a viable economy, food supply chain and stable housing.
Many people work their entire lives for their homes and that concept is what capitalism has been based upon. The original authors of what became capitalism, ie the innovation of the stock market, three hundred years ago. Never knew of a set of circumstances could be created so that what people have worked for most of their lives can be ruined in a single night of bad weather. That is the reality for increasing amounts of people.
So just as Covid is a game changer that requires new viable answers. So is housing and food security, so is the way businesses operate, so too is the economy and so too is the way we keep and maintain peace in the world. There cannot be failure in any one of these areas or there is a risk to every other area. A risk to every other area is essentially game over not in terms of an election but in terms of the way in which the world as we know it and those that have gone before us obtained their security, confidence and belief in themselves and their abilities.
Putting the pieces back together after such as contentious election requires the best political strategy skill work ever required in modern times. That is not enough. It also requires the most effective instigation of those strategies. That is a bare minimum requirement of the next few years. We have to begin a new process that enables people, politics and the ways in which we answer all problems in societies improve substantially. The notion of looking back to how things were in the past is so limited it’s just simply not enough. It’s like getting a telephone repair man with the skills and expertise they had in the 1980’s to build a computer that and put that onto the internet.
In terms of the skill capacity in terms of being able to engineer society and civilization to just continue in anything close to the way it has been and yet meeting and dealing with and getting over so many new converging issues requires the best thinking on the planet, and nothing less. In fact, that is how it is and leadership in terms of the use and instigation of that work is only one part of this. L
Leaders are good talkers, yet today first and foremost what is required is exceptional thinkers that can look at all the information, all the pressures, circumstances, limitations, all data, all information and possibilities and find and define ways to make the best use of everything. In order to help charter ways forward. Leaders of countries do not have time to do that and their advisors only think in ways that are very narrow and with the primary intention of keeping their jobs.
So the true reality of today’s situation is that who is in charge is half or less of the true set of circumstances we are in. The true circumstances is who’s writing the script of how we avoid the converging crises of today? Well mostly it’s me and nobody is recognising what I’m doing which means I have had too few resources and been under too much pressure to keep up with answers consistently for the entirety of the past four years, and the reason for that is other people, leaders have wanted the credit for my work or adapt it to their own agendas which are most consistently not for the best interests of the planet and people. It’s so frequently only for the improvement of their own careers.
Covid 19 is just one of the big pressures, if we can become more resistant to this virus, make improvements in any way then there will really be reason for true celebration. Failing with Covid19 is failing with everything else too. The old adage goes feed a cold, starve a flu.
The oldest philosophers of Ancient Greece who laid the first foundations of what became modern Western Medicine knew that. President Trumps rapid recovery from Covid19 he cited ‘theraputics’ as being the answer. I sent my information to the White House of what my research in treating the virus had proven to me and that was supported by statistics and that is that food plays a part in the very differing abilities of one county to the next to be able to beat the virus. My work in this has not been presented widely publicly, yet this does correlate with the findings of Imperial College that the digestive tract acts in the body like a second immune system.
So the election in the USA is more than just about who is leading, it is more about who has the real genuine answers. My findings were called upon and used by President Obama and much more so by President Trump. However, this has not been made publicly known. The truth is that there are theraputics, foods based methods of helping people with this virus and this has not been revealed to the public. It is however, not fully proven, however the method is clearly safe as the foods are found in most supermarkets. So therefore, if this method was embraced and used there is a chance that there could be an improvement in terms of recovery.
If President Trump had had the same determination in helping people fight the virus that he has for remaining as President then he would have tried every approach to providing information about the virus and possible ways that it can be treated, that are fully tested and safe. That to date has not occurred. So whilst President Trump wants to challenge the election if the priority is to ‘the process’ of western democracy then this does not help. If the priority is for solving Covid19 then this does not help either in terms of conflicts and wars being resolved yes, however what is occurring in Iran is so serious and why there have been no concerted efforts for bringing peace when there are documents written on this, the same of which were already used is something I do not understand other than there is a type of pressure that is being created on Iran and I’m feeling on myself too to keep working in producing more content. Therefore, there is a situation of great pressure going on and nobody is actually realising that this ‘game’ is not a ‘game’ at all and if handled wrongly could be ‘game over’ over for peace and International security.
So the question is can President Trump ‘fight’ the result of this election in court and win? I would suggest not, by even challenging mailed in votes that is challenging the right of many including American Servicemen who are posted oversees from having a vote. It is also trying to take the vote away from people that are seeking to protect others due to the Covid19 pandemic by voting by post.
So this is taking the right to vote away from citizens that care for other people. So the election is actually ongoing in reality. The election is ongoing until every vote is counted.
That seemingly at this stage is going to show that Biden is even more of the Winner in this election and yet that is not to President Trump’s loss in actual fact as President Trump puts America First. Putting America First and really believing in that concept and notion is putting people that you do not agree with first as America is meant to be about United States and yet currently is divided.
Thanks giving and Christmas are going to be different enough due to Covid, add to that the uncertainty of the Presidential election. It seems like there will be many people unhappy from either one side or another. Yet, the art of being a good leader now is to allow for the country to come back together again now rather than seek to maintain a divide and disrupt situation.
It’s important to consider whether or not President Trump has really lost and what is the best outcome of the multiple cases of court litigation underway, particularly at a time of the pandemic. The fact that their is a President and a President Elect, should and could actually be beneficial as that provides two perspectives when for so many years there has only been one dominant voice in US politics.
So which really influential Americans are saying that President Trump is right in this and that the election was ‘fraudulent’? There has not been evidence presented. Yet, if it was ‘fraudulent’ then it would have to have been ‘fraudulent’ in a great many states for it to make a difference. So with senior Republicans and past Presidents such as George W Bush and President Obama speaking out. With them supported by many of the USA’s allies. So the reality is there is not a situation where the USA as a country could possibly be improved and strengthened by President Trump actually ‘winning’ cases anyway.
All in fact that would actually achieve even if President Trump could prove ‘fraud’ in every state that occurred that made it appear that he had less votes and Biden more. Even if that was possible all that would achieve is keep in power a President that would not seemingly be able to ‘heal’ the divides in the USA firstly and secondly perhaps even more important than that it would bring into question the legitimacy of Western democratic elections.
If it’s discovered that the American democratic system had not worked fairly that creates a precedent for every other democracy which are the best allies of the USA. So by questioning this election, unless there really is completely, totally and utterly overwhelming evidence that the result would have been completely different by even questioning the authenticity of the election brings into question other elections. So, the proof if there is any should be fully presented as soon as possible.
It is such an important accusation to make that perhaps the three largest US television networks should stop all programming for the next day or two and just fully present and explain exactly what the case of fraud actually really is. Then discuss this from every perspective with the leading lawyers in the USA. If there really is a legitimate case that should be presented fully and as a top priority, if not then the cases should not be taken seriously as too much is at stake in terms of all elections with these types of accusations being made if they are unfounded.
So in other words it is not actually in the interest of any democracy in the world for the election result in the USA to be any different than what it actually is, as already reported.
Elections are vitally important, they are the bedrock of both the USA and much of the world. The only alternative to having democratic elections is dictatorship and dictatorships have no place in Western democracy. They are the Anti-thesis to Freedom, Rights and even to the United States flag and name which are about the value and the importance of all the states which make up the country and their say in the running of the country.
Take away the value of the election process in the United States and you take away the constitution and if you do that then the risk is there to the second amendment and every other amendment and clause too. So I go back to writing what I have said before that the United States Constitution and the Bill of Rights are some of the most wise and enlightened documents ever written.
They are there to protect the country from dictators being able to take over the rights of the people and in order to guarantee and maintain freedom. So the protection of the constitution and actually obeying the Oath upon the inauguration in becoming President is the first duty of anyone that is elected to be President. The Constitution says: ‘The times, places and manner of holding elections for Senators and Representatives, shall be prescribed in each state by the legislature thereof; but the Congress may at any time by law make or alter such regulations.’ The use of postal votes, especially within the context of the pandemic was and is the only practical way to hold the election.
There has been years of allegations of other countries meddling in elections. To now consider and say that this is happening across the USA as a result of corruption throughout the country, with all the different states having all the different methods of holding elections, seems unlikely to have gone unnoticed for decades. For this only to have occurred in this election seems equally unbelievable.
If there was some sort of conspiracy going on in so many states as to change an election there would have to be thousands of people involved and it’s therefore clear someone would have leaked this before the election. It’s important to recognise the fact that most people working in elections are paid the minimum wage. There has not been anyone come forward that says they were working in an election and fraud had occurred and they felt they had to speak out about it. Making accusations about fraudulent elections when there is no evidence provided, no witnesses ready to testify that they were involved or saw fraud, to believe that this occurred in enough states to alter the course of an election just seems unbelievable to most people.
In this situation the first priority should be to the Constitution and to the wise words of the law. To realise that their intention in writing the Constitution in the first place was to ensure the protections of their own descendants and the country. The fact is that previous President’s ensured the constitution is held is a higher regard, more so than themselves as individuals or any of those that follow after them.
In fact Americans of all political factions should be proud of a democratic system that has worked so effectively in being able to process more votes under more difficult circumstances than ever before with the pandemic. Yes, of course it was going to be different this time and require more time than usual. The immediacy of the result not known. The mail-in ballots requiring a longer time to process.
However, if there was such ‘wide-scale irregularity and fraud’ this time in voting then it was likely the same last time and every other time. So if that’s the case then the question should be asked have any Presidents been the right ones. The answer I believe is yes and that is due to the dedication of so many people for centuries serving the Constitution as a way of life. Past Presidents, they all have and for all their successes as well as their faults the reality stands that no President even in two terms has solved as many International war and conflict situations as President Trump has in one term. However, to solve all these issues abroad is one success, yet at the same time to leave such differences in the narrative of the USA at the end of his Presidency by questioning in such a way the legality of how the entire electoral system works is not good for either him or the country or the world.
So the real best legacy of President Trump is not the economy, it’s not Covid19 either. However, the fact an effective vaccine is found is pivotal indeed.
Yet, the best has been in turning around and calming many International conflicts. So, with the enduring legacy of President Trump not being the economy, much as he would like to see it as being that.
If we are to be completely honest then the best result he did actually get for the economy was actually in saving the world’s economy. If there would have been anything other than a peaceful outcome to the situation in various International issues, it does not take much to realize that with North Korea at the most tense times firing rockets over Tokyo that the third largest stock market in the world would inevitably have come to a standstill if there would have been anything other than peace maintained in the Koreas.
Whilst President Trump has said things that shock, in terms of bringing about peaceful resolve to the most complex issues in various cases he has gone further than any other President, not by a little way but a long way. The only real wrong of his Presidency in this has been with not making proper and legitimate peace with Iran.
The voting tells us that on one hand a great many Americas want change from what President Trump has provided thus far into his Presidency, that more than 50% or more of all Americans do go along with President Biden's vision and plan for America. For President Trump to in some ways align to this and yet ensure that the gains he made for peace as President are properly understood and appreciated is a great way forward for President Trump and for the USA and the world.
Yet, people can mistakenly think that what President Biden is offering being more socially conscious must equate to that being socialism as that is wrongfully presented as the only alternative there is to capitalism. Yet, the truth is that the USA and many countries in the past three decades have become more like Corporatism than Capitalism in any case. Whilst the Scandinavian countries are more socialist than the USA has ever been or possibly ever will be. Is the internet capitalist or socialist? Which is it closer too? Some would believe one and others another.
So to some extent much does seem to be considered by the way you perceive things rather than how they actually are. Truth is just about every capitalist and every socialist concept, idea, company, cooperative or organisation embraces the internet. So it’s social network based. It’s something that President Trump has embraced so much so, it can be debated that this was central to his presidency more so than any other President. Yet, the vast base he has if they all got together and planted a few trees together would be extraordinary, incredible progress. It could be a way of bring people back together again in a way that is how it was in the past when the USA had so many vast wildernesses, yet today it could be as a way of helping the economy of tomorrow.
So whilst he has used the social network dynamic in his Presidency. Whilst he has been prepared to have conversations with leaders of the most differing political perspectives and has improved US politics by doing so. However, I believe trying to call the recount card out on the election, if it is without evidence is not in alignment with the Oath all Presidents take.
That Oath is to put the constitution and therefore the electoral process in front of their own career desires. The justifications that people have for wanting to maintain the second amendment is justified by obeying the words of the constitution. So following the constitution on one issue, yet not on another in the context of the value of elections is contradictory. Whether President Trump can find the evidence to convince the courts is one issue, yet another one is actually pushing for the media to properly represent what he has actually already achieved in bringing troops home and in preventing conflicts.
For any group of men, anywhere in the world to have written a document that has served the needs and protected the rights of people for so long maintained the integrity of the USA. Conservative voices should be seeing the maintaining of this as a priority. This is not the first election that the Republicans have lost to the Democrats, yet it’s the first election where one of those in the election has called into question the legitimacy of the election and used the term fraud. So under normal circumstances that would be the most serious of issues. Yet, today that is an issue that is coming up in the context of a pandemic when all eyes should be on the ball, the spiky ball that is wrecking havoc. There does not need to be more drama and intrigues, there has to be less. There has to be really, really effective strategy work to each and every aspect of Covid and that is should be the first considerations for both the President Trump and President Elect. Joe Biden. For President Trump to allow for a complete re-think on the virus and to set into motion new ways to deal with the virus is the best path forward for now.
I believe that if he tries to upturn the election it only creates more issues, more problems and more stress for people at a time it’s not needed. If he has evidence then that is what should be presented, if not then the very best legacy of President Trump is to know that he has achieved more in peacemaking Internationally than any other President. That if he really is the better President than Joe Biden then in four years time the voting public would see that. However, President Trump can hedge his bets by finishing off some aspects of his Presidency that he could do and by doing so align more to the needs of Americans today.
The concept of people working together in new ways outside and generating new micro scale incomes by the better use of nature through massive replanting both of climate good crops and food for their own use can help create many new cottage industries. Hundreds potentially. There is an article here on social media and health. Both are important and by people regenerating the environment it gets them out in the big outdoors.
Here is an article I recently found online. The research work being found today is in alignment with the concept of people-plaza. Ie places for people to get together help each other and help their local communities, economy and environment at the same time. To set this or any of the initiatives in this document or others up is actually very easy with having an office set up and then doing so through the help of the media and press conferences.
Internet use.
Want to stay healthy, both emotionally and physically? Researchers from UC San Diego and Yale have some simple advice for you: Limit the amount of time you spend on Facebook. While this may sound like typical anti-social media crankiness from academia, this time they have some impressive research to back up their case. Holly Shakya, assistant professor at UC San Diego, and Yale professor Nicholas Christakis spent two years following 5,208 adults who are part of a Gallup long-term study. After asking permission, they monitored these subjects' Facebook use directly from Facebook, rather than asking subjects to report their own use. (People often don't realize how much time they spend on the social network.) And they checked in with subjects on their emotional and physical well-being, as well as their body-mass index (BMI), three times over the course of two years.
"Overall, our results showed that, while real-world social networks were positively associated with overall well-being, the use of Facebook was negatively associated with overall well-being," the researchers wrote in a Harvard Business Review article. "These results were particularly strong for mental health; most measures of Facebook use in one year predicted a decrease in mental health in a later year." Yikes.
Why is too much Facebook bad for your emotional health? Previous research has shown that the social network creates a sort of false peer pressure. Since most people are cautious about posting negative or upsetting experiences on Facebook, the social network creates a misleading environment where everyone seems to be doing better and having more fun than you are. As the researchers put it, "Exposure to the carefully curated images from others' lives leads to negative self-comparison."
No comparison for the real thing.
But what of Facebook's magical ability to connect you to friends and family even when they're far away? To help you find long-lost friends and relatives? To help you keep up on what's going on with all the important people in your life? There's lots of research to show that having a social circle and an active social life and community leads to better health and greater longevity. The researchers wondered if a virtual social life and community would create the same benefits.
No, they don't, as these results make clear--in fact they have the opposite effect. In addition to negative self-comparison, the researchers note, increased use of Facebook and other social media tends to take up a lot of people's time and can create an illusion of closeness. To the extent that time spent on Facebook takes you away from real-world social gatherings, you lose the benefit of being in a community, the researchers say. The same is likely true if you're at a gathering in body, but your eyes and mind are locked on your smartphone, checking out your friends' latest posts.
So what should you do? I'm not going to tell you to stop using Facebook. You wouldn't listen to me anyway, and with so many people the world over using the network, it's impossible to just ignore it. But limit your use to no more than the hour or so each day that the average Facebook user spends on the site. And try to put down your phone more often, look up at the people around you, and join the conversation that's happening in the real world.
My own thoughts on this.
Facebook is potentially one of the best vehicles in the world for helping people engage with the environment. A combined government and Facebook effort could replant and regenerate the 50% of the worlds deforested land. It could enable people and planet to connect in new ways and help improve the environment and the economy simultaneously. What is missing is a plan and a meeting a President that recognizes that people need something beyond social media to improve their lives and opportunities. Facebook and the use of social media may have lasting effects on our health and yet as this article says people are not going to give it up. However, if Facebook was using it’s platform to encourage both companies and people to participate in large scale replanting of the environment and helping provide the link between people, seeds and land then so much could be achieved. This is good for people as it counteracts both the dependency upon virtual communication and yet adds quality of life to balance out facebook use. If Facebook and the President were working together everyone benefits. This also helps Facebook be seen not only as a communication tool between people but between people and the planet itself.
President Trump what is the best possible outcome from here.
1. US Farmers are aware of ways to improve and adapt farming to increase their production.
2. USA begins a plan to be self sufficient for hardwoods.
3. Integrated Plan links people to planting projects for benefits to them and benefits to local economies and local farming.
4. The great pacific garbage patch is converted into a resource for the USA for construction industry.
5. Rapid build house program instigated in all areas affected by extreme weather.
6. Support for those affected by extreme weather is in place for mutual help. So if anyone loses their home, they have immediate options for help and support beyond that only from their own immediate network.
7. Land that is under utilised and can create future industries is prepared for a planting program.
8. Covid 19 adaption support network created for all businesses so small and medium sized businesses support each other.
9. City regeneration spaces are defined that can help abandoned areas become a local resource to help uplift communities with high unemployment.
10. National resource bank set up to help people find their way into self employment linking people to opportunities.
This could be an Interim transition proposal and this enables the concept of making America great again get passed on. This potentially enables President Trump and President Elect Biden have not an election they can agree upon, but at least a plan that helps progress the country. The truth is that both the problems as much as the improvements go beyond simply a four year time. Both the issues of the previous administration went from The Clinton time into the George W Bush time into the Obama time and into the Trump time. By having a small list of some issues that can be agreed upon could be a good way of providing continuity and whilst President Trump and President Elect Biden may not every agree on everything. They can maybe agree on something.
A list such as the above can in theory create a middle ground from which to progress. It is not an agenda that is very left or right, it is though practical for the needs of where the people are in the USA. Whilst there is a transitional plan that is in the context of government. This type of Interim plan in terms of public initiatives could be very much of use and ensure that during the past four years and irespectively of how much Covid19 in one year changed everything there are new answers that help people progress from here. Not any of these ideas really require any funding at all. They simply require partnerships and deals with local companies.
President Trump got the most votes as a Republican President, However, if he tries to stay on if the court cases do not progress then I believe the best he can do in a situation where the US voting count in so many states found President Biden to be the winner. Even recounts can they change the significant lead that is reported for President elect Biden? What about the next vote? However, the gains made under the Trump administration in terms of starting to build peace in places there has not been this before for generations should certainly be built upon and continued I hope by a future President Biden.
What I have done is provide strategy content for almost the entirety of the Trump Administration. I have done this for various reasons. However, to explain this fully would require extensively more text. I have felt obligated to produce the content to begin with. I do not enjoy writing 100 page documents on the politics of other countries, I would instead sooner be doing something more productive and even watching television to be honest. However, my work has been used for many years in UK politics and President Obama used some for The Paris Climate Accord, then President Trump did afterwards.
My work is unaccountable, unknown by voters in the USA on either side of politics. So if there are questions of legitimacy in US politics on the difference between what is said, what is acknowledged by politicians, what is in the media and the situation I’m in then there is no other issue in US politics less known and accountable. That is until recent months. I got the very distinct feeling that there was all of a sudden far greater interest in my work than I had previously considered. I believe if the Trump Presidency tries to either create a distraction, a look over there don’t look at me, then the data that has so far been in the press and in the knowledge of the public would be less than people assume. I have repeatedly tried to be heard, yet do not get heard over the mainstream media or social media, everyone is focussed on President Trump and he has been focused on my work, using and changing that to fit his agenda.
This is of course is beyond my control as all I can say is there has been since the last year of the Trump Presidency clearly more interest.
Integrated Peace Strategist, Designer, Inventor, Policy advisor. .
1 年Thankyou for liking this article. In this article I predicted that unless there was full and complete media in terms of past peace making from 2017, there would be wars. Since then there has been not any real media on past peace making. There is the largest war in Europe since WW2, including a refugee crisis. There has been the most effective ever peace deal ever where there are two countries at war, IE the mediated Grain Deal which has helped keep the world fed. This was negotiated and agreed whilst I was in Istanbul. There has to this day been a failure to properly acknowledge peace making in The Middle East and therefore ineffective mediation that has increased conflict in The Middle East. Afghanistan's exit a major failing in planning that was the result of only reductionist media on the vital importance of peace roadmaps in the context of previous diplomacy. There has been the end to the war for the first time in more than 70 years between North and South Korea, and yet a failure to build upon the successes of 2017. In terms of delays in linking peace and climate work, there have been the following cities that have had days of nonfunction due to climatic issues. Canberra, New York, Beijing, Athens, Dubai etc.